

SpecTcl -- API Singleton class.


#include <SpecTcl.h>
  static SpecTcl* getInstance();
  void addBufferDecoder(std::string                      type,
                        CAttachCommand::CDecoderCreator* creator);
  UInt_t AssignParameterId();
  CParameter* AddParameter(std::string name,
                           UInt_t Id,
                           std::string Units);
  CParameter* AddParameter(std::string name,
                           UInt_t id,
                           UInt_t scale);
  CParameter* AddParameter(std::string name,
                           UInt_t id,
                           UInt_t scale,
                           Float_t low, Float_t high,
                           std::string units);
  CParameter* RemoveParameter(std::string name);
  CParameter* FindParameter(std::string name);
  CParameter* FindParameter(UInt_t Id);
  ParameterDictionaryIterator BeginParameters();
  ParameterDictionaryIterator EndParameters();
  UInt_t ParameterCount();
  CSpectrum* CreateSpectrum(std::string Name,
                            SpectrumType_t type,
                            DataType_t dataType,
                            std::vector<std::string> parameters,
                            std::vector<UInt_t> channels,
                            std::vector<Float_t>* pLows,
                            std::vector<Float_t>* pHighs);
  CSpectrum* CreateSpectrum(std::string Name,
                            SpectrumType_t type,
                            DataType_t     dataType,
                            std::vector<std::string> xParameters,
                            std::vector<std::string> yParameters,
                            std::vector<UInt_t>      channels,
                            std::vector<Float_t>*    pLows,
                            std::vector<Float_t>*    pHighs);

  CSpectrum* CreateSpectrum(std::string           Name,
                            SpectrumType_t        type,
                            DataType_t            dataType,
                            std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > parameters,
                            std::vector<UInt_t>   channels,
                            std::vector<Float_t>* lows,
                            std::vector<Float_t>* highs);

  CSpectrum* CreateGammaSummary(std::string                      Name,
                                DataType_t                       dataType,
                                std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > parameters,
                                UInt_t                           nChannels,
                                std::vector<Float_t>*            low,
                                std::vector<Float_t>*            high);

  CSpectrum* CreateG2DDeluxe(std::string Name,
                        DataType_t     dataType,
                        std::vector<std::string> xParameters,
                        std::vector<std::string> yParameters,
                        std::vector<UInt_t>      channels,
                        std::vector<Float_t>*    pLows,
                        std::vector<Float_t>*    pHighs);

  CSpectrum* Create1D(std::string name,
                      DataType_t dataType,
                      CParameter& parameter,
                      UInt_t channels);
  CSpectrum* Create1D(std::string name,
                      DataType_t dataType,
                      CParameter& parameter,
                      UInt_t channels,
                      Float_t lowLimit, Float_t hiLimit);
  CSpectrum* Create2D(std::string name,
                      DataType_t dataType,
                      CParameter& xParameter,
                      CParameter& yParmaeter,
                      UInt_t xChannels, UInt_t yChannels);
  CSpectrum* Create2D(std::string name,
                      DataType_t dataType,
                      CParameter& xParameter, CParameter& yParameter,
                      UInt_t xChannels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh,
                      UInt_t yChannels, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);
  CSpectrum* CreateG1D(std::string name,
                       DataType_t dataType,
                       std::vector<CParameter> parameters,
                       UInt_t channels);
  CSpectrum* CreateG1D(std::string name,
                       DataType_t dataType,
                       std::vector<CParameter> parameters,
                       UInt_t channels,
                       Float_t lowLimit,
                       Float_t hiLimit);
  CSpectrum* CreateG2D(std::string name,
                       DataType_t dataType,
                       std::vector<CParameter> parameters,
                       UInt_t xChannels, UInt_t yChannels);
  CSpectrum* CreateG2D(std::string name,
                       DataType_t dataType,
                       std::vector<CParameter> parameters,
                       UInt_t xChannesl, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh,
                       UInt_t yChannesl, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);
  CSpectrum* CreateBit(std::string name,
                       DataType_t dataType,
                       CParameter& parameter,
                       UInt_t channels);
  CSpectrum* CreateBit(std::string name,
                       DataType_t dataType,
                       CParameter& parameter,
                       UInt_t channels, UInt_t lowBit);
  CSpectrum* CreateSummary(std::string name,
                           DataType_t dataType,
                           std::vector<CParameter> parameters,
                           UInt_t channels);
  CSpectrum* CreateSummary(std::string name,
                           DataType_t dataType,
                           std::vector<CParameter> parameters,
                           UInt_t nChannels, Float_t low, Float_t high);

  CSpectrum* CreateGamma2DD(std::string name,
                            DataType_t dataType,
                            std::vector<CParameter> xParameters,
                            std::vector<CParameter> yParameters,
                            UInt_t xChannels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh,
                            UInt_t yChannels, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);
  CSpectrum* Create2DSum(std::string name,
                         DataType_t  dataType,
                         std::vector<CParameter> xParameters,
                         std::vector<CParameter> yParameters,
                         UInt_t xChans, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh,
                         UInt_t yChans, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);
  CSpectrum* CreateStripChart(std::string name,
                              DataType_t  dataType,
                              CParameter  counts,
                              CParameter  time,
                              UInt_t      channels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh);

  // Manipulate the spectrum dictionary:

  void AddSpectrum(CSpectrum& spectrum);
  CSpectrum* RemoveSpectrum(std::string name);
  CSpectrum* FindSpectrum(std::string name);
  CSpectrum* FindSpectrum(UInt_t id);
  SpectrumDictionaryIterator SpectrumBegin();
  SpectrumDictionaryIterator SpectrumEnd();
  UInt_t SpectrumCount();

  void addSpectrumDictionaryObserver(SpectrumDictionaryObserver* observer);
  void removeSpectrumDictionaryObserver(SpectrumDictionaryObserver* observer);

