Extensible Factories


CCreator<T>, CExtensibleFactory<T> -- Create factories that don't have hard-coded creationals.


#include <CCreator.h>
#include <ExtensibleFactory.h>

template <class T>
class CCreator
  virtual T* operator()() = 0;
  virtual std::string describe() const = 0;

template <class T>
class CExtensibleFactory

  void addCreator(std::string type,
                  CCreator<T>* pCreator);
  T* create(std::string type);
  std::vector<std::string> getDescriptions();



Suppose you have a class hierarchy whose base class is T. In some cases it makes sense to have factory that, given some criterion, knows which specific subclass of T to create. You can easily envision some if/then/else or switch based creational method in a factory that can perform that sort of operation for you.

Suppose further, that you write some of the T class definitions/implementations but other people write other subclasses. This would make the if/then/else or switch maintenance a nightmare.

The extensible factory pattern and implementation in SpecTcl is a solution to this problem. An extensible factory requires that for each subclass of T you can instantiate you have a creator class. The creator class's job is pretty simple. It just returns a T* which points to a dynamically allocated object of the actual class it purports to create.

Creator objects are then registered with the factory and associated with a string. The Factory's creation method then accepts as input a string and returns either a T* if creator has been registered that matches the string or a nullptr if there's no matching registered creator.

SpecTcl itself uses this pattern fairly extensively and, in some cases, uses the class described in this manual page to implement that pattern. The class is tempated so that it can be used, without modification wherever appropriate.

The CCreator<T> class

As the description says, to use an extensible factory, you need to define a set of subclasses from a base class T (T may well be an abstract base class). Objects of this subclass are what the factory generates.

You also need to write a subclass of CCreator<T>. The methods you need to implement are:

virtual T* operator()();

This must just reaturn a pointer to a dynamically allocated object from the class that this creator creates. Suppose base is the base class of the hierarchy we're putting under control of the factory and we're writing a creator for derived which is derived from base. operator() might look like:

template <class T>
T* MyCreator<base>::operator() { return new derived;}

Naturally doing a bit of typedeffery can remove the need to expose all that template notation. For a concrete example, see AttachCommand.h where an extensible factory is used to allow the set of buffer decoders that are supported by the attach command's -format option values.

virtual const std::string describe();

This method is intended to return a description of the type of object the creator creates. This is used in SpecTcl commands that use an extensible factory to be able to describe the available values and meanings for extensible command options. Have a look at the code in AttachCommand.cpp to see this in action

You can look at this code at: https://sourceforge.net/p/nsclspectcl/Git/ci/master/tree/main/Core/AttachCommand.cpp. See how the Usage method gets the descsription from the factory of decoders and uses them to document valid values for the available format types that can be supplied to the -format option.

The CExtensibleFactory<T> template class methods.

void addCreator(std::string type, CCreator<T>* pCreator);

This method registers a new creator pCreator with the factory and associates it with the typename type. The caller is responsible for storage management in the event that pCreator is dynamically created.

If typre already has a creator, this method silently replaces the previous creator and, once more, the clients of the factory are responsible for any object destruction required in that case.

Note that at present the only way to see if a type is defined is to attempt to make an object of of that type and see if that attempt is successful.

T* create(std::string type);

If a creator has been registered with a matching type name, it is asked to create a new object of a class that is derived (directly or indirectl) from T. In that case a pointer to that object is returned. If no matching type has been registered, a nullptr is returned instead.

The object returned is intended to have been dynamically allocated, though that's not a requirement of the factory (nothing to stop the creators from returning pointers to singleton objects e.g.). If the object was dynamically created, storage management (deletion) is then the responsibility of the caller.