

DBParameter -- Encapsulate database parameter definitions.


#include <DBParameter.h>

namespace SpecTclDB {
    class SaveSet;
    class DBParameter {
        struct Info {
            int         s_id;
            int         s_savesetId;
            std::string s_name; 
            int         s_number;
            bool        s_haveMetadata;
            double      s_low;
            double      s_high;
            int         s_bins;
            std::string s_units;
        static bool exists(CSqlite& connection, int sid, const char* name);
        static bool exists(CSqlite& connection, int sid, int id);
        static DBParameter* create(
            CSqlite& connection, int sid, const char* name, int number
        static DBParameter* create(
            CSqlite& connection, int sid, const char* name, int number,
            double low, double high, int bins, const char* units
        static DBParameter* get(CSqlite& connection, int sid, int id);
        static std::vector<DBParameter*> list(CSqlite& connection, int sid);
        DBParameter(CSqlite& conn, int saveid, const char* name);
        DBParameter(CSqlite& conn, int saveid, int number);

        const Info& getInfo();



SpecTclDB::DBParameter encapsulates the data in the database for a single parameter definition. It also provides services that are related to parameters.


Note that most methods described below require that you have a database connection and the primary key of a save set. These methods are not intended for general use but are used by API methods for the parameter definitions in SpecTclDB::SaveSet which has these pieces of information available.

static bool exists(CSqlite& connection = , int sid = , const char* name = );

Determines if the parameter name exists in the saveset with the primary key sid that is in the database with the connection conn. If the parameter exists, true is returned, if not, false. Note that if there are errors, they are signalled by exceptions that are derived from std::exception

static bool exists(CSqlite& connection = , int sid = , int id = );

Same as the previous method but looks up the parameter by its primary key id.

static DBParameter* create(CSqlite& connection = , int sid = , const char* name = , int number = );

This method creates a new parameter definition in the saveset with the primary key sid in the database conn. The parameter is a primitive parameter that only has a name and number.

When the definition comes from SpecTcl, the number is a slot in the CEvent object where the unpacked parameter will be stored.

The result is a pointer to a new SpecTclDB::DBParameter object that wraps the new definition. The object is dynamically created so you must delete it when your program no longer needs it.

On errors like duplicate parameter name or number or no such save set, an std::invalid_argument exception is thrown. Other errors result in exceptions that are derived from std::exception.

static DBParameter* create(CSqlite& connection = , int sid = , const char* name = , int number = , double low = , double high = , int bins = , const char* units = );

Exactly like the previous method, however the additional parameters supply the metadata that is normally available in a tree parameter. low is the recommended axis low limit for axes that defined on these parameters. high is the recommended axis high limt for axes that are defined on this parameter. bins is the recommended number of bins for axes defined on this parameter using the recommended limits. units are the units of measure of the parameter. Note that for unitless parameters, by convention an empty string is used.

static DBParameter* get(CSqlite& connection = , int sid = , int id = );

Fetchs the parameter definition with the primary key id from the saveset with a primary key of sid from the database connected via connection.

If found, the parameter definition is wrapped in SpecTclDB::DBParameter object and a pointer to that object is returned. The object is dynamically created, therefore when the program no longer needs it it must be deleted

If the parameter does not exist, std::invalid_argument is thrown.

static std::vector<DBParameter*> list(CSqlite& connection = , int sid = );

Given a connection to a database connection and the primary key of a saveset, sid lists all of the parameter definitions that are in that saveset. The result is a vector that contains pointers to object wrappers for the data in the database for each parameter. These objects are dynamically generated and, thereforem, must be deleted when no longer needed by the program.

Any errors are reported as exceptions that are derived from std::exception.

DBParameter(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = );

Looks up the parameter definition for name and constructs a SpecTclDB::DBParameter object to wrap it. connection represents the connection to the database and sid is the primary key of the saveset the parameter is defined in.

If there is no parameter named name in the designated save set SpecTclDB::invalid_argument is thrown.

DBParameter(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , int number = );

This constructor locates the parameter definition it wraps based on the parameter number. The parameter number is not the primary key of the parameter but a number associated with the paramater name when the definition is created. In the context of SpecTcl, this number represents a slot in the CEvent passed to event processors into which the parameter will be placed.

const Info& getInfo();

When a SpecTclDB::DParameter is constructed, it fetches information about the parameter from the database and caches it internally in a SpecTclDB::DBParameter::Info struct. This fetches a const reference to that struct.

The members of the SpecTclDB::DBParameter::Info are described in DATA TYPES below.


SpecTclDB::DBParameter exports a single data type; Info (fully qualified name SpecTclDB::DBParameter::Info). This is a struct that is used to cache the database definition of the parameter represented by instances of SpecTclDB::DBParameter.

Info has the following fields:


The primary key of the database entry for this parameter.


A foreign key to the saveset that owns the parameter.

std::string s_name

The name of the parameter.


A number associated with the parameter. For SpecTcl, this is the slot of the CEvent passed to event processors into which the parameter value for an event will be placed.


Parameters in SpecTcl come in two flavors. Raw parameters only have a number, the index into CEvent objects into which they get unpacked. Tree parameters also have metadata about the parameter. This metadata, provides additional information about the parameter.

If metadata is supplied for the parameter, this flag will be true. If not, this flag will be false. The subsequent fields in Info will only have valid values if s_haveMetadata is true. If not those fields should be ignored.

double s_low

Metadata. This is the lowest value expected to be valid for the parameter. It is a suggested low limit of histogram axes that represent this parameter.


Metadata. This is the largest value expected to be valid for this parameter. It is a suggested upper limit of histogram axes that represent this parameter.


Metadata. This value says something about the resolution with which the parameter is represented. It recommends that if you follow the axis limit suggestions provided you parcel that axis out into s_bins bins.

std::string s_units

Metadata: This provides units of measure for the parameter. This and the s_name field can be used to derive axis labels for the parameter. By convention, unitless parameters have an empty string for this field.