  // Misc spectrum utilities:

  void ClearSpectrum(std::string name);
  void ClearAllSpectra();

  // Create gates of various types:

  CGate* CreateGate(CGateFactory::GateType gateType,
                    std::vector<std::string> names);
  CGate* CreateGate(CGateFactory::GateType gateType,
                    std::vector<std::string> parameters,
                    std::vector<FPoint> points);
  CGate* CreateGate(CGateFactory::GateType   gateType,
                    std::vector<FPoint>      points,
                    std::vector<UInt_t> parameters);
  CGate* CreateGate(CGateFactory::GateType gateType,
                    std::vector<std::string> rparameters,
                    long comparison);
  CGate* CreateTrueGate();
  CGate* CreateFalseGate();
  CGate* CreateBand(std::string xparameter, std::string yparameter,
                    std::vector<FPoint> points);
  CGate* CreateContour(std::string xParameter, std::string yParameter,
                       std::vector<FPoint> points);
  CGate* CreateBandContour(std::string firstBand, std::string secondBand);
  CGate* CreateNotGate(std::string name);
  CGate* CreateAndGate(std::vector<std::string> gateNames);
  CGate* CreateOrGate(std::vector<std::string> gateNames);
  CGate* CreateCut(std::string parameter, Float_t low, Float_t high);
  CGate* CreateGammaCut(Float_t low, Float_t high, std::vector<std::string> constituents);
  CGate* CreateGammaBand(std::vector<FPoint> points,
                         std::vector<std::string> constituents);
  CGate* CreateGammaContour(std::vector<FPoint> points,
                            std::vector<std::string> constituents);
  CGate* CreateMaskEqualGate(std::vector<std::string> rParameterName,
                             long Compare);
  CGate* CreateMaskAndGate(std::vector<std::string> rParameterName,
                             long Compare);
  CGate* CreateMaskNotGate(std::vector<std::string> rParameterName,
                             long Compare);

  // Gate dictionary manipulation:

  void AddGate(std::string name, CGate* gate);
  void DeleteGate(std::string gateName);
  void ReplaceGate(std::string gateName, CGate& newGate);
  CGateContainer* FindGate(std::string gateName);
  CGateDictionaryIterator GateBegin();
  CGateDictionaryIterator GateEnd();
  UInt_t GateCount();

  void addGateDictionaryObserver(CGateObserver* observer);
  void removeGateDictionaryObserver(CGateObserver* observer);

  void ApplyGate(std::string gateName, std::string spectrumName);

  // Manipulating the event processor pipeline.

  void AddEventProcessor(CEventProcessor& eventProcessor,
                         const char* name = 0);
  CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator FindEventProcessor(std::string name);
  CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator FindEventProcessor(CEventProcessor& processor);
  void InsertEventProcessor(CEventProcessor& processor,
                            CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator where,
                            const char*  name = 0);
  void RemoveEventProcessor(std::string name);
  void RemoveEventProcessor(CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator here);
  UInt_t ProcessingPipelineSize();
  CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator ProcessingPipelineBegin();
  CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator ProcessingPipelineEnd();

  void AddSpectrumFormatter(std::string name, CSpectrumFormatter& formatter);

  void AddEventSink(CEventSink& sink, const char* name = 0);
  CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator FindEventSink(std::string sinkName);
  CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator FindEventSink(CEventSink& sink);
  void InsertEventSink(CEventSink& sink, CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator here,
                       const char* name = 0);
  CEventSink* RemoveEventSink(std::string name);
  CEventSink* RemoveEventSink(CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator here);
  UInt_t EventSinkPipelineSize();
  CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator EventSinkPipelineBegin();
  CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator EventSinkPipelineEnd();

  void               createFilter(std::string name, CGatedEventFilter* pFilter);
  CGatedEventFilter* findFilter(std::string name);
  bool               filterExists(CGatedEventFilter* pFilter);
  void               deleteFilter(CGatedEventFilter* pFilter);
  void               deleteFilter(std::string filterName);
  void               addFilterOutputFormat(CFilterOutputStageCreator& creator);

  // Expose the guts for the really curious and those who need more
  // than we can offer.

  CTCLInterpreter*    getInterpreter();
  CHistogrammer*      GetHistogrammer();
  CTclAnalyzer*       GetAnalyzer();
  CEventSinkPipeline* GetEventSinkPipeline();
  CDisplayInterface *GetDisplayInterface();
  void SetDisplayInterface(CDisplayInterface& rInterface);
  std::vector<UInt_t>      parameterIds(std::vector<std::string> names);




SpecTcl is a singleton class that provides an application programming interface to the functions SpecTcl considers public. While every method in this class is available in some way as a public method in some other SpecTcl class, this set of interfaces is gauranteed to remain avaiable through modifications to SpecTcl's internal structures and algorithms.

As a singleton, the constructor and destructor of this class are declared as private. Use the getInstance method to obtain a pointer to the single instance of this class.


static SpecTcl* getInstance();

Returns a pointer to the singleton instance of this class. This is the only supported way to get an instance of this class. Any two calls to getInstance will return the same value.

There is no gaurantee that an instance of this class will exist until the first call to this method.

void addBufferDecoder( std::string type, CAttachCommand::CDecoderCreator* creator);

Adds a new buffer decoder to SpecTcl. type is a format type value that can be given to attach -format. creator is an instance of a class that knows how to create a buffer decoder that can unravel the data in event files of the form specified by type

The programming guide contains a chapter that describes buffer decoders, what they are for, how to write one and add it to the SpecTcl attach command.

