A.2. Object oriented Sqlite3 wrapper

Table of Contents
CSqlite -- Connection to Sqlite3
CSqliteException -- Exception class for libsqlite3pp
CSqliteStatement -- Executes SQLite3 statements
CSqliteTransaction/CSqliteSavePoint -- Encapsulate Sqlite transactions/savepoints
CSqliteWhere -- Classes to build up WHERE clauses.

The database C++ software uses an object wrapping of SQLite3 called sqlite3pp. It was written here at the NSCL/FRIB and is built and installed inthe SpecTcl installation directory.

To use this library you'll need to add the following compilation and link flags:


In this flag and others, SPECTCLHOME is assumed to be an environment variable that points to where the SpecTcl top level installation directory is.

Adds the SpecTcl header directory to the search path for files in #include preprocessor directives.


This flag adds the SpecTcl library directory to the link library search path.


Adds the libsqlite3pp.so shared object to the set of libraries searched to resolve undefined symbols in your code.


Adds the Sqlite3 API library to the libraries that are searched to resolve undefined symbols in your code.


Adds the SpecTcl library directory to the run-time search path for shared objects that are loaded when your program starts up.

The library is quite small and represents a minimal simple wrapping of SQLite3. The refererence pages that follow are organized in a sort of logical order rather than alphabetically.