

DBGate -- Encapsulate database gate definitions


#include <DBGate.h>

namespace SpecTclDB {
 * @class DBGate
 *   This class encapsulates a gate.  Note that gates are pretty
 *   complicated things.  There is a type dependency that determines
 *   the sorts of dependent things their root table entry (gate_defs)
 *   has linked to it.  Primarily there are three type of gates:
 *   - Gates that have associated points.
 *   - Gates that have associated gates.
 *   - Gates that are masks and have an associated mask.
 * @note the c2band gate is not directly stored in the database.  Instead
 *       the equivalent contour is stored.  An attempt to store a c2band
 *       will result in an error.
 *    Let's look at the dependent data for each of these types of gates:
 *    - Gates with associated points have parameters, and points.  These
 *      are in  the table (gate_paramters and gate_points).
 *    - Gates with associated gates have only gates in the component_gates
 *      table. Note that since gate ids are stored in that table,
 *      we only allow a compound gate to be stored if its component gates have
 *      been stored.  This requires the client code to do gate dependency
 *      analysis.
 *    - mask gates have a parameter (gate_parameters) and a mask (gate_masks).
 *    To make all of this easier, we'll be providing different creationals
 *    for each of these classifications of gate types.
class DBGate {
        typedef std::vector<const char*> NameList;
        typedef std::vector<int>         IdList;
        typedef enum _BasicGateType {point, compound, mask}
        struct BaseInfo {
            int           s_id;                   // Id in gate_defs table.
            int           s_saveset;              // id of saveset.
            std::string   s_name;                 // gate name.
            std::string   s_type;                 // detailed gate type.
            BasicGateType s_basictype;            // what to expect.
        struct Point {
            double    s_x;
            double    s_y;
        typedef std::vector<Point> Points;
        struct Info {
            BaseInfo       s_info;
            IdList         s_parameters;
            IdList         s_gates;
            Points         s_points;
            int            s_mask;
            static bool exists(CSqlite& conn, int saveid, const char* name);
            static DBGate* create1dGate(
                CSqlite& conn, int saveid,
                const char* name, const char* type,
                const NameList& params, double low, double high
            static DBGate* create2dGate(
                CSqlite& conn, int saveid,
                const char* name, const char* type,
                const NameList& params, const Points& points
            static DBGate* createCompoundGate(
                CSqlite& conn, int saveid,
                const char* name, const char* type,
                const NameList& gates
            static DBGate* createMaskGate(
                CSqlite& conn, int saveid,
                const char* name, const char* type,
                const char* pName, int imask
            static std::vector<DBGate*> listGates(CSqlite& conn, int saveid);

            DBGate(CSqlite& conn, int saveid, const char* name);
            DBGate(CSqlite& conn, int id);

            const Info& getInfo() const;
            std::vector<std::string> getParameters();
            std::vector<std::string> getGates();
            Points   getPoints();
            int      getMask();



The SpecTclDB::DBGate class encapsulates gate definitions. A gate is a condition that, when applied to a spectrum must be true on an event by event basis to allow that spectrum to be incremented.

The richness in the types of gates supported by SpecTcl, makes the data in this class the most complex of all objects that are stored in the database. This is reflected by the fact that fully five tables in the database are used to hold information that defines gates.

Gates come in three overall types:

Point gates

A point gate is a gate that defines a region of acceptance in parameter space. Simplistically, if an event falls inside this acceptance region the gate is true.

Point gates further break down into one dimensional and two dimensional gates depending on the dimensionality of the acceptance region.

Mask gates

Mask gates are defined on a single parameter. The parameter is treated as an integer and a specific bitwise operation is performed on that parameter with a constant bitmask. The results of that operation are used to deermine the truth or falsity of a gate.

Compound gates

A compound gate accepts a list of dependent gates and performs some logical operation on them to determine its truth or falisty. For example, a not gate has a single dependent gate and is true for events where that gate is false.

For more information on gate types and how they are evaluated, see the SpecTcl user manual and command reference.