UInt_t AssignParameterId();

Each SpecTcl parameter must have a unique id. This id is an integer index into the flat parameter array that SpecTcl uses to drive its gate checking and histogramming. This method allocates a new, unique parameter id.

This method should never return the same integer twice. You can not gaurantee that values from this method will be sequential although they mostly will be. Specifically, AssignParameterId will not assign a parameter Id that's already been assigned.

Imagine, for example, that this method just returned 1234. Suppose further a SpecTcl command or script line looked like: parameter somename 1235. The next call to AssignParameterId will not return 1235 but an integer that has not already been associated with a parameter.

CParameter* AddParameter( std::string name, UInt_t Id, std::string Units);

Adds a new parameter definition to SpecTcl. This method is the simplest way to add a parameter. name is the name to be givent to the new parameter. It is an error to assign the same name to two parameters.

Id is the new parameter's id. This usually should be a value gotten from a call to AssignParameterId.

Units are the units of measure to assign to assign to the parameter. This can be an empty string if the parameter does not have an appropriate unit of measure (e.g. a raw ADC value).

The method's return value is a pointer to the new CParameter object created and entered in the SpecTcl parameter dictionary.

CParameter* AddParameter( std::string name, UInt_t id, UInt_t scale);

Adds a new parameter definition. All of the parameters are the same as the previous overload for this method except that scale is the number of bits used by the parameter. This is suitable for use with e.g. raw ADC values.

As with all AddParameter overloads, the return value is a pointer to the new CParameter object that was created and entered in the parameter dictionary.

CParameter* AddParameter( std::string name, UInt_t id, UInt_t scale, Float_t low, Float_t high, std::string units);

Another overload that adds a new parameter to SpecTcl. low and high define range limits for the parameter. These define a mapping from raw parameter space to some world coordinate space. The value 0 maps to low and the value 2**scale - 1 maps to high.

In general, it is better to use tree parameters and compute the actual value of the parameter than to use this confusing mapped parameter scheme. This scheme came into being for SpecTcl-2.0 and is only retained for compatibility with existing SpecTcl code. It is normally used in conjunction with Mapped spectra.

As with all overloads of AddParameter, the return value is a pointer to the CParameter object this call created.

CParameter* RemoveParameter( std::string name);

If a parameter named name has been defined it is removed from SpecTcl's parameter dictionary and a pointer to a dynamically allocated copy of that CParameter object is returned. The caller must delete that object to prevent memory leaks.

If there is no parameter named name in the parameter dictionary, a null pointer is returned from this method.

CParameter* FindParameter( std::string name);

Locates and returns a pointer to the parameter object named name. If there is no matching parameter, a null pointer is returned. Note that this is a pointer to the actual parameter in the SpecTcl parameter dictionary and any changes to it are reflected in the analysis SpecTcl performs.

CParameter* FindParameter( UInt_t Id);

Returns a pointer to a parameter given its Id. If no parameter has that id, the method returns a null pointer.

ParameterDictionaryIterator BeginParameters(); , ParameterDictionaryIterator EndParameters();

These two methods support iteration of the SpecTcl parameter dictionary. BeginParameters returns an iterator that acts like a pointer to the first element of the parameter dictionary. ParameterDictionaryIterator objects support being incremented. When incremented, the "point" to the next dictionary element. When the last element in the dict has been pointed to, incrementing an iterator gives it the value returned by EndParameters.

The ParameterDictionaryIterator is an STL std::pair<std::string, CParameter> where the first element of the pair is the name of the parameter and the second is a copy of the CParameter with that name.

Iteration is only good for read-only access to the parameters as iterators 'point' to copies rather than references or pointers to the actual items in the dictionary.

UInt_t ParameterCount();

CSpectrum* CreateSpectrum( std::string Name, SpectrumType_t type, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<std::string> parameters, std::vector<UInt_t> channels, std::vector<Float_t>* pLows, std::vector<Float_t>* pHighs);

Creats a new histogram and returns a pointer to it. The new spectrum has been dynamically created and must, eventually, be destroyed with delete.

For SpecTcl's histogramming core and command set to know about the new spectrum it must be passed to AddSpectrum (see below). If this is not done, the caller has created a spectrum that can be used by them but is invisible to SpecTcl.

Name specifies a new name to give to the spectrum. If the spectrum will be entered in the spectrum dictionary, this name must not have been given to any other spectrum in the spectrum dictionary.

type is the type of the spectrum. This can be any value that the enumerated type SpectrumType_t can take and determines the type of the spectrum. Note that we recommend that rather than using this method to create a spectrum you use one of the more specific creators documented below.

type, is the data type for each channel of the spectrum. This can be one of keLong (recommended), keWord or keByte, and determines how many counts a spectrum channel can have before the channel rolls over.

parameters is a vector of the names of parameters that will be used by the spectrum. Note that some spectrum types may need to specify x and y parameter lists, see below.

parameters specifies the parameters used by the spectrum. The use of only a single parameter list means this can only be used to create spectra that don't need to differentiate between X and Y parameters, such as 1D, gamma-1, gamma-2, summary spectra etc.

channels is a vector of one or two channel counts for the x and optional y axis.

pLows and pHighs are pointers to vectors of the low and high limits for each axis respectively. There must be the same number of pHighs as pLows.

CSpectrum* CreateSpectrum( std::string Name, SpectrumType_t type, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<std::string> xParameters, std::vector<std::string> yParameters, std::vector<UInt_t> channels, std::vector<Float_t>* pLows, std::vector<Float_t>* pHighs);

Anothr method to create a generic spectrum. The difference between this and the previous overload is that xParameters and yParameters allow specification of a set of parameters for the X and Y axes as are needed for e.g. 2-d Spectra, 2-d Sum spectra or Gamma Deluxe (particle-gamma) spectra.

