

CTreeVariable -- Access to Tcl variables with metadata


#include <TreeParameter.h>

class CTreeVariable
  CTreeVariable(std::string name, double value, std::string units);
  CTreeVariable(const CTreeVariable& rhs);

  void Initialize(std::string name, double value, std::string units);

  operator double() const;
  CTreeVariable& operator=(double rhs);
  CTreeVariable& operator=(const CTreeVariableamp; rhs);
  CTreeVariable& operator+=(double rhs);
  CTreeVariable& operator-=(double rhs);
  CTreeVariable& operator*=(double rhs);
  CTreeVariable& operator/=(double rhs);
  double operator++(int dummy);
  CTreeVariable& operator++();
  double operator--(int dummy);
  CTreeVariable& operator--();
  std::string getName();
  double getValue();
  std::string getUnit();
  bool hasChanged();
  bool valueChanged();
  void resetChanged();
  void Bind();
  static void BindVariables(CTCLInterpreter& rInterp);
  static TreeVariableIterator begin();
  static TreeVariableIterator end();
  static TreeVariableIterator find(std::string name);
  static int size();


The CTreeVariable class provides simplified access to Tcl intepreter variables. These variables are globally scoped variables in Tcl and are defined in the interpreter that executes SpecTcl commands.

The operations provided by the class are sufficient to allow you to treat the tree variable as if it were a simple double value, transparently fetching or storing the underlying Tcl variable as needed.

Tree variables also have metadata. Specifically each tree variable can have a unit of measure property.


Constructors and initializers. As with tree parameters, tree variables support both one and two step construction.


This default constructor will require that you later invoke Initialize to complete the two step construction of the object.

CTreeVariable( std::string name, double value, std::string units);

name is the name of the Tcl variable this object is associated with. value is an initial value the variable will be given. units are the units of measure metadata to be associated with this variable.

If there is already a Tcl variable, this does not affect it. The variable will need to be bound. first. If there is already a tree variable, The previously established initial value and units override the value and units in this constructor.

A bit of information about how all this works that will help you to understand some of the pathalogical cases. Tcl supports linking a C/C++ variable to a Tcl variable. We use this, however we have to do some fancy footwork to support many to one mappings from tree variables to Tcl variables.

Associated with a tree variable name and, therefore, with all tree variable objects with the same name, is a properties object. The properties object contains the name, value and units metadata, shared between all tree variables objects with the same name. Binding at least one of the objects links the C++ variable containing the value with the Tcl variable with the same name as the tree variable's name.

Thus, unlike tree parameters, once a tree variable is constructed, it can be set, gotten, modified and queried without error. What does not happen is for anything done to the value of the tree variable to affect the Tcl variable. Binding the tree variable links the data containing the value with the Tcl variable and ensures that the Tcl variable has the current value of the tree variable.

A short code segment may be useful.

CTreeVariable t1("myvar", 1234, "arb");           // Tcl variable unchanged
CTreeVariable t2("myvar", 456, "inch");           // Tcl and tree variable unchanged.

t1 = 777;        // T1 and T2 are now 777, Tcl variable unchanged.
t2.Bind();       // Tcl variable now 777.

t1 = 0;          // Tcl, t1, and t2 vars are now 0.
CTreeVariable( const CTreeVariable& rhs);

Copy construction. This allows tree variables to be passed by value. Since, however all like named tree variables use the same underlying data, Changes to the copy constructed object will be reflected in all other like named tree variables and, if the variable is bound, in the Tcl variable.

Thus, while pass by value is legal, it has the semantics of pass by reference.

void Initialize( std::string name, double value, std::string units);

Second step of two step initialization. The parameters have the same meaning as in the one-step construction constructor.

The next set of methods are provided so that, for the most part, you can treat a CTreeVariable as if it were a Double precision variable. The main contributor to this is the operator double conversion operator. This operator allows a CTreeVariable variable in an expression to be converted to a double, supporting its use on the right hand side (as an r-value) of assignments.

const operator double();

In C++ this sort of method is called a conversion operator, or casting operator. It provides a method that allows CTreeVariable objects to be treated as double variables wherever appropriate. The method returns the value of the underlying variable. Note that if the object has not yet been bound, the value returned is the most recently set value of the object, which can differ from the Tcl variable's value.