Manyof the methods in SpecTclDB::DBGate that are public are intended to be called by SpecTclDB::SaveSet. These methods can be distinguished from methods intended for general public use because they have CSqlite parameters identifying the database, and a save set primary key parameter identifying the saveset.

If you see methods like these and want the functionality they provide, see the methods in SpecTclDB::SaveSet that offer the same functionality and use them instead.

The public methods of the class are:

static bool exists(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = );

Returns true if a gate named name is defined in the saveset with the primary key sid and with the connection to a database

static DBGate* create1dGate(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = , const char* type = , const NameList& params = , double low = , double high = );

This method creates a 1-d poing gates. 1-d point gates are defined on a set of parameters and specify a slice of parameter space. The reason that more than one parameter might be needed has to do with SpecTcl's gamma slice gate.

name will be the name of the gate definition that will be created, type the gate type code (which, to support expansion from SpecTcl applications is jut a free text value). params is a vector of parameter names the gate needs to operate. For e.g. slice gates, this is the single parameter the gate is checked on. low and high define the acceptance region.

In addition to these parameters, which specify the gate characteristics, saveid specifies the primary key of the save set this gate definition will belong to. conn is the database connection that implies the Sqlite3 database file the save set, in turn lives in.

After createing the gate definition in the database, it is wrapped in a DBGate object and a pointer to that object returned to the caller. Note that this object is dynamically created and therefore must be deleted when the caller no longer needs it.

static DBGate* create2dGate(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = , const char* type = , const NameList& params = , const Points& points = );

This method creates a gate definition for a 2-d point gate. The only difference between it and create1dGate is that the acceptance region is a 2-d shape that is defined both by points and the gate type's interpretation of those points (for example, a band interprets those points differently than a contour).

After createing the gate definition in the database, it is wrapped in a DBGate object and a pointer to that object returned to the caller. Note that this object is dynamically created and therefore must be deleted when the caller no longer needs it.

static DBGate* createCompoundGate(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = , const char* type = , const NameList& gates = );

Creates a compound gate. The name and type parameters, as usual specify the name and type of gate. gates specify the names of gates the gate depends on. gates contain the names of gates already defined in the save set. This implies that saving gates requires some dependency analysis on the part of the caller.

As with other creation methods; saveid specifies the primary key of the save set this gate definition will belong to. conn is the database connection that implies the Sqlite3 database file the save set, in turn lives in.

After createing the gate definition in the database, it is wrapped in a DBGate object and a pointer to that object returned to the caller. Note that this object is dynamically created and therefore must be deleted when the caller no longer needs it.

static DBGate* createMaskGate(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = , const char* type = , const char* pName = , int imask = );

Create a definition for a mask gate. The gate is described by the parameter name, pName and mask. Its name is name and type imask

As before, saveid specifies the primary key of the save set this gate definition will belong to. conn is the database connection that implies the Sqlite3 database file the save set, in turn lives in.

After createing the gate definition in the database, it is wrapped in a DBGate object and a pointer to that object returned to the caller. Note that this object is dynamically created and therefore must be deleted when the caller no longer needs it.

static std::vector<DBGate*> listGates(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = );

Lists the gates in the save set with the primary key saveid in the database connected with conn. The gate information is returned as a vector of pointers to SpecTclDB::DBGate objects that are dynamically constructed. Each object wraps one of the gates in the save set. Once the program no longer needs those pointers they should be deleted.

Recall that gates must be defined such that dependent gates are defined prior to a gate itself. This implies that the program has performed a dependency analysis when defining the gates. The order of the gates in the vector will be the same as the order in which the gates were defined in the database. Therefore, on restoration, it is not necessary for the program to do dependency analysis again.

DBGate(CSqlite& conn = , int saveid = , const char* name = );

Construction involves looking up the gate defintions for name in the save set with the primary key saveid. If found, the constructed object wraps the data for that gate caching it locally. If not, std::invalid_argument is thrown.

conn represents the database in which the lookup and retrieval are done.

