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unbind - SpecTcl Command

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unbind name [name...]
unbind -id id [id...]
unbind -all
unbind -xid xid [xid...]


Unbinds a SpecTcl spectrum from the display process.

Detailed Description

SpecTcl has no fixed limits on the number of histograms and spectrum channels which can be created. It is only limited by the amount of virtual memory available to SpecTcl. The dislayer, Xamine, however is limited at startup time to a fixed amount of spectrum memory and to a compile time limite of 999 spectra. The sbind command and the unbind command manage the subset of SpecTcl spectra which are known to Xamine at any given time. sbind makes a spectrum known to Xamine and unbind removes a spectrum from Xamine. Neither sbind nor unbind affect the contents of the spectrum. Those are copied in or out of local storage as needed by SpecTcl.

unbind name [name...]

Removes a set of named spectra from the Xamine shared memory and copies them to local SpecTcl memory. The spectra continue to be incrmented nomrally, and if later bound to Xamine the updated contents will be available.

unbind -id id [id...]

Unbinds a set of spectra from Xamine, given their spectrum Id numbers.

unbind -all

Unbinds all bound spectra from Xamine.

unbind -xid xid [xid..]

Unbinds a set of spectra givne their Xamine slot numbers.



SpecTcl Home  General Information User Guide Programmer's Guide Obtaining and Installing

Last Modified: October 28, 2003 by: fox@nscl.msu.edu
© Copyright NSCL 1999, All rights reserved