

CDisplayInterface -- Manages displayers


#include <DisplayInterface.h>

class CDisplayInterface

    Result createDisplay(const std::string& name, const std::string& type);
    CDisplay* getDisplay(const std::string& name);
    CDisplay* getCurrentDisplay();
    bool      setCurrentDisplay(const std::string& name);
    const CDisplayCollection& getCollection() const;
    CDisplayFactory& getFactory() ;



SpecTcl maintains a CDisplayInterface object. This object understands all of the display types and how, via a CDisplayFactory it encapsulates, to create instances. In addition, the interface has the concept of a current display. This is an instance of a CDisplay that is SpecTcl's current display engine.

This class is closely allies with SpecTclDisplayManager which is derived from it (see SpecTclDisplayManager.h), and, when instantiated, stocks the display factory with an appropriate set of creator objects so that all of the known display types can be instantiated.

Adding another display is really a matter of adding a new CDisplay descendent to implement the interface between that displayer and SpecTcl, write a creator for that displayer and either by modifying SpecTclDisplayManager.cpp if you are an internals programmer or adding the desired display type to the factory if this is a user written displayer.


Result createDisplay(const std::string& name = , const std::string& type = );

Creates a display of type type, assigns it the name name and remembers it so that it can be later selected, or set ast the current display.

The factory is consulted for a creator for the display type type. The creator is then used to create the displayer which is registered within this object.

CDisplayInterface::Result is an enumerated type that returns the status of this method. Returned values are one of


If a display named name has already been created, regardless of its type.


If the factor does not know how to create a displayer of type type.


If all went well.

CDisplay* getDisplay(const std::string& name = );

Looks up the named display that was created/registered via createDisplay. If there is no matching display object, nullptr is returned.

CDisplay* getCurrentDisplay();

Returns a pointer to the current display or nullptr if no current display as been established.

bool setCurrentDisplay(const std::string& name = );

Sets the current display to be the display named by name. This display must have already been created via createDisplay. Note that name refers to the display name not type.

If no display with the requested name has been created, the method returns false, other wise it returns true.

const const CDisplayCollection& getCollection();

Returns a reference to the display collection. This is the container that has the set of created display. It will be described later.

CDisplayFactory& getFactory();

Returns a modifiable reference to the display factory. This allows additional display creators to be registered by purely user level code, supporting user written displayers.