DBGate(CSqlite& conn = , int id = );

Same as the previous constructor except the gate is specified by its primary key. Since the primary key is unique for all gates in the database, it is not necessary to specify a saveset.

const Info& getInfo();

Cached data describing the gate is stored internal to the object. This method obtains a const reference to the data structure that contains that data. See the DATA TYPES section for more information about the Info data structure.

std::vector<std::string> getParameters();

Parameters a gate depends on are stored as foreign keys (the value of the primary key of the paramter in the parameter table). This method returns a vector of the names of the parameters the gate depends on. Note that since, for some gates, order is important, the vector preserves the order in which the parametes were passsed to the original gate creation method.

std::vector<std::string> getGates();

Compound gates store their dependent gates as the primary keys of those gates in the top level table describing gates. This method converts those keys into names and returns a vector of the gate names.

While gate order is not imporant to the results of compound gates, the use of short circuit evaluation in + and * gates can mean the order affects the performance of the evaluation of those gates (for a + gate the most commonly true gate should be first while for a * gate the most commonly false gate). Therefore the gates are ordered in the order in which they were passed to the gate creation operation. This preserves any attempt by the gate definer to optimize performance.

Points getPoints();

Returns the points associated with a point gate. These are returned in the order in which they were presented at definition time.

int getMask();

Returns the mask value for a mask gate.


The SpecTclDB::DBGate exports several data types. These will be described in this section. Most, but not all of them build to form components of the Info struct which contains cached data fetched from the database for this gate. We will define these types from most to least primitive.

Vector types. Two types are just typedef'ed vectors: NameList is a vector of const char* it is used to store things like parameter names or other simple string entities when building a gate. The second, IdList is a vector of int. It's used to store collections of foreign or primary keys. IdList is mainly used internally.

BasicGateType. The data a gate contains depends on a broad clasification of its type. The BasicGateType is an enumeration that provides symbolic meaning to those classification. A BasicGateType value or variable can be one of (note to get a fully scoped value, prepend the items below with SpecTclDB::DBGate::) :


This classification of gate has parameters and points. The points describe an acceptance region in either 1 or 2-d space. Events that fall into that region, in general make the gate true.


This classification of gate has dependent gates. The truth or falsity of the gate are determined by applying a boolean functionto the dependent gates.


This classification of a gate has a single parameter and a mask.

BaseInfo. This struct is part of the Info struct. It provides basic information about the gate and enough additional information for software to know what fields of the Info struct to expect to have data. It has the following members:

int s_id

The primary key of the gate in the top level gate table. The top level table basically has the information in the BaseInfo struct. All other data about a gate live in other tables with a foreign key back to the top level table.


Contains a foreign key that identifies the save set this gate definition belongs to. By foreign key, we mean that this value is the primary key of a record in the save sets table.


The name of the gate.

BasicGateType s_basictype

Provides the broad classification of gate for this gate. As described in the documentation for this type, above, the value of this type tells your software which parts of the Info struct have useful data. It tells the software in this library which dependent tables have data for this gate when filling in the Info struct.

std::string s_type

The detailed gate type string. This is the SpecTcl gate type string.

Point and Points. Point gates require two or more points in one or two dimensional space to specify a region of acceptance. The Point struct represents a single point with two doubles: s_x, the x coordinate and s_y the y coordinate of each point (not meaningful for a one dimensional acceptance region). Points is just a vector of points.

Info. This type contains all of the information fetched from the database that describes a single gate. It has several fields. Which fields are actually used, depends on the gate classification.


The base information described above. The s_basictype field tells software which other fields of this struct are useful.


Used by point and mask gates, this field contains foreign keys for the parameter definitions for the parametes used by this gate.


Used by compound gates, this field contains foreign keys for all gates this gate depends on.

Points s_points

Used only by point gates. This field contains the points that describe the gate's region of acceptance.

int s_mask

Used only by mask gates. Contains the mask value.