Similarly, pLows and pHighs provides a set of limits for all axes. The channels vector can have channel counts for both axes. These are vectors to allow for future expansion in the SpecTcl spectrum types

CSpectrum* CreateSpectrum( std::string Name, SpectrumType_t type, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > parameters, std::vector<UInt_t> channels, std::vector<Float_t>* lows, std::vector<Float_t>* highs);

Provides a spectrum creator for when parameters must come as a vector of vectors. For example for a gamma summary spectrumw where each X channel of the spectrum may require more than one parameter.

The next several methods create specific types of spectra. They are the recommended way to create spectra. Usually the generic methods above are a bit harder to use.

CSpectrum* CreateGammaSummary( std::string Name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > parameters, UInt_t nChannels, std::vector<Float_t>* low, std::vector<Float_t>* high);

Creates a gamma summary spectrum. A gamma summary spectrum, is a two dimensional spectrum whose vertical channel strips are each a gamma spectrum. parameters are a vector of parameters for each X channel (vertical strip). The outer vector index is a channel number and the inner vector the set of parameters on that strip.

The nChannels parameter is the number of parameters in the Y direction as the number of X channels is determined by the size of the outer vector of parameters. The low and high vectors are the low and high limits of each vertical strip in the parameter space of the parameters that are histogrammed on it.

CSpectrum* CreateG2DDeluxe( std::string Name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<std::string> xParameters, std::vector<std::string> yParameters, std::vector<UInt_t> channels,, std::vector<Float_t>* pLows, std::vector<Float_t>* pHighs);

Creates a gamma deluxe spectrum. This is a spectrum multiply incremented spectrum with separate x and y parameters sets. The spectrum is incremented for each pair of parameters present in the spectrum. channels is a two element vector containing, in order, the number of channels on the X and Y axis.

pLows and pHighs are both two element vectors that specify, in order, the low and high parameter space limits of the X and Y axis.

CSpectrum* Create1D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter& parameter, UInt_t channels);

Creates a 1-d spectrum. parameter is the parmeter histogrammed and the X axis will have channels channels. In this overload, the range of the parameter histogrammed will be [0, channels).

CSpectrum* Create1D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter& parameter, UInt_t channels, Float_t lowLimit, Float_t hiLimit);

Creates a 1-D spectrum where lowLimit hiLimit and channels define a transformation between parameter and spectrum channel space. This transformation is: channel = ((parameter- lowLimit)*channels(hiLimit-lowLimit)). This provides a uniform mapping of the interval [lowLimit, hiLimit) to [0, channels).

CSpectrum* Create2D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter& xParameter, CParameter& yParmaeter, UInt_t xChannels, UInt_t yChannels);

Creates a 2-d spectrum with 1:1 parameter:channel space mapping. xParameter is on the X axis and yParameter on the Y. There are xChannels on the X axis that map to the xParameter value range [0, xChannels). There are yChannels on the Y axis that map the yParameter value range [0, yChannels).

CSpectrum* Create2D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter& xParameter, CParameter& yParameter, UInt_t xChannels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh, UInt_t yChannels, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);

Creates a 2-d spectrum with parameter to channel mappings that are not identities. xChannels, xLow and xHigh determine the mapping of the X parameter to channels on the X axis. yChannels, yLow and yHigh determine the mapping of the Y parameter to channels on the Y axis.

The mapping is linear for both parameters.

CSpectrum* CreateG1D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> parameters, UInt_t channels);

Creates a gamma-1d spectrum. The spectrum increments for all parameters present in the event. This method creates a spectrum with a unit mapping between parameter and X axis channel space. Thus values from [0, channels) are histogrammed.

CSpectrum* CreateG1D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> parameters, UInt_t channels, Float_t lowLimit, Float_t hiLimit);

Creates a gamma-1D spectrum with potentially non unit mappings between the parameter coorinates and spectrum channels. lowLimit, hiLimit and channels define a uniform mapping between parameter coordinates in the range [lowLimit, hiLimit) and the channel coordinates [0, channels).

CSpectrum* CreateG2D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> parameters, UInt_t xChannels, UInt_t yChannels);

Creates a 2-d gamma spectrum with unit mapping between the parameters for both the X and Y axis. xChannels is the n umber of axes on the X axis and yChannels the number of channels on the Y axis.

CSpectrum* CreateG2D( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> parameters, UInt_t xChannels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh, UInt_t yChannels, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);

Creates a gamma 2d spectrum with potentially non unit mappings between parameter and spectrum axis space. The mapping on the X axis is determined by xChannels, xLow and xHigh such that the parameter space [xLow, xHigh) is mapped linearly to [0, xChannels). The mapping on the Y axis is similarly determined by yChannels, yLow and yHigh.

CSpectrum* CreateBit( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter& parameter, UInt_t channels);

Creates a bit map spectrum. Bit map spectra are incremented once for every bit set in the parameter. There are channels channels in the spectrum, one for each bit that you want monitored.

CSpectrum* CreateBit( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter& parameter, UInt_t channels, UInt_t lowBit);

Creates a bit map spectrum that covers channels bits of the parameters beginning with the low bit designated by lowBit.

CSpectrum* CreateSummary( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> parameters, UInt_t channels);

Creates a summary spectrum. A summary spectrum is a 2-d spectrum whose vertical strips (defined by a single x channel) are 1-d spectra. Summary spectra make monitoring a set of similar detectors easy. parameters are the set of parameters to histogram and define the number of x channels (one for each parameter). channels defines the number of y channels. This method defines a unit mapping between parameter values and Y channels.

CSpectrum* CreateSummary( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> parameters, UInt_t nChannels, Float_t low, Float_t high);

Creates a summary spectrum on the parameters. This spectrum will have a mapping from parameter to spectrum y channel coordinates that is a linear map from parameter coordinates in the range [low, high) to channel coordinates [0, nChannels).

