Event Builder REST


Event Builder REST -- Event Builder Statistics REST Protocol




The Orderer stage of the the event builder can be run with a REST interface to its internal statistics through