3.5. list

List the definitions of gates whose names match a pattern with glob wildcards. The pattern parameter provides the pattern. If pattern is not specified, it defaults to * which matches all gate names.

The detail field of the reply is an array of objects. Each objects describes a gate who's name matches the pattern. The actual shape of the objects can vary quite a bit depending on the gate type.

All gate types have the following attributes in their objects:


Name of the gate.


Gate type code.

The remaining attributes depend on the value of the type attribute.

3.5.1. Compound gates (+ * -)

Compound gates are gates that are formed from other gates. The gates a compound gate is formed from are called component gates. The + gate is true when any of the components is true. + means Or. The * get by contrast is an And gate; it reuires all of its component gates to be true. Finally the -, or Not gate has only a single component gate and is true when that gate is false (logical complement).

The remaining attribute of a compound gate is called gates and consists of an array of gate name strings.

3.5.2. Slice (s)

Slice gates check a single parameter against a low and high limit and are true for events when the parameter is inside the limits. The parameters attribute is an array that contains the name of the single parameter. The plural and array are used so that we can have some uniformity for gates that depend on parameters.

The low and high attributes are the low and high limits of the slice.

Below is the JSON that might be returned for a slice gate named cut:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : [{
        "name"       : "cut",
        "type"       : "s",
        "parameters" : ["event.raw.00"],
        "low"        : 29.710001,
        "high"       : 52.480003

Note that even though only one gate has matched detail is an array. Similarl note that parameters is an array.

3.5.3. Gamma slice (gs)

A gamma slice gate is much like a slice gate. Gamma slice gates, however have several parameters and are true whenever one of those parameters is in the gate. When used as gates they are very much like an or of a bunch of identical slice gates, one on each parameter. Their value, however, is when used as folds in a gamma spectrum.

The format of this gate is identical to that of a slice gate, however there really is more than one parameter in the parameters array for example:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : [{
        "name"       : "gs",
        "type"       : "gs",
        "parameters" : ["event.raw.00","event.raw.01","event.raw.02","event.raw.03"],
        "low"        : 194.369995,
        "high"       : 368.279999

3.5.4. Simple 2-d gates (b c)

Simple 2-d gates are band and contour gates. These gates are defined on two parameters and have an array of points that define an area in the two dimensional space defined by those parameters.

The parameters field contains the name of the x followed by the name of the y parameter. The the points attribute contains an array of objects that contain x and y attributes:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : [{
        "name"       : "c",
        "type"       : "c",
        "parameters" : ["event.raw.00","event.raw.01"],
        "points"     : [{
            "x" : 182.821289,
            "y" : 280.725586
            "x" : 512.499023,
            "y" : 180.823242
            "x" : 675.339844,
            "y" : 340.666992
            "x" : 665.349609,
            "y" : 514.497070

The name of this gate is c and it is a contour (type = "c"). If this were a band, the type would be "b". The only difference between a band an a contour is what the points mean. In a contour, the points define a closed figure and the gate is true when the x/y parameters are both present and inside the figure. For a band, the gate is true when both x/y parameters are present and the point is below the figure defined by the points.

Contours have an implied last point that is the same as the first point. That is the last point in the contour connects to the first point to close the contour.

3.5.5. Gamma bands and contours (gb gc

These gates are like bands and contours however they have more than two parameters. All combinations are tried against the gate and if any are true the gate is true. Once more these are more valuable when used to define a fold.

The JSON is pretty much the same as for bands and contours, however there will can be more than two parameters:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : [{
        "name"       : "gammacont",
        "type"       : "gc",
        "parameters" : ["event.raw.00","event.raw.01","event.raw.02","event.raw.03","event.raw.04"],
        "points"     : [{
            "x" : 122.879997,
            "y" : 409.600006
            "x" : 440.320007,
            "y" : 204.800003
            "x" : 860.159973,
            "y" : 450.559998
            "x" : 696.320007,
            "y" : 665.599976

3.5.6. Bit mask gates (em am nm)

These gates are defined on a single parameter that is assumed to contain integer. The em (equal mask) is true when the parameter is equal to the mask. The am (and mask) is true when the parameter, bit-wised anded with the mask is equal to th emask (all the bits set in the mask are set in the parameter). The nm is true if the parameter bit-wise anded with the bit-wise complemnt of the mask is equal to the mask.

In addition to the parameters attribute the description contains value which is the value of the mask:

    "status" : "OK",
    "detail" : [{
        "name"       : "mask",
        "type"       : "em",
        "parameters" : ["event.raw.00"],
        "value"      : 0X1234