SpecTcl REST plugin

Ron Fox

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Incorporating the REST plugin
3. REST requests supported.
3.1. General Request format
3.2. Parameter requests
3.2.1. list
3.2.2. edit
3.2.3. promote
3.3. spectrum requests
3.3.1. list
3.3.2. delete
3.3.3. create
3.3.4. clear
3.3.5. contents
3.4. gate requests
3.5. list
3.5.1. Compound gates (+ * -)
3.5.2. Slice (s)
3.5.3. Gamma slice (gs)
3.5.4. Simple 2-d gates (b c)
3.5.5. Gamma bands and contours (gb gc
3.5.6. Bit mask gates (em am nm)
3.6. delete
3.7. edit
3.7.1. Compound gates (* + -)
3.7.2. Constant gates (T F)
3.7.3. Bands and Contours (b c)
3.7.4. Bit mask gates (em am nm)
3.7.5. Slice gates (s)
3.7.6. Gamma 2d gates (gb gc
3.7.7. Gamma slice (gs)
3.8. Gate Applications.
3.8.1. Applying a gate to a spectrum.
3.8.2. Listing gate applications
List of Examples
2-1. Incorporating and starting the REST server