7.2. Pop Up context menus

Each of the object types in the GUI has a context menu that can be popped up by right clicking that object. This section describes those menuse and what their commands do.

Configurtion context menu. This context menu is activated by right clicking on a saveset or the configuration saved in that saveset. It makes the following commands available:


Requests a new save set name, creates that save set and saves the current analysis configuration in that saveset.

Save Spectrum...

Requests a spectrum name and saves that spectrum's contents in the currently selected save set. Note that activating the context menu makes the configuration the mouse is over the current configuration.


Loads the configuration into SpecTcl. This restores the parameter, tree parameter, spectrum and gate definitions as well as the gate applications and tree variable definitions and values into SpecTcl.

If you post this menu by mistake, the escape keyboard key will unpost it.

Spectrum context menu. This context menu is activated when you right click a spectrum object in a save set. It has the following commands:


The current contents of the spectrum indicated are saved into the current save set. Prior contents are cleared first.

Save Spectrum...

Prompts for a spectrum whose contents will be saved in the currently selected save set.


Loads the contents of the selected spectrum into the same spectrum in SpecTcl.

Run context menu. This menu supports event playback:


After prompting for confirmation warning of the consequences of playing back data: Turn off any active recording. Prompts to ask if the user wants to restore the analysis configuration prior to playback, Asks as well if you want to clear all spectra prior to playback.

On confirmation, initiates playback.


Disables any playback in progress.