

CSqliteWhere, CBinaryRelationFilter, CRelationToNumbverFilter, CRelationToStringFilter, CRelationBetweenFieldsFilter, CCompoundFilter, CAndFilter, COrFilter, CInFilter -- Classes to build up WHERE clauses.


#include <CSqliteWhere.h>

class CBinaryRelationFilter : public CQueryFilter
    typedef enum _binaryOp {
        equal, notEqual, gt, lt, ge, le    
    } binaryOp;                       // Allowed relational ops.
    CBinaryRelationFilter(std::string field, binaryOp op);
    virtual std::string rhs() = 0;
    virtual std::string toString();

class CRelationToNumberFilter : public CBinaryRelationFilter
        std::string field, CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op, double value
    virtual std::string rhs();

class CRelationToStringFilter : public CBinaryRelationFilter
        std::string field, CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op, std::string value
    virtual std::string rhs();

class CRelationBetweenFieldsFilter : public CBinaryRelationFilter
        std::string field, CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op, std::string f2
    std::string rhs();

 *  @class CCompoundFilter
 *     This type of filter provides a base class for e.g. AND and OR which
 *     are filter clauses that operate on a set of sub-clauses.
class CCompoundFilter : public CQueryFilter

    CCompoundFilter(std::string joinString);
    CCompoundFilter(std::string joinString, std::vector<CQueryFilter*>& subFilters);
    void addClause(CQueryFilter& clause);
    std::vector<CQueryFilter*>::iterator begin();
    std::vector<CQueryFilter*>::iterator end();
    size_t                              size();
    bool isLast(std::vector<CQueryFilter*>::iterator& p);    
    virtual std::string toString();

class CAndFilter : public CCompoundFilter
    CAndFilter() : CCompoundFilter("AND") {}
    CAndFilter(std::vector<CQueryFilter*>& clauses) :
        CCompoundFilter("AND", clauses) {}

class COrFilter : public CCompoundFilter
    COrFilter() : CCompoundFilter("OR") {}
    COrFilter(std::vector<CQueryFilter*>& clauses) :
        CCompoundFilter("OR", clauses) {}    

class CInFilter : public CQueryFilter

    CInFilter(std::string field);
    CInFilter(std::string field, const std::vector<double>& values);
    CInFilter(std::string field, const std::vector<std::string>& values);
    CInFilter(std::string field, const std::vector<int>& values);
    virtual ~CInFilter();
    void addItem(double value);
    void addItem(std::string value);
    void addItem(int value);
    virtual std::string toString();



The SQL WHERE clause can allows for incredibly complex conditions to be represented. While there is nothing to stop you from using string manipulation to build up this clause, these classes are provided to optionally simplify the construction of syntactically correct WHERE clauses.

Normally you use these classes to express the condition or conditions you want to represent and then obtain the string representation of those clauses with a call to the object's toString method.

Using these classes with query parameters can be a bit challenging. The recommendation I would make is to provide named formal parameters and, after you have built the statement and are binding parameters, use CSqliteStatement::bindIndex to translate from these named parameters to the parameter number needed by the bind methods.

Note that unless you use formal parameters, no input sanitation is done. This can fall into the "Bobby Tables" pitfall of SQL injection attacks.


These are a family of filters with an abstract base class named CBinaryRelationFilter. The class family captures relationships between a field and a constant (or parameter). Since SQL syntax varies somewhat depending on depending on the right hand side of the relationship (e.g. strings require quotation).

The base class constructor looks like this:

CBinaryRelationFilter(std::string field = , CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op = );

field is the name of a database field, and will be the left hand side of the relationship. op is an enumerated type that specifies the relationship between the field and the right hand side. The right hand side is specified by the specific subclass you choose to use.

Valid values for op are:


The operation will test for equality


The operation will test for inequality

CBinaryRelationFilter::gt, CBinaryRelationFilter::ge

The operation will test for LHS greater than or greater than or equal to right hand side respectively.

CBinaryRelationFilter::lt, CBinaryRelationFilter::le

The operation will test for less than or less than or equal to respectively.

As indicated, the real meaning of CBinaryRelationshipFilter objects comes from the specific subclass instantiated. Options and the constructors for them are:

CRelationToNumberFilter(std::string field = , CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op = , double value = );

This class is suitable to use for numeric comparisons. Note that while the value compared with the field is a double, this will work perfectly well for integer fields as well.

