3.2. Parameter requests

The parameter service group provides services related to SpecTcl parameters and tree parameters. The base URL for this service group is like:


The remainder of this section describes the operations provided by this service goup.

3.2.1. list

Lists the SpecTcl raw parameters and their properties. If the parameter is also defined as a tree parameter the tree parameter properties are supplied.

The filter query parameter accepts a glob pattern. If it is not provided it defaults to * which matches all parametrs.

On success, the detail attribute of the returned JSON object is an array of objects, one for each parameter whose name matches the filter

Each object in the array has the following attributes:


The parameter name


The parameter id.

bins (tree parameters only)

Number of suggested bins an axis of this parameter should have.

low (tree parameters only)

Recommended low limit for an axis of this parameter.

hi (tree parameters only)

Recommended high limit for an axis of thsi parameter.

units (tree parameters only)

Units of measure this parameter is in.

3.2.2. edit

Modifies the properites of a tree parameter. This operation has the following query parameters:


Name of the tree parameter. The value of this parameter defaults to empty which won't usually match a tree parameter. The value of name must be the name of a currently defined tree parameter.

If the name is not a tree parameter a status of not found is returned with a detail that is the value of the name parameter.


If supplied the tree parameter's bins property will be modified to the value of this parameter. If not supplied, that attribute will not be changed.


If supplied the tree parameter's low limit property will be modified to the value of ths parameter. If not supplied, that property will not be modified.


If supplied, the tree parameter's high limit property will be modified to the value of this parameter. If not supplied, that property will remain unchanged.


If supplied, the tree parameter's units property will be modified to the value of this parameter. If not supplied, that property will remain unchanged.

On success the return has a status of Ok and an empty detail. Several errors are possible and detected: not found indicates the tree parameter was not found. command failed indicates that a treeparameter failed.

3.2.3. promote

This operation promotes a simple, raw SpecTcl prameter to a tree parameter. The difference between a parameter and a tree parameter from the point of view of the REST interface is that tree parameters have additional properties that can assist you in choosing good axis limits an binning when creating spectra.

The following query parameters are recognized by the promote operation. Note that most of them are mandator and an error is returned if mandatory parameters are not supplied.

name (mandatory)

Name of the parameter. This parameter must already exist but must also not be a tree parameter.

low (mandatory)

Sets the low limit property of the parameter.

high (mandatory)

Sets the high limit property of the parameter

bins (mandatory)

Sets the bins property of the parameter.

units (optional)

Sets the units of measure of the parameter.

On success, the detail attribute of the returned object is empty. Several error returns are possible (status not Ok):

missing parameter. If one or more of the mandatory parameters is not present. In that case the detail field is the name of one of the missing parameters.

not found. If the name parameter value does not correspond to an existing parameter. The detail is the name of the parameter.

already treeparameter. If the parameter named is already a tree parameter. The detail is the name of the parameter.

command failed. If the treeparameter -create command failed. The detail field is the error message emitted by the failing command.