Chapter 3. REST requests supported.

3.1. General Request format

Rest requests are made by performing an httpd GET operation. The actual request is a combination of the URL and the query parameters added to the end of the URL.

You can think of the URL as being made up of the following components:

Connection information

This consists of the protocol (http:), the name of the host in which SpecTcl is running and the port on which its REST server is oeprating.

Application name

The tclhttpd server is extensible and, although this will not be described, you could add additional services to it. The application name identifies a bundle of services that are logically related (in this case the SpecTcl REST services).

The application name is the first element of the URL's path and, for the REST plugin is always spectcl

Service group

The services offered by the REST server are grouped in logically related operations. For example, there is a spectrum group which offers operations and queries on spectra.

The service group is the path element that immediately follows the application name. The remaining sections of this chapter describe each service group.


Each service group offers a set of operations. For example the spectrum service group offers an operation called list. This is encoded in the path element of the URL immediately following the service group.

Query parameters

If you think of each operation as a function in a programming language, you can think of the query parameters as the arguments to that function In a URL, query parameters are introduced with a ? character and consist of a set of parameter=value strings that are separated by the & character.

Suppose for example, you want to list all spectra whose names begin with raw. Assuming that the SpecTcl REST server is running on port 8080 in the host, a GET operation on the following URL will return that information:*

Information returned from the REST request is formatted as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object. All of these objects have an attribute named status. If the value of this attribute is OK, the request succeeded. If not the operation failed and the status value is a short reason for the failure.

Almost all returned objects also include a detail attribute. On failures, this can contain more detailed information about the failure. For success, this is where data associated with the request is returned. The contents of the detail attribute will be described with the description of each REST request.