Chapter 3. C++ Low level API

This section provides an overview of the C++ classes that make up the database API. Before we start, the API philosophy is that you will write once, never modify but restore several times. As such you'll see that there are no methods supporting either removing entities saved in the database or, with the exception of saved spectrum contents, modifying existing stored objects. This is a design choice and not an oversight.

The API consists of several classes all living in the SpecTclDB namespace:


Represents database files. Methods in this file allow you to create a properly initialized database file, connect to the file, create and get information about the save set objects in the file.


This class represents save set objects. Given a database object, one can create savesets in that data base and load them. Given a save set object, one can create and manipulate any of the objects in the save set.


These represent parameter definitions within a save set. This class can create and lookup parameter definitions give a saveset.


Represents spectrum objects within a save set.


Represents a gate object in a saveset.


Represents the application of a gate to a spectrum.


Represents a tree variable saved in a save set.

The Top level classes, CDatabase and SaveSet are written so that normally, you will not have to create or manually lookup the other individual objects.

3.1. SpecTclDB::CDatabase

This section will introduce the CDatabase class through a set of simple examples. These examples include code fragments that:

  1. Create and attach a database.

  2. Create and lookup a save set.

  3. List the savesets that are already known to a database.

These examples and a sample Makefile built along the lines described below are installed in the share/dbexamples directory of SpecTcl's installation directory tree.

If you intend to do serious programming with this class library, you should study the reference material in the appendix.

Before we can write any code, we need to be able to link compile and link our programs to this library. This requires a set of compilation and link flags. In both cases below, in order to factor out the distribution directory for SpecTcl, we'll assume that the environment variable SPECTCLHOME is defined to be the top level directory of the SpecTcl installation you are using. Note that environment variables are imported to Makefiles as Makefile variables (e.g. $(SPECTCLHOME) is the environment variable SPECTCLHOME). SpecTcl depends on Root so we're also going to assume that ROOTSYS is defined and points to the directory from wich SpecTcl was linked with root. As of version 5.3-007, the $SPECTCLHOME/VERSION file will tell you the value used for ROOTSYS.

Compilation flags: Compilation flags must ensure that the SpecTcl Headers


Makes the SpecTcl installation's include file directory searchable for #include directives in your source code.

Link flags.


Makes the SpecTcl installation's library directory searchable for libraries on the link line.


Adds the SpecTcl library directory to the search path used by the run time loader to locate shared libraries needed by your program.


Adds root's library directory to the shared object load search path.


Pulls in the SpecTcl database API.


Pulls in the SpecTcl main library.


Pulls in a C++ encapsulation of sqlite3.


Pulls in the Sqlite3 API.

A final note. If root was not built with internal -rpath's turned on the sample program in this manual (and even SpecTcl itself) may fail with an error like

./makedb: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory If that is the case then set up the full Root environment by $ROOTSYS/bin/

Let's look at the simplest example. A complete program that creates an empty database. The program takes a databsae filename on the command line as a single argument.

Example 3-1. Createing an empty database (makedb.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>               (1)
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc != 2) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: makedb db-filenme\n";

  SpecTclDB::CDatabase::create(argv[1]);          (2)


Including this header brings the class definition of SpecTclDB::CDatabase into our program.
This line creates a new empty database. The static method create in SpecTclDB::CDatabase takes a null terminated (C) string and creates a new database in that file.

It is not harmful to call this on a database file that has already been initialized with the SpecTcl database schema as the SQL used is of the form CREATE ... IF NOT EXISTS.

Using this method on an existing database file used for another purpose will add the schema needed to also use that file as a SpecTcl database; as long as there are no collisions in table and index names.

Using this method on a file that is not an sqlite database will result in an error message indicating the file is not a database file.

Let's look at another simple full program. This program will open an existing database and create a saveset named a saveset in the database. The program will also demonstrate very simple error detection.

Example 3-2. Creating savesets in a database (makesaveset.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>                (1)
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc != 2) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: makesaveset database-name\n";
  try {
    SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);     (2)

    SpecTclDB::SaveSet* pSaveset = db.createSaveSet("a saveset"); (3)
    delete pSaveset;
  catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; (4)


We'll be using a method from the SpecTclDB::SaveSet class. This #include pulls the definition of that class and its methods into our program.
In the previous example, we saw that the static create method for the SpecTclDB::CDatabase class created and initialized a database file. The SpecTclDB::CDatabase class constructor creates a database object that is connected to an already created database file.
This line asks the database object to create a new saveset. On success, a pointer to the saveset object that encapsulates the saveset in the database is created. Note that savesets must have unique names. Try running this program on the same database twice.
The database API reports errors by throwing exceptions that are derived from std::exception. Errors, therefore are handled by this catch block. Any meaningful message held by the exception object is reported here.

If you do try the experiment of runing this program on a saveset twice, this code will tell you the saveset already exists.

As an excersise, modify this program to accepts, as a second parameter, the name of the save set to create. In the next, and last example in this section, we'll list the names of all of the savesets in a database.

Example 3-3. Listing savesets (lssaveset.cpp)

#include <SpecTclDatabase.h>
#include <SaveSet.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc != 2) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: lssaveset db-filename\n";
  SpecTclDB::CDatabase db(argv[1]);
  auto savesets = db.getAllSaveSets();                 (1)
  std::cout << " Save sets in " << argv[1] << std::endl; 
  for (int i =0; i < savesets.size(); i++) {
    std::cout << savesets[i]->getInfo().s_name << std::endl; (2)
    delete savesets[i];                                  (3)

The getAllSaveSets of SpecTclDB::CDatabase returns an indexable collection of pointers to the save set objects that encapsulate all of the savesets in the database.

A look at the header will tell you that savesets is actually a std::vector<SpecTclDB::SaveSet*>. We could have used that type declaration. There are a couple of reasons we didn't. One sensible the other lazy. By letting the compiler figure out the actual type for savesets, the implementation of getAllSaveSets could change and, as long as the type returned suported size and operator[], our code would not need to change. Second, this saved us a bunch of typing in the code, at the cost of this paragraph of explanation.

Saveset objects have a getInfo method. This method returns a const reference to a struct that contains information cached from the database about the saveset. The s_name field of this struct contains a printable name (actually a std::string).
Since getAllSaveSets dynamically creates the save set objects it returns, these must be delete-d as they are no longer needed.