

CAnalysisBase -- Base class for callout analyzers.


#include <CAnalysisBase.h>

class CAnalysisBase



    typedef enum _StateChangeType {

        Begin, End, Pause, Resume

    } StateChangeType;

    typedef enum _StringListType {

        PacketTypes, MonitoredVariables, RunVariables

    } StringListType;


    virtual void onStateChange(

        StateChangeType type, int runNumber, time_t absoluteTime, float runTime,

        std::string title, void* clientData


    virtual void onScalers(

        time_t absoluteTime, float startOffset, float endOffset,

        std::vector<unsigned> scalers, bool incremental, void* clientData


    virtual void onStringLists(

        StringListType type, time_t absoluteTime, float runTime,

        std::vector>std::string< strings, void* clientData


    virtual unsigned onEvent(void* pEvent, void* clientData);

    class NonFatalException : public std::runtime_error {


            explicit NonFatalException(const std::string& whatarg) :

                std::runtime_error(whatarg) {}


    class FatalException : public std::runtime_error {


            explicit FatalException(const std::string& whatarg) :

                std::runtime_error(whatarg) {}





This is the base class for all classes you can register as a callout processor with a CAnalysisEventProcessor object. It provides default, no-op implementations of all of the callback methods. It also provides useful data types and exception types.

METHODS below describes the methods and their parameters. DATA TYPES describes the data types and exception classes.


All methods described in this section have no-op implementations. This makes the class not formally abstract but it allows derived classes to only bother to implement the methods they intend to provide some actuall processing for.

virtual void onStateChange(StateChangeType type, int runNumber, time_t absoluteTime, float runTime, std::string title, void* clientData);

This method is called when a state change item is encountered. The type describes the type of state change item and its values are described in DATA TYPE below.

Basic run information is provided by the runNumber and title parameters.

"When" information is provided by the absoluteTime parameter which is the unix timestamp of the state change item. This can be manipulated by the time functions defined in <time.h>. runTime, on the other hand is the number of seconds into the run at which the state chane item was emitted.

virtual void onScalers(time_t absoluteTime, float startOffset, float endOffset, std::vector<unsigned> scalers, bool incremental, void* clientData);

This method is called by the event processor when a scaler item is encounterd. Timing is provided by absoluteTime which is a unix date/time stamp that descdribes when the item was created, startOffset which provides the number of seconds into the run at which the counting described by this item began and endOffset which is the number of seconds into the run at which the counting interval ended.

The scalers themselves are provided as a vector scalers NSCLDAQ supports either incremental or continuously counting scalers. Incremental scalers (preferred) are cleared on each read. continuosuly counting scalers are never cleared. The incremental flag is true when the scalers are incremental.

Finally, clientData is a struct that includes the data passed in when the event processor was constructed a well as a pointer to the event processor object.

virtual void onStringLists(StringListType type, time_t absoluteTime, float runTime, std::vector<std::string> strings, void* clientData);

This method is called when a string list item is encounterd. There are several types of string list items that provide documentation. The type provides the type of string list item that is being processed. Timing is provided by the absoluteTime Unix data/time stamp, while runTime is the number of seconds into the run at which this item was created.

The strings themselves have been marshalled into the strings vector. Finally clientData points to the additional data struct that contains both a pointer to the user data passed to event processor constructor and a pointer to he event processor itself.

virtual unsigned onEvent(void* pEvent, void* clientData);

Called when a physics event item is being processed. pEvent points to the event data that was passed tothe event processor's operator() method. The clientData actually points to a struct that includes the pointer passed in as client data to the event processor and a pointer to the event processor itself. The event processor implements methods to allow access to the CEvent object that the event processing pipeline is building up.


The class defines two enumerated data types and a pair of nested classes that have public access.

StateChangeType is an enumerated type that is passed into onStateChange to describe the type of state change item being processed. Possible values are: CAnalysisBase::Begin, CAnalysisBase::End, CAnalysisBase::Pause and CAnalysisBase::Resume.

StringListType is passed in to onStringLists to describe the type of string list item being processes. It has possible values: CAnalysisBase::PackteType, CAnalysisBase::MonitoredVariables and CAnalysisBase::RunVariables

Two exception classes are defined. These types are both caught by the event processing methods that invoke callouts. These classes both are derived from std::runtime_error. They are both constructed with a std::string parameter that provides the message retrieved with the class's what method.

CAnalysisBase::NonFatalException, when thrown, aborts the event processing pipleline emitting the message it was passed to stderr. SpecTcl will continue processing with the next item.

On the other hand, CAnalysisBase::FatalException when thrown emits the message it was constructed with to stderr and exits SpecTcl with an abnormal exit value.