

CTCLObjectProcessor --  Abstract base class to encapsulate the Tcl object command interface exposed by Tcl_CreateObjCommand.


#include <TCLObjectProcessor.h>
class CTCLObjectProcessor : public CTCLInterpreterObject
  CTCLObjectProcessor(CTCLInterpreter& interp,
                      std::string      name,
                      bool             registerMe=true);
  virtual ~CTCLObjectProcessor();

  void Register();              // Register command on the interpreter.
  void unregister();            // Unregister command from the interp.
  std::string getName() const;  // Return the name of the object.
  Tcl_CmdInfo getInfo() const;  // Return info about the command.

  virtual int operator()(CTCLInterpreter& interp,
                         std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv) = 0;
  virtual void onUnregister();

  void bindAll(CTCLInterpreter& interp, std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv);
  void requireAtLeast(std::vector>CTCLObject<& objv, unsigned n, const char* msg=0) const;
  void requireAtMost(std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv, unsigned n, const char* msg=0) const;
  void requireExactly(std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv, unsigned n, const char* msg=0) const;




Tcl supports the addition of commands to the interpreter. CTCLObjectProcessor supports an object oriented encapsulation of this part of the API. To add a command to an interpreter, write a subclass of CTCLObjectProcessor. This subclass should override operator(), and optionally onUnregister. to implement the desired behavior for the new command.

Create an instance of this new class and invoke its Register member to add it to the interpreter onto which it is bound. Whenever a script executes the new command that object's operator() is invoked to process the command. If the interpreter is destroyed, or if the command is ever unregistered, the onUnregister function is called to perform any required global cleanup.


CTCLObjectProcessor(CTCLInterpreter& interp,
                    std::string      name,
                    bool             registerMe=true);


Constructs a new command processor. interp is the interpreter on which the command will be registered when the Register member is invoked. name is the name of the command. If registerMe is not supplied or is supplied but is true, the command will be registered as part of the construction process. If registerMe is supplied and is false, the command is not immediately added, and Register must be called later to incorporate it into the interpreter.

void Register();
void unregister();

Register incorporates the command into the interpreter. If the command is already registered, a CStateException is thrown.

unRegister removes the command from the interpreter. This causes onUnregister to be called. if the command is registered at destruction time, destruction implies a call to unRegister (and therefore onUnregister).

std::string getName() const;
Tcl_CmdInfo getInfo() const;

getName returns the name of the command that will invoke this object's operator(). If the command has been registered, and subsequently renamed at the script level, this function will reflect the rename.

getInfo returns information about the command see Tcl_GetCommandInfo for more information about what is returned and what it means.

virtual int operator()(CTCLInterpreter& interp,
                       std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv) = 0;

This pure virtual function must be overridden in concrete object command processors. The function is called to execute the command that this object is performing. interp provides a reference to the interpreter on which the command is being run. objv is a reference to a std::vector<CTCLObject>. Each element of objv is a CTCLObject containing a word of the command line that invoked us.

The function should return TCL_OK on success and TCL_ERROR on failure. Other return values are possible for e.g. commands that implement new control structures however this is beyond the scope of this manpage. If the command processor wants to make a result available to the interpreter, it can create a CTCLResult object, fill it in and commit it.

virtual void onUnregister();

This function is called when the interpreter is being destroyed or if the command is being unregistered either due to object destruction or a call to unregister. The default behavior is to do nothing, but this can be overidden in your derived class if desired.

void bindAll(CTCLInterpreter& interp, std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv);            

This is a convenience method for derived classes. It binds the interpreter to all of the elements of the objv vector. Several of the methods of CTCLObject require that an interpreter be bound.

void requireAtLeast(std::vector>CTCLObject<& objv, unsigned n, const char* msg=0) const;            

Utility method. Throws an std::string exception if the objv vector does not have at least n elements. If msg is provided (non Null pointer), that string is incorporated in the exception string.

void requireAtMost(std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv, unsigned n, const char* msg=0) const;            

If objv has more than n elements, an std::string exception is thrown. If msg is provided (not a null pointer) it is incorprorated into the exception string.

void requireExactly(std::vector<CTCLObject>& objv, unsigned n, const char* msg=0) const;            

If the objv vector does not have exactly n elements, an std::string exception is thrown. If msg is supplied (not a null pointer), the exception string will incorporate it.


CTCLCompatibilityProcessor(3), CTCLInterpreter(3), CTCLInterpreterObject(3), CTCLObject(3), CTCLProcessor(3), CTCLResult(3), Tcl_CreateObjCommand(3tcl), Tcl_GetCommandInfo(3tcl)