CSpectrum* CreateGamma2DD( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> xParameters, std::vector<CParameter> yParameters, UInt_t xChannels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh, UInt_t yChannels, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);

Creates a gamma 2d deluxe spectrum. This type of spectrum increments for all combinations of pairs of xParameters and yParameters that are defined in the event. The mapping between parameter and channel coordinates is lineary but not necessarily unity.

xChannels, xLow, and xHigh define a linear mapping between parameter X parameter values in the range [xLow, xHigh) and [0, xChannels) on the X axis. On the Y axis a similar mapping is defined by: yChannels, yLow, and yHigh

CSpectrum* Create2DSum( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, std::vector<CParameter> xParameters, std::vector<CParameter> yParameters, UInt_t xChans, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh, UInt_t yChans, Float_t yLow, Float_t yHigh);

Creates a 2-d sum spectrum. This spectrum is essentially the spectrum that would result from summing 2-d spectra on xParameters[0], yParameters[0], ... The mapping from parameter to channel space in both X and Y is defined in the usual way using the low, high and channel count parameters.

CSpectrum* CreateStripChart( std::string name, DataType_t dataType, CParameter counts, CParameter time, UInt_t channels, Float_t xLow, Float_t xHigh);

Creates a strip chart spectrum. Strip chart spectra plot the time parameter value against the accumulated counts parameter. xLow and xHigh are an initial range the X axis covers in the time parameter.

If the time parameter value is outside the range of the current X axis limits, the X axis will be shifted to cover that new value. The range covered will be the same as before, however. This shift provides the strip chart functionality that gives this spectrum its name. Note that currently, there's no command or user interface method to shift the spectrum back to its original range, however the axis can shift backwards if the time value is before the current left limit of the spectrum, which effectively provides this functionality automatically.

Note that data shifted off the edge of the spectrum is lost. Note as well that data are cumulative, thus if the binning is such that two time values fall in the same channel, the resulting channel value will be the sum of the two counts parameters for those two events (summed with any prior value that channel might have).

void AddSpectrum( CSpectrum& spectrum);

Adds a spectrum to SpecTcl's spectrum dictionary. There cannot be a spectrum with this name in the dictionary else an exception will be thrown.

CSpectrum* RemoveSpectrum( std::string name);

Remove the spectrum named name from the SpecTcl spectrum dictionary. The spectrum no longer exists from SpecTcl's point of view. If the spectrum was produced by one of the methods above, you need to delete to free it to avoid memory leaks.

CSpectrum* FindSpectrum( std::string name); , CSpectrum* FindSpectrum( UInt_t id);

Attemts to locate the spectrum named name, or has the id id, in SpecTcl's spectrum dictionary. A pointer to the spectrum object is returned if found or a null pointer is returned if there no spectrum matching the name.

SpectrumDictionaryIterator SpectrumBegin(); , SpectrumDictionaryIterator SpectrumEnd();

These methods support iteration through the SpecTcl spectrum dictionary. SpectrumDictionaryIterator objects are pointer like objecs. They 'point' to a std::pair<td::string, CSpectrum*>.

The first item of each pair is the name of the spectrum. The second itesm is a pointer to the spectrum with that name.

SpectrumDictionaryIterator objects can be incremented (operator++). Incrementing an iterator 'points' it to the next object in the container.

SpectrumBegin points to the first object in the dictionary. Iterating through the dictionary has finishe when incrementing produces the value returned by SpectrumEnd.

UInt_t SpectrumCount();

Returns the numbr of entries in the SpecTcl spectrum dictionary.

void addSpectrumDictionaryObserver( SpectrumDictionaryObserver* observer);

Adds a new observer to the spectrum dictionary. See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern for information about the observer pattern and observers.

Spectrum dictionary observers derived from the CDictionaryObserver templated class (defined in Dictionary.h). They have a onAdd, called when a new entry is added to the dictionary, and a method called onRemove called when an entry is removed from the dictionary.

Both obserer entries are passed two parameters. The first is an std::string that holds the name of the spectrum being added or removed/ The secod i a a CSpectrum reference which is a reference to the spectrum being added or removed.

void removeSpectrumDictionaryObserver( SpectrumDictionaryObserver* observer);

Removes a spectrum dictinoary observer from the list of observer methods. The observer object is no longer called.

void ClearSpectrum( std::string name);

Clears the spectrum named name. If there is no spectrum named name, an exception (CDictionaryException).

void ClearAllSpectra();

Iterates through the spectrum dictionary zeroing the spectra.

The next set of methods manipulate gates and the gate dictionary. Note that as with Spectra, the act of creating a gate is separate from the act of making it known to SpecTcl's commands and histogramming core by entering it into a gate dictionary.

CGate* CreateGate( CGateFactory::GateType gateType, std::vector<std::string> names);

Creates a new compound gate whose dependent gates are names. Legal gate types for this method are And, bandcontour, Not, Or, trueg, falseg or deleted.

Note that for trueg, falseg or deleted, the names vector must be empty.

Note that the gate has no name. It is given its name when AddGate.

The method returns a pointer to the new, dynamically create gate object.

CGate* CreateGate( CGateFactory::GateType gateType, std::vector<std::string> parameters, std::vector<FPoint> points); , CGate* CreateGate( CGateFactory::GateType gateType, std::vector<FPoint> points, std::vector<UInt_t> parameters);

Creates a primitive gate. parameters are the names of the parameters the gate is defined on. points are x/y points that define the gate. gateType can be any gate that requires a set of points.

The second form of this method provides the parameters vector as a vector of parameter ids rather than names.

