Chapter 2. Incorporating the REST plugin

This chapter assumes that the REST plugin has been installed in the SpecTcl installation directory tree, or at least is installed somewhere in the Tcl package load path (auto_path). At the NSCL, the REST plugin is normally installed in: $SpecTclHome/TclLibs/rest.

In this chapter we will see Tcl code that you can incorporate in your SpecTclRC.tcl script. This code will:

For SpecTcl 5.3 and later, starting the REST interface is much simpler than described in the remainder of this document. This is because The REST In SpecTclInit.tcl simply set the HTTPDPort variable in SpecTclInit.tcl to the desired server port. Note that:

The remainder of this section only applies to versionf of SpecTcl earlier than 5.3.

If the REST plugin was installed in the $SpecTclHome/TclLibs directory tree, SpecTcl will ensure that it is visible to the Tcl package auto load path. If not you will need to make an approprate addition to auto_path.

Example 2-1. Incorporating and starting the REST server

package require SpecTclHttpdServer          (1)
set port [::SpecTcl::findFreePort 8000]     (2)
startSpecTclHttpdServer $port               (3)
Starting 8080           (4)

The SpecTclHttpdServer package contains the REST interface. Since REST is a web-based protocol, the REST plugin is built on top of a Tcl web server called tclhttpd that has custom, active pages that implement the interface.
A system can run several instances of SpecTcl. Each REST server, however must listen for connections on a distinct TCP/IP port. The package provides a proc ::SpecTcl::findFreePort that probes for an unused port starting at a base port.

This line locates the first unused port above port number 8000, and returns that port number. You can display the port number you used at stdout or in a custom user interface so that you know how to point your clients at the server.

Starts the REST server. Once this has been done REST requests can be made of the server.
As the server starts it outputs a few lines of text on Tcl's stdout file (in most cases for SpecTcl this is redirected to the TkCon window. As this line shows, one of the bits of output identifies the port and host on which the server is running.