CRelationToStringFilter(std::string field = , CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op = , std::string value = );

This class is suitable for use to compare a simple string with a field. Note that value is simply enclosed with single quotes (' characters). No attempt is made to escape any embedded single quotes. The caller must have prepended those with a backslash (e.g. \') if they are present in the string.

This class cannot be used with a formal parameter as quoting one is not valid.

CRelationBetweenFieldsFilter(std::string field = , CBinaryRelationFilter::binaryOp op = , std::string f2 = );

Originally intended to check a relationship between two fields (field and f2). The f2 parameter value will be made the RHS of the relation, whithout any quoting.

The lack of quoting makes it possible to use this to express a relationship with a value to be supplied by binding to a formal parameter. Simple provide a named parameter string for the f2 value, for example :myparameter.

Compound Filters and their methods

A compound filter binds two or more relationships with a boolean logical operator (e.g. AND). The base class CCompoundFilter provides a framework for doing this. Derived classes provide convenient classes for the typical boolean relationships.

The final string will be of the form (term1) joinstring (term2) ...

Note that the terms in the relationship can be handed in en-mass or built up incrementally or a combination of the two (initial en-mass group with additional terms added). The subclasses of CCompoundFilter specialize by providing specific constructors. These will be taken up after the description of the base class constructors and methods.

CCompoundFilter(std::string joinString = );

Base class constructor sets the string used to join the terms of the relationship. If you use this constructor, you must use addClause to build up the terms in the relationship.

CCompoundFilter(std::string joinString = , std::vector<CQueryFilter*>& subFilters = );

This constructor provides the join string as well as an initial set of terms. Clients can still call addClause to add additional terms to the relationship. The final string.

void addClause(CQueryFilter& clause = );

Adds a clause to the list of clauses that will be joined by the join string.

std::vector<CQueryFilter*>::iterator begin();

Provides iterator support to the underlying collection of terms. This returns the begin of iteration pseudo pointer.

std::vector<CQueryFilter*>::iterator end();

Provides iterator support. Equality comparison with the return value of this method indicates you've bounced off the end of the term collection.

size_t size();

Returns the number of terms in the collection.

bool isLast((std::vector<CQueryFilter*>::iterator& p = );

Takes an iterator to the collection of terms p and returns true if there are no terms after the one "pointed to" by p.

virtual std::string toString();

Returns the stringified version of this query filter. The result will be of the form (term1) joinstring (term2) ...

Now let's look at the subclases that make CCompoundFilter genuinely useful.


Constructs a CCompoundFilter object with a join string of AND. Terms to this must be added via addClause

CAndFilter(std::vector<CQueryFilter*>& clauses = );

Creates a CCompoundFilter with a join string of AND and an initial set of clauses clauses. The application may still call addClause to add additional clauses to the relationship.


Constructs an empty CCompoundFilter that has a join string of OR. The appliciton will need to call addCaluse to build up the clauses that are joined.

COrFilter(std::vector<CQueryFilter*>& clauses = );

Constructs a CCompoundFilter object with a join string of OR and an initial set of clauses. Additional clauses can be subsequently appended to this initial set using addClause.


SQL provides for a condition that checks for set membership; the IN clause. The form of the in clause is field IN (item1, item2...) If the field is equal to any of the elements in parentheses, the IN test is true. The CInFilter provides the ability to build up the set of items the IN clause checks for. Note that the items in parenthesis can legally be of heterogenous types, although I cannot see a use case for that given that a field has only a single type.

Let's look at the constructors and methods for CInFilter.

CInFilter(std::string field = );

Constructs an CInFilter with no items in its match set. The field will be the LHS of the IN expression and will be placed in the clause as supplied.

CInFilter(std::string field = , const std::vector<double>& values = );

The CInFilter is created with an initial set of double values in the matching set.

CInFilter(std::string field = , const std::vector<std::string>& values = );

The CInFilter is created with an initial set of std::string values in the matching set. Each item in values will be surrounded with single quotes ('). No effort wil be made to escape quotes that are internal to the strings.

CInFilter(std::string field = , const std::vector<int>& values = );

The CInFilter is created with an initial set of int values in the matching set.

void addItem(double value = );

Appends an additional double value to the matching list.

void addItem(int value = );

Appends an additional int value to the matching list.

void addItem(std::string value = );

Appends an additional std::string value to the matching list. The value will be surrounded by single quotes when it is put into the IN list. No effort is made to escape quotes that are embedded in the string.

virtual std::string toString();

Generates and returns the filter clause. The result will be a string of the form field IN (val1, val2...)