CGate* CreateGate( CGateFactory::GateType gateType, std::vector<std::string> rparameters, long comparison);

Creates a bit mask gate of the type specified by gateType. rparameters specifies the parameters required for the gate. comparison is the type of comparison to perform.

CGate* CreateTrueGate();

Creates a true gate. A true gate is true for every event regardless of the set of parameters defined by that event or their values.

CGate* CreateFalseGate();

Creates a false gate. False gates are false for all events regardless of the parameters defined by an event and its values.

CGate* CreateBand ( std::string xparameter, std::string yparameter, std::vector<FPoint> points);

Defines a band gate. A band gate is defined on a pair of parameters. xparameter defines the x coordinate of a point in two dimensional space while yparameter defines the y coordinate. Both parameters must be present and the point defined by them must be below the polyline defined by the array of points.

CGate* CreateContour( std::string xparameter, std::string yparameter, std::vector<FPoint> points);

Defines a contour gate. The parameters have the same meaning as for CreateBand, however the gate is true for events only if both xparameter and yparameter are present and the resulting point falls inside the closed shape defined by pointts

For pathalogical closed shapes, note that inside-ness is defined by the odd crossing rule. This means that if you draw a ray from the point defined by the event in any direction, the point is inside if an odd number of edges of the shape are crossed and outside if an even number are crossed. This provides a consistent definition of inside-ness reagardless of how pathalogically shaped the contour is.

CGate* CreateBandContour( std::string firstBand, std::string secondBand);

Creates a contour by joining together the endpoints of the two band firstBand and secondBand. An exception is thrown if these two gates are not bands. The resulting gate is really a contour and not a compound gate.

This gate is useful for detectors that produce a particle id spectrum that looks like a set of hyperbolae. One can draw bands between each of the particle groups an then form particle ID groups by creating contours from adjacent gates.

The intent is that if firstBand is upper and secondBand lower, the resulting gate is essentially firstBand and not secondBand, however the joining of the end points together may slightly violate that expression near the gate edges.

CGate* CreateNotGate( std::string name);

Creates a not gate using name as the dependent gate. The resulting gate is true only for events for which the gate name is false. For all other events it is false.

CGate* CreateAndGate( gateNames gateNames);

Creates an And gate using gateNames as the gate's dependent gates. This gate is only true if all of the gates in gateNames are true.

CGate* CreateOrGate( std::vector<std::string> gateNames);

Creates an or gate whose dependent gates are gateNames. This gate is only true for events in which at least of the gates in gateNames is also true.

CGate* CreateCut( std::string parameter, Float_t low, Float_t high);

Creates a gate that is a cut on parameter. The cut is defined by the x coorinates of low and high. The gate is true only if it defines parameter and the value is between low and high

CGate* CreateGammaCut( Float_t low, Float_t high, std::vector<std::string> parameters);

Creates a gamma cut. The cut is defined by low and high. The parameters involved in the gate are parameters.

The gamma cut is intended to be applied to a gamma spectrum as a fold. Folds are a mechanism to untangle sequential decay cascades. If this gate is applied as a fold to a gamma spectrum, the spectrum is incremented if at least one parameter satisfies the gate and is incremented for all parameters that are not in the gate. The resulting histogram's peaks are those gamma rays that are emitted in coincidence with the gamma ray energy in the peak the gate is set on.

CGate* CreateGammaBand( std::vector<FPoint> points, std::vector<std::string> parameters);

Creates a gamma band. This is also intended to be used as a fold in which case the spectrum is incremented only for pairs of parameters that do not satisfy the gate. Gamma bands are probably not as useful as gamma contours since 2-d Gamma spectra tend to make lumps out of pairs of gamma rays that are emitted in coincidence.

CGate* CreateGammaContour( std::vector<FPoint> points, std::vector<std::string> parameters);

Creates a gamma contour from the points defined on the parameters parameters. This is intended to be used as a fold.

CGate* CreateMaskEqualGate( std::vector<std::string> rParameterName, long Compare);

Creates a mask-equality gate. The gate will be true for events that define rParameterName and for which the value of that parameter will be equal to Compare

CGate* CreateMaskAndGate( std::vector<std::string> rParameterName, long Compare);

Creates a mask and gate. The gate will be true for events that define rParameterName and for which the value of that parameter, when bitwise anded with Compare is the same as Compare. That is, the parameter has (among others) all bits set that Compare has set.

CGate* CreateMaskNotGate( std::vector<std::string> rParameterName, long Compare);

Creates a Mask not gate. This gate is defined for all events that define rParameterName but for which the value of that parameter has all bits set which are not set in Compare.

The next set of methods manipulate the gate dictionary. Note that the gate creation methods above create the gate but don't enter it into the gate dictionary. To make the gate known to SpecTcl, you must do this by invoking AddGate below.

void AddGate( std::string name, CGate* gate);

Associates the gate name name with the gate gate and tries to add it to the gate dictionary. If a gate by this name already exists; the method throws a CDictionaryException exception.

Note that once a gate is known to exist, its definition can be modified by ReplaceGate below.

void DeleteGate ( std::string gateName);

Deletes the gate named gateName from the gate dictionary. Note that in order for objects that depend on the gate to behave in a well determined manner, the gate is not actually deleted, but replaced with a false gate.

void ReplaceGate( std::string gateName, CGate& newGate);

Replaces the gate gateName with a new gate definition newGate. The use of CGateContainer objects allows this replacement to happen transparently with respect to dependent gates, spectra to which the gate is applied and spectra folded on the gate.

If gateName does not exist a CDictionaryException is thrown.

CGateContainer* FindGate( std::string gateName);

Finds the gate gateName in the gate dictionary. If found, a pointer to its gate container is returned. If not found, a null pointer is returned.

