

parameter -- Wrap SpecTcl parameter/treeparameters


existing = spectcl.treeparameter(name)
new      = spetcl.treeparameter(name, low, high, bins, units)





SpecTcl has raw parameters which can be wrapped by tree parameters. Tree parameters add metadata to the raw parameters that:

If you attempt to construct a parameter object supplying only the parameter name, that parameter must exist and have a tree parameter wrapping it. The object is then constructed bound to the existing tree parameter. If these conditions are not satisified, construction will raise a LookupError exception

If, on the other hand you supply, in order the name, bins, low, and high limits and unit string; A new tree parameter will be created with those values. The tree parameter will be created with the parameters provided. If the name refers to an existing SpecTcl raw parameter, the tree parameter will be bound to that raw parameter. If not a free parameter slot number will be created and bound to that parameter name. (This can be useful for setting up parameters in a SpecTcl with dynamic event processing pipelines).

Note that SpecTcl tree parameters provide a mapping from name to a common attribute block which includes metadata and a mapping to the raw SpecTcl parameter. This means that if you create a new tree parameter but the name you use already exists, your metadata will override the metadata for all other tree parameters with that name. This is one way to redefine all treeparameter metadata for an existing parameter in one call.


The type provides several methods. Note that in the future some of these methods may be supplemented by getter/setters, making it look like you are directly accessing the logical attributes of the tree parameter object.


Returns the name of the parameter.


Returns the integer number of recommended bins for a spectrum axis that is defined on this parameter.


Returns the floating point recommended low limit for an axis that is defined on this parameter.


Returns the floating piont recommended high limit for an axis that is defined on this parameter.


Returns a string containing the units of measure for the parameter. This can be an empty string, for example, if the parameter is unit-less.


Returns true if the tree parameter has been modified since its definition or the last reset call otherwise returns false. The use case for this is to determine which tree parameter definitions must be written to file to minimally save the program state.


Resets the modification flag that's returned by check. Returns None.


Sets the modification flag that's returned by chaeck. Returns None.

def setbins(integer newbins) :

Sets a new value for the number of bins recommended on a spectrum axis defined on this tree parameter. Returns self to support method chaining.

def setlow(float newlow) :

Sets the new value for the recommended low limit on axes defined on this parameter. Returns self to support method chaining.

def sethigh(float newhigh) :

Sets the new value for the recommended high limit on axes defined by this parameter. Returns self to support method chaining.

def setunits(string newunits) :

Sets the new units of measure for a parameter. Returns self to support parameter chaining