3.7. edit

This operation creates or re-defines (edits) an existing gate. The name parameter specifies the name of the gate. If the gate does not exist it will be created. Gates can not only be edited to change their points. Any aspect of a gate can be modified (except the name of the gate).

The type parameter determines the new type of the gate. The remaining parameters depend on the value of this type.

3.7.1. Compound gates (* + -)

These gates only require a gate parameter whose value is a Tcl list of component gates.

3.7.2. Constant gates (T F)

These are gates that are either always TRUE or always FALSE. They are normally used as placeholders. For example SpecTcl itself replaces a deleted gate with a FALSE gate in order to ensure that any dependent gates will continue to function in a predictable manner.

These gates do not require any additional parameters.

3.7.3. Bands and Contours (b c)

These gates need both an xparameter and a yparameter value to describe the X and Y parameters to check against the definition. In addtion, these gates need several instances of xcoord parameters (x position of gate points) and ycoord parameters (y position of gate points).

If there are differing number of x and y coordinates (you really should avoid that), only those points for which the x/y coordinates were both specified will be used. A band must have a minimum of two points while a contour requires at least three points. For contours, there is an additional implied line segment joining the last and first points to close the figure.

3.7.4. Bit mask gates (em am nm)

Bit mask gates require a parameter and a value parameter. The parameter indicates which event parameter will be checked againts the value which is a bitmask.

3.7.5. Slice gates (s)

Slice gates require three query parameters:


Provides the name of the parameter checked against the slice.


Low limit of the slice.


High limit of the slice.

Note that if low is larger than high, SpecTcl will reverse these parameters to create a sensible gate.

3.7.6. Gamma 2d gates (gb gc

These neewd the follwoing additional parametrs:


Must appear t least twice and can appear several times. Each appearance adds a parameter to the list of parameters the gate will be checked against.

Gamma gates are true for each pair of parameters that are in the gate. They are more useful as folds than as actual gates.


Provides an X coordinate for a gate point. These are orderd and will be matched up with ycoord values (see below). A band requires at least two of these and a contour at least three.


Provides the y coordinate for a gate point. These are ordered and will be matched up with corresponding xcoord values. If there is an excess of either xcoord or ycoord values, the excess is discarded.

A band requires at least two points while a contour requires at least three.

3.7.7. Gamma slice (gs)

As for a slice gate a high and low parameter are required to set the limits for the gate. For Gammma slice gates, however you can have more than one parameter query option. Each parameter adds another parameter to the list of parameters checked against the gate.

Gamma slice gates are true if any of the parameters are within the slice. As such, they are more useful as folds where they can cut down the set of parameters that can actually increment spectra.