Chapter 4. Running VMUSBSpecTcl

Beginning with SpecTcl version 3.3-009 VMUSBSpecTcl is installed in the bin directory of the SpecTcl installation tree. If you don't need to modify it, you can run it directly from that location.

VMUSBSpecTcl is run just like any other SpecTcl. Some additions to your SpecTclRC.tcl file are required to load and process your desired configuration file. The Tcl code fragment below shows how to do this:

# Configure the VM-USB unpacker software:
# You should probably change the code below to
# load the configuration file of your choice.

set daqconfig [file join ~ config daqconfig.tcl]; # default config file.

lappend auto_path [file join $SpecTclHome TclLibs]
package require vmusbsetup

vmusbConfig $daqconfig


This example unconditionally uses ~/config/daqconfig.tcl as the configuration filename. You should probably substitute some other mechanism. Two that I have used are to

  1. Remove the definition of daqconfig above and put it in SpecTclInit.tcl then you can select a configuration file by editing the relatively short SpecTclInit.tcl file.

  2. Set daqconfig from a call to tk_getOpenfile. tk_getOpenFile is a Tk utility that opens a file chooser dialog and returns the path to the file chosen from that dialog. describes this command and gives an example of its use.

To summarize, the key points are that your SpecTclRC.tcl file should