

CTCLCommandPackage --  Group several related Tcl command extensions and common services they may require together.


#include <TCLCommandPackage.h>
typedef std::list <CTCLProcessor*>   CommandList;
typedef CommandList::iterator  CommandListIterator;

class CTCLCommandPackage  : public CTCLInterpreterObject

  CTCLCommandPackage (CTCLInterpreter* pInterp,
                      const std::string& rSignon=std::string("Unnamed pkg"));
  CTCLCommandPackage(CTCLInterpreter* pInterp,
                     const char* pSignon = "Unnamed pkg");
  virtual ~ CTCLCommandPackage ( );
  CTCLCommandPackage (const CTCLCommandPackage& aCTCLCommandPackage );
  CTCLCommandPackage& operator= (const CTCLCommandPackage& aCTCLCommandPackage);
  int operator== (const CTCLCommandPackage& aCTCLCommandPackage);

  std::string getSignon() const;
  CommandList getCommandList() const;
  void setSignon (std::string am_sSignon);

  void Register ()  ;
  void Unregister ()  ;
  void AddProcessor (CTCLProcessor* pProcessor);
  void AddProcessors(CommandList& rList);
  CommandListIterator begin ();
  CommandListIterator end ();


Extensions to Tcl often come in a set of related commands. These commands may require access to a common set of services. The CTCLCommandPackage along with the CTCLPackagedCommand provide a pair of base classes that facilitate the construction of such commands.

The pattern to follow to derive class from CTCLCommandPackage This class defines and implements common services for the related commands. The constructor of the derived class will also create instances of classes derived from CTCLPackagedCommand. These objects define and implement the related commands. These command processors will be added to the package via AddProcessor, and AddProcessors.

When the CTCLCommandPackage::Register function is called, all of the commands added to the package will be registered as well. When a command processor is invoked, it can call its getMyPackage member function to obtain a pointer to the owning package and therefore access to the services this package provides.


  CTCLCommandPackage(CTCLInterpreter* pInterp,
                      const std::string& rSignon=std::string("Unnamed pkg"));
  CTCLCommandPackage(CTCLInterpreter* pInterp,
                     const char* pSignon = "Unnamed pkg");
  CTCLCommandPackage (const CTCLCommandPackage& aCTCLCommandPackage );

Constructs instances of the package. pInterp is a pointer to the interpreter object on which these commands will be registered. signon is a text string that will be emitted to stderr when the package is asked to register its commands. This string is typically a credit or copyright notice for the package. It can be empty if the user desires.

The first and second form of the constructor only differ in how the signon message is passed. The final form of the constructor is a copy constructor. While copy construction is legal it is anticipated that this will not normally be used as command packages are usually singleton objects.

  std::string getSignon() const;

Retrieves the signon string from the current object.

  CommandList getCommandList() const;

Retrieves the list of commands that are managed by this package.

  void setSignon (std::string am_sSignon);

Allows derived classes to set the signon string after construction is complete.

  void Register ()  ;
  void Unregister ()  ;

Regsiter registers all of the commands in the package with the package's interpreter. Unregister unregisters these commands. It is therefore not advisable to change the set of commands in the package between registration and unregistration.

  void AddProcessor(CTCLProcessor* pProcessor);
  void AddProcessors(CommandList& rList);

These functions add command processors to the package. Any type of processor can be added to the package, however usually CTCLPackagedCommand derived objects are in order to provide a mechanism to access the package services. pProcessor is a pointer to a single processor while rList is a reference to a list of such processors.

  CommandListIterator begin ();
  CommandListIterator end ();

Returns STL list iterators to the beginning and off the end of the set of command packages. List iterators behave roughly like pointers. In this case, pointers to CTCLProcessor*. Incrementing an interator 'points' it to the next item in the list. A full discussion of STL iterators is well beyond the scope of this man page. See references below.


CTCLProcessor(3), CTCLPackagedCommand(3)


Musser, Derge, Saini: STL Tutorial and Reference Guide
Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series; 2001 ISBN 0-201-37923-6