

CTreeVariableArray -- Container for an array of tree variables.


#include <TreeParameter.h>

class CTreeVariableArray
  CTreeVariableArray(std::string baseName, double initialValue, 
		     std::string units, UInt_t size, int firstIndex = 0);
  CTreeVariableArray(const CTreeVariableArray& rhs);
  void Initialize(std::string baseName, double initialValue, 
		  std::string units, UInt_t size, Int_t firstElement);

  CTreeVariable& operator[](Int_t index);
  CTreeVariableArray& operator=(const CTreeVariableArray& rhs);
  UInt_t size();
  Int_t  firstIndex();


Objects of type CTreeVariableName are built to act programmatically like arrays of tree parameters with identical definitions and a common base name. Tree variables in a tree variable name are given names of the form basename.n where n is a multidigit fixed length number.

The number of digits is chosen so that the largest index will fit. The use of fixed sized integers makes sorting with alphabetic keys work properly for these indices. For example, a tree variable with 16 elements starting at element zero and with a base name of tv, will have names tv.00, tv.01... tv.15.


The first set of methods we're going to document are associated with construction and initialization. A tree parameter array can be constructred in either one or two steps.

One step construction uses one of the parameterized constructors. Two step construction uses the default constructor and the special Initialize method. Initialize should be invoked prior to the completion of initialization so that the variables are properly bound. If this is not done, the variables that make up the object will need to be bound manually after Initialize has been called.


Default constructor. After this is called, initialization must be completed by invoking Initialize

CTreeVariableArray( std::string baseName, double initialValue, std::string units, UInt_t size, int firstIndex = 0);

Full one-step construction. baseName is the base name for the variables this creates. initialValue is the value initially given to all of the created variables. units will be the units of measure. The array will have size elements and the first index will be firstIndex.

CTreeVariableArray(const CTreeVariableArray& rhs);

Copy construction creates a copy of the array that can be used in pass by value parmeters in function/method calls. The const The copy is a copy in name only as the resulting tree variables will be bound to the same Tcl variables as the original.

void Initialize( std::string baseName, double initialValue, std::string units, UInt_t size, int firstIndex = 0);

Performs the second step in two phase initialization. The first was performed by invoking the default constructor.

The remaining methods are methods associated with the ability to treat CTreeVariableArray objects like arrays:

CTreeVariable& operator[]( Int_t index);

The indexing operator returns a reference to the tree variable at the specified index. Note again that the object's initial index may be non zero.

CTreeVariableArray& operator=(const CTreeVariableArray& rhs);

Assigns to the object from rhs. Note that because of how tree variables work, the left and right hand sides of the assignment will then refer to the same underlying tree variables

UInt_t size();

Returns the number of elements in the array.

Int_t firstIndex();

Returns the lowest legal index value for the array. This will be the value of the firstIndex parameter to the costructor or the call to Initialize or, if the object was assignedvia operator= the number of elements in the right hand side tree variable