CTreeVariable& operator=( double rhs);

Assignment operator. This is one of the operators that allows CTreeVariable objects top be used on the left hand side of assignment operations (as an l-value). The method assigns the double rhs to the value of the variable. If the object has been bound, this will be the new value of the Tcl variable. If not, this value will be held in the variable and will become the value of the Tcl variable when it is bound.

By returning a reference to the object, assignment chaining is supported, e.g. like

CTreeVariable t1("avar", 1.234, "arbitrary");
double        d1;

d1  = t1 = 5.6;             // d1 is 5.6 as is t1.

The best way to read the last statement is right to left. First the tree variable is given the value 5.6 and that assignment can be thought of as being replaced by the t1 tree variable reference.

To accomplish the assignment to d1, the operator double is used to returne the value of t1 to assign to d1

CTreeVariable& operator=( const CTreeVariableamp; rhs);

Assigns the value of the rhs tree variable to the value of this variable. Once more returning a reference to the object allows operator chaining.

CTreeVariable& operator+=( double rhs);

Like assignment, but rhs is added to the variable's value.

CTreeVariable& operator-=( double rhs);

Like assignment but rhs is subtracted from the value of the object.

CTreeVariable& operator*=( double rhs);

Like assignment but rhs multiplies the object's value.

CTreeVariable& operator/=( double rhs);

Like assignment but the value of the object is divided by the rhs.

double operator++( int dummy);

This operator is the post-increment operator. The value of the object prior to the increment is returned. Because of the binding to an underlying Tcl variable, the normal semantics of predecrementing are not possible.

Specifically normally post-increments ill return a copy of the object prior to the increment, while here a double is returned instead. In most cases you won't notice the difference.

CTreeVariable& operator++();

Pre-increment operator. The variable's value is incremented and then a reference to the object is returned.

double operator--( int dummy);

Post decrement operator. The value of the object is decremented but the value returned is the double value prior to the increment.

CTreeVariable& operator--();

Pre decrement operator. The object's value is decremented after which a reference to the decremented object is returned.

The next set of operations can be best described as queries about the object.

std::string getName();

Returns the name of the object, and hence the Tcl variable the object represents.

double getValue();

The same as operator double. The value of the object is returned.

std::string getUnit();

Returns the units of measure metadata for the object.

bool hasChanged();

Each tree variable has an associated flag that is set true when the definition of that variable has changed. This method returns the value of that flag.

The main purpose is to control which parameter definitions might need to be written to file during a state save operation.

bool valueChanged();

Each variable has a value changed flag as well that is modified when the value of the variable is modified. This is normally used to fire traces on a variable in Tcl.

void resetChanged();

Resets both changed flags described above and fires any value changed Tcl traces. Traces are used by Tk widgets to know when to update values they contain via -variable and -textvariable options. It is therefore important to ensure that these traces get fired after C++ changes to these values if there are user interface elements that display these variables.

The remainder of the methods primarily relate to bindings, the registry of variables, and the interface of the variable to its Tcl counterpart.

void Bind();

Binds this variable to the Tcl variable of the same name, creating it if necessary. The object's value will be put into the Tcl variable. If the object is already bound this is a silent No-op.

static void BindVariables( CTCLInterpreter& rInterp);

A registry is maintained of all tree variable objects. This method iterates this registry and binds all tree variables to their underlying Tcl variables. You can think of this as invoking Bind on every tree parameter.

static TreeVariableIterator begin(); , static TreeVariableIterator end(); , static TreeVariableIterator find( std::string name);

Return pointer like objects that can be used to iterate the tree varaible registry. When dereferenced, the object returns a std::pair<std::string, CTreeVariableProperties*> The first item of each pair is the name of the tree variable. The second are the set of properties that are shared between all variables of the same name.

CTreeVariableProperties will be described later in this reference section.

begin returns the iterator 'pointing' to the first object in the container. Incrementing an iterator 'points' it to the next tree variable in the container. Incrementing the iterator pointing at the last object in the container returns a value equal to that returned by end.

find returns an iterator that points to the item in the container named name. Note that since the registry contains CTreeVariableProperties objects, there won't be duplication. I there is no entry in the registry with the name, the value returned from end is returned.

static int size();

Returns the number of entries in the registry. Note that since the registry contains CTreeVariablePropertiew objects, the number of entries in the registry may be less than the number of CTreeVariable objects that have been created.