A CGateContainer is a pointer like object that acts like a pointer to an underlying gate. Gate containers are an additional level of indirection that allow spectra and other gates that depend on a gate to be blissfully unaware of when their gate definitions change.

You can think of the gate container as encapsulating the real gate. What methods like DeleteGate and ReplaceGate do is replace the gate that is encapsulated by the gate container.

CGateDictionaryIterator GateBegin(); , GateDictionaryIterator GateEnd();

Supports iteration in the gate dictionary. The CGateDictionaryIterator is a pointer like object that points to an std::pair<std::string, CGateContainer> object.

The first element of the pair is the name of the gate while the second element is the gate container for the gate. Iteration is accomplished by getting an iterator to the first dictionary element via a call to GateBegin. Successive elements of the dictionary are visited by incrementing the iterator. When the last element is visited, incrementing the iterator returns the value returned by GateEnd.

UInt_t GateCount();

Returns a count of the number of elements in the gate dictionary.

void addGateDictionaryObserver( CGateObserver* observer); , void removeGateDictionaryObserver ( CGateObserver* observer);

These two methods provide an observer interface to the Gate dictionary. See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern for information about the observer pattern and observers.

addGateDictionaryObserver adds the specfied observer to the list of gate observers called by the gate dictionary while removeGateDictionaryObserver removes observer from that list.

A CGateObserver object has the following methods:

virtual void onAdd( std::string name, CGateContainer& item);

Called when an entry is added to the dictionary. name is the name of the new gate and item is the gate container for the new item being added.

virtual void onRemove( std::string name, CGateContainer& item);

Called if an entry is removed from the dictionary. In normal use this is never invoked as gates are never deleted, only modified.

virtual void onChange( std::string name, CGateContainer& gateContainer);

Called when a gate has been changed. gateContainer is the new gate container.

void ApplyGate( std::string gateName, std::string spectrumName);

The next set of methods are responsible for managing the event processor pipeline. The event processing pipeline is a sequence of objects that are responsible for taking a raw event and transforming it into a set of parameteres that can be analyzed by the event sink pipeline. Each stage of the pipeline has access to the raw event as well as the set of parameters previous stages have unpacked.

void AddEventProcessor ( CEventProcessor& eventProcessor, const char* name = 0);

Adds an event processor eventProcessorto the end of the event processing pipeline. If name is not a null pointer, it is used as the name of the event processor. If it is null (not recommended but supported for backwards compatibility), a unique event processor name will be assigned.

CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator FindEventProcessor( std::string name);

Given the name of an event processor, returns an iterator to it. If the name is not found, the value that is normally returned from ProcessingPipelineEnd is returned (see below).

A CTclAnalyzer::EventprocessorIterator is a pointer like object. We'll say more about it when we look at support for iteration. At this point in time it suffices to know that it can be treated as if it were a pointer to a std::pair<std::atring, CEventProcessor*> where the first element of the pair is the name of the event processor pointed to by the second element

CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator FindEventProcessor( CEventProcessor& processor);

Finds an event processor in the event processing pipeline given a reference to the event processor object itself.

void InsertEventProcessor(( CEventProcessor& processor, CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator where, const char* name = 0);

Inserts an event processor (processor) in the event processing pipeline at the position prior to that indicated by where. The event processor will be called name unless that parameter is a null pointer in which case a unique name will be assigned to it.

Note that where is a CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator, an iterator in the STL sense of the term. For more information about it, see ProcessingPipelineBegin and ProcessingPipelineEnd below.

void RemoveEventProcessor( std::string name);

Removes the event processor named name. IF there's no event processor named name, this is a silent no-op.

void RemoveEventProcessor( CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator here);

Removes the event processor 'pointed to' by here. The iterator could have been returned from a call to FindEventProcessor or have been the result of iteration (see below).

This operation invalidates the iterator. The results of dereferencing it in the future are undefined.

UInt_t ProcessingPipelineSize();

Returns the number of elements in the event processing pipeline.

CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator ProcessingPipelineBegin(); , CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator ProcessingPipelineEnd();

Supports the iteration protocol. ProcessingPipelineBegin returns an iterator that 'points' to the first element of the event processing pipeline. The FindEventProcessor documentation describes exactly what this 'points' to.

Iterators can be incremented in which case they point to the next element of the pipeline (in processing order). Once the last element of the pipeline has been reached by the iterator, an additional increment returns a value identical to the value that is returned by ProcessingPipelineEnd.

The next set of methods manipulate the event sink pipeline. The event sink pipeline gains control after the the event processing pipeline has processed one or more events. it the event sink pipeline initially comes stocked with the histogrammer (CHistogrammer). Filters are also added at the end of the event processing pipeline.

This portion of the API supports additional event sink pipeline element types.

void AddEventSink( CEventSink& sink, const char* name = 0);

Adds a new event sink to the end of the event sink pipeline. If name is not a null pointer, it will be the name of the processing element. If it is a null pointer, a unique name will be supplied by SpecTcl.

The histogrammer registers itself as ::Histogrammer. Event filters register themselves with their filter name.

CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator FindEventSink( std::string sinkName);

Returns an iterator to the event sink sinkName. If no such event sink pipeline element exists, the return value will be the same as that returned by EventSinkPipelineEnd.

The iterator returned is a pointer like object. The objects it points to are std::pair<std::string, CEventSink*> where the first element of the pair is the name of the event sink pointed to by the second element of the pair.

CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator FindEventSink(CEventSink& sink);

Returns an iterator 'pointing' to the event sink pipeline element whose reference is p[assed in to to the method as sink

void InsertEventSink( CEventSink& sink, CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator here, const char* name = 0);

Adds the event sink sink to the event sink pipeline prior to the position indicated by here, an iterator. If not a null pointer, the parameter name is used to name the pipeline element. Otherwise a unique name is assigned to the element.

CEventSink* RemoveEventSink( std::string name);

Removes an event sink named name from the event sink pipeline. A pointer to the removed sink is returned on success. If no event sink with name exists, a null pointer is returned.

CEventSink* RemoveEventSink( CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator here);

Removes an event sink from the pipeline given an iterator that points to the std::pair containing the specific sink. Returns a pointer to the event sink that was removed.

Int_t EventSinkPipelineSize();

Returns the number of elements in the event sink pipeline. Just after SpecTcl starts, this will return at least 1 as the event sink pipeline is initialized with a CHistogrammer as an event sink.

CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator EventSinkPipelineBegin(); , CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator EventSinkPipelineEnd();

These methods support iteration over the event sink pipeline. EventSinkPipelineBegin returns an iterator that 'points' to the first item in the pipeline (usually the histogrammer).

CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator objects can be thought of as pointers. They point to a std::pair<std::string, CEvetnSink*>. The first element of that pair is the name assigned to the event sink. The second element is a pointer to an event sink that was assigned that name.

CEventSinkPipeline::EventSinkIterator objects can be incremented. Each increment points the iterator to the next object in the pipeline. Incrementing an iterator that points to the last item in the pipeline makes it equal to the object returned by EventSinkPipelineEnd.

Filters are the most common type of non histogrammer elements in the event processing pipeline. SpecTcl has command line mechanisms for creating, configuring and enabling filters. The next several methods provide the same functionality for C++ extensions to SpecTcl as well as providing a method for extending the set of output formats supported by standard filters.

Naturally, for special needs, programmers can extend the CGatedEventFilter class and use the resulting filters in these API elements.

void createFilter( std::string name, CGatedEventFilter* pFilter);

Adds a new filter, pFilter to the event sink pipeline. The filter will be given the name name. The filter is also entered into the filter dictionary so that it is visible to and can be manipulated with SpecTcl commands.

CGatedEventFilter* findFilter( std::string name);

Locates returns a pointer to the event filter name. If no filter with that name has been created a null pointer is returned.

bool filterExists( CGatedEventFilter* pFilter);

Given a pointer to an event filter pFilter, determines if a filter with the same address exists in the filter dictionary. Returns true if so and false if not.

void deleteFilter( CGatedEventFilter* pFilter);

Removes the filter pointed to by pFilter from the filter dictionary. If pFilter is not in the filter dictionary, no action is taken.

void deleteFilter( std::string filterName);

Removes a filter from the filter dictionary. If the filter is not in the dictionary, this is a silent No-op.

Neither this method, nor the previous one actually delete the storage associated with a filter, they only remove it from the filter dictionary. To perform a full deletion would require something like:

// Delete by pointer.
CGatedFilter* pFilter=makeSomeFilter();
SpecTcl* pApi = SpecTcl::getInstance();
delete pFilter;

// Delete by name with full deletion.

CGatedFilter *pSomeFilter = pApi->findFilter("someName");
if (pSomeFilter) {
    delete pSomeFilter;

void addFilterOutputFormat( CFilterOutputStageCreator& creator);

Adds a new filter output format to the filter subsystem. creator, when given its output format name, recognizes it and returns the appropriate output formatter. The programming guide provides a worked example that shows how to add filter formats to the system.

The remainder of the API are miscellaneous methods that don't really fit well into any of the method categories above.

void AddSpectrumFormatter( std::string name, CSpectrumFormatter& formatter);

Associates the formatter with outputting spectra (via the swrite command) for the format type name. The actual formatter must be in scope for the lifetime of SpecTcl. Therefore it's recommended that it either be statically allocated at a file scope or alternatively dynamically allocated via new and never destroyed with delete.

CTCLInterpreter* getInterpreter();

Returns a pointer to the object encapsulated Tcl interpreter that SpecTcl is using to execute its commands. This can be used to add commands to SpecTcl, or anything else that may require a Tcl interpreter. See the Tcl++ section of this manual for more information about how to use this and other classes in the Tcl++ C++ encapsulation of libTcl.

CHistogrammer* GetHistogrammer();

Returns a pointer to SpecTcl's histogrammer object. Note that most of the things you'd want to do with the CHistogrammer are possible directly from the API methods above. Those are considered 'sacred with respect to modification' while the methods of the histogrammer can be modified in function and signature.

CTclAnalyzer* GetAnalyzer();

Returns a pointer to the current SpecTcl analyzer. The CAnalyzer is the method that directs the flow of control within SpecTcl's analysis of data. Normally, the SpecTcl analyzer is actually a CTclAnalyzer object (see TCLAnalyzer.h for the class definition).

CEventSinkPipeline* GetEventSinkPipeline();

Returns a pointer to the event sink pipeline object. Note that other methods in this API provide essentially all of the operations you'll need to perform on this object.

CDisplayInterface* GetDisplayInterface();

SpecTcl 5.0 decouples SpecTcl from its traditional displayer (Xamine), and provides an new Root based displayer (Display). The interaction between the displayer and SpecTcl is mediate by a CDisplayerInterface object that is specific to the displayer type. This method obtains a pointer to the specific displayer interface object in use.

I anticipate that later in the development of SpecTcl 5, we'll see the SpecTcl class augmented to provide a stable API to the displayer.

void SetDisplayInterface CDisplayInterface& rInterface();

Provides a new display interface to SpecTcl; rInterface.

std::vector<UInt_t> parameterIds( std::vector<std::string> names);

Given a list of parameter names, Returns a vector of the parameter ids associated with those names. The 0'th element of the result is the id of the 0'th element of names and so on.

If any of the parameters in names does not exist a std::vector<std::string>::iterator exception is thrown which 'points' to the element of names that failed its lookup.