

attach -- Attach SpecTcl to a data source.


spectcl.attach( type="file"|"pipe", name=source-spec, [...])


This method attaches SpecTcl to a new data source. Data analysis from any prior source is terminated. If successful, it's still necesary to start analysis on the data source. The method returns None

The actual operation of the method is determined by entirely by keyword parameters. No positional parameters are allowed. With the exception of type and name, all other keywords are options. Allowed keywords are:


The value of this keyword must be a string that contains either file, if data are to be analyzed from a file, or pipe if data are analyzed from a pipe program.


The value of this keyword is a string. It's interpretation depends on the value of type above.

If type='file', the name value is a path (absolute or relative) to the file from which data will be analyzed.

If type='pipe' the name value is a program and its arguments. The specified program must output valid data to its stdout. The specified program's stdout will be connected to a pipe from which SpecTcl will read data.

Note that pipe data sources are how SpecTcl takes data from online systems.


The value of this keyword must be an integer. SpecTcl will read data from its data source using a buffer with as many bytes as specified by size. This keyword is optional and its value defaults to 8192.

It is recommended that the size be large enough to hold several typical events.


The value of this keyword is a string that specifies the data format that SpecTcl assumes the data is in. The legal values are ring10 or ring11. This keyword is optional and defaults to ring11.

Note that if Spectcl sees ring format items but ring10 was specified, it will override the specification to the data format specified by the format item. If the source is online and the run has already been started, the initial ring format item will not be seen and the specified format will be used.


Example 3-1. Attaching a file data source

set filename [file normalize [file join ~ stagearea experiment run1 run-0001-00.evt]]
python exec {
spectcl.attach(type='file', name='$filename')

Note that Tcl is used to generate and normalize the event filename in the stagearea. The resulting filename is used by the python script as the name for the attach.

Example 3-2. Taking data from an NSCLDAQ ringbuffer

python exec {
import os
import getpass

host  =os.getenv('DAQHOST')

program = daqbin + '/ringselector --sample=PHYSICS_EVENT --non-blocking '
user    = getpass.getuser()
uri     = 'tcp://' + host + '/' + user
program = program + '--source=' + uri

spectcl.attach(type='pipe', name=program)

This example assumes thate:

Example 3-3. Reading data from a gzipped event file

set filename [file normalize [file join ~ stagearea experiment run1 run-0001-00.evt.gz]]
python exec {
program = 'zcat $filename'
spectcl.attach(type='pipe', name=program)    

The output of zcat, the uncompressed event file, is attached via a pipe to SpecTcl. As in the first example, we use Tcl to generate the filename. We could equally well have done this using os.path.join and os.path.abspath completely in the python script.