VMUSB SpecTcl metadata


Config File -- VMUSBSpecTcl metadata.


set adcChannels(moduleName) channel-list


The adcChannels array is indexed by VMUSB module names and defines the name of SpecTcl parameters into which each module's data will be decoded.

For most simple modules, the value of an adcChannels element is just the parameter names for each channel of that module. See SPECIAL CASES below for exceptions.

Unused trailing channels can be omitted from the list. By convention, channels that are given the name "" are not used as well. This allows you to have sparsely populated modules with either trailing unused channels or a set of unused channels in the middle of the module channel list.


Some modules do not fit the model described above in DESCRIPTION. For these modules, the adcChannels array element is still used, however it may be interpreted differently or even coupled with additional metadata.

CAEN 785N, 775N, 792N

These modules have 16 NIM inputs. While functionally identical to the V785, V775, and V792 modules, only every other ADC channel is routed to the front panel. Therefore when setting up your adcChannels array element for these modules you must take this into account for example:

set adcChannels(moduleName)           \
    [list chan0 "" chan1 "" chan2 "" chan3 "" chan4       \
     "" chan5 "" chan6 "" chan7 \
     "" chan8 "" chan9 "" chan10  "" chan11 \
     "" chan12 "" chan13 "" chan14 "" chan15]

CAEN Dual range ADC's

The CAEN V956 is a dual range QDC. Each input channel produces a high and a low gain output. This allows the QDC to have good resolution at both the high and low end of the input range.

In the CAEN V956, rather than requiring the user to specify each paramter, the value of the parameter list are taken as base parameter names and a base-name.l> and base-name.h paramter and spectrum are produced for each. Where .l means low range and .h means high range. full resolution Spectra are produced for both of these parameters.

Washington University HINP chip readout FPGAs


Support for the WUSTL HINP chip readout and analysis was provided by Jon Elson at Washington Univ.

Washington University in St. Louis have built front end ASIC based boards that are designed for detector arrays with a large number of channels. The HINP board described in http://www.chemistry.wustl.edu/~lgs/NIMA_573_418_2007.pdf use a discriminator and sample and hold array to sparsify and hold peak voltages and timing information from the detector array.

The preferred way to acquire data from these boards is via a JTEC XLM-XXV which where the custom firmware in the FPGA sequences analog data through that modules FADC and merges it with the corresponding timing data.

Since essentially arbitrarily sized arrays can be managed with this electronics, additional metadata is required. Specifically, one needs to know the number of HINP chips in the configuration. This information is stored in the array HINPChips which is indexed by module name. Each element of this map is a list of the chip address numbgers of the chips that are being read out.

The adcChannels array element is a base name for the entire chipset. From this base name parameters are constructed for the energy and times of all channels of all chips as follows: base-name.chip-address.nn.e and base-name.chip-address.t where base-name is the base parameter name from adcChannels, chip-address is a two digit decimal chip address from HINPChips and nn a two digit channel number from within the chip in the range [00 .. 15].

Full resolution spectra are created for each of these parameters.

Washington University PSD chip readout FPGAs


Support for the WUSTL PSD chip readout and analysis was provided by Jon Elson at Washington Univ.

Washington University in St. Louis has built a set of front end board for large detector arrays. The board are populated with a set of ASIC chip boards. Each ASIC is capabile of performing charge integration over three regions of the pulse. See http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900209019639 for information about this system, althought the channel density has been increased to 16 channels/chip since that article was published.

The analog are sparsified and held in the ASIC along with timing information for the non-zero channels. The preferred way to read data from from the PSD chips is with a JTEC XLM-XXV.

Custom firmware in the XLM's FPGA sequences analog data to the FADC on the XLM-XXV and combines it with the digital timing information for each non-zero channel.

Since arbitrary sized arrays can be handled by this system, the adcChannels variable only supplies a parameter base name. Additional metadata is required to describe the size of the system.

PSDChips is an array that is indexed by module name and contains a list of the chip addresses that are in use by the system. Each chip is capable of handling 16 channels. Therefore, the base name and chip addresses are used to create parameter names of the form: base-name.abct.chip-address.nn Where; base-name is the value in adcChannels for the module, abct is one of a,b,c,t where a,b,c represent an integrationinterval and t the time parameter. chip-address is the address of the chip and nn the two digit channel number within the chip from [0..15].

Indiana University MASE chip readout FPGAs

The Indiana University MASE chip readout is a hieararchical readout system intended for highly segmented silicon detector arrays. It is described in http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900206016664.

In summary, the system consists of a number of Controller boards (COBs). A number of Channel boards (CHB) connect to these COBs. Each channel board can manage 16 channels. The entire system i scapable of reading over 4000 channels of Si detector. The entire system is read using an FPGA base XLM module.

In addition to adcChannels the MASE requires two piecs of additional metadata. maseCOBCount is an array indexed by module name that contains the number of COB boards in the system. the array maseCHBCounts further provides a list of the number of CHB modules attached to each COB. This allows for COBs that are not fully populated. CHB addresses are always sequential and start from zero as are COB adresses.

As the MASE system only produces energy information, this results in parameters and full resolution spectra of with names of the form: base-name.cob.chb.chan Where base-name is the base name of the parameter in adcChannels, cob is the COB board address as a two digit decimal number, chb is the CHB board address as a two digit decimal number and chan is a two digit channel number within the CHB.

CAEN V977 I/O register

The CAEN V977 operates like a 'normal' one channel module except that the spectrum it generates is a 16bit bitmask spectrum.

CAEN V 1x90 multi-hit TDCs

The CAEN V 1x90 TDC family (V 1190 and V1290) are multihit TDCs that have settablechannel ranges. The configuration parameters also make it possible to know the timescale of the spectra created for this module. Furthermore, since the module gate is clocked in by the TDC timing relative to that gate is much worse than the TDC is capabile. Therefore the software supports doing a digital subtraction from the digitized time of the gate (a reference channel).

The additional metadata for this module is therefore the values of the following options:


Determines the number of hits that will be histogrammed. The software will create one histogram per channel per allowed hit. Names of the parameters/histograms are of the form name.n where name was the name for the channel in adcChannels and n is the hit number from zero.


Set the channel number that will be used as the gate time channel.


The V1x90 is a familly of TDCs with many different options for channel count. This value determines the number of channels to expect.


Determines the full scale range of the TDC by setting the width of the digitized time window.


Determines where the window starts relative to the gate and therefore establishes the time at the left end of the spectrum.


Determines the width in time of each channel of the spectrum. Together with -window this also determines the number of channels in each spectrum.

Note that setting all but -channelcountM, -refchannel and -depth affect the way the TDC operates and you should keep your application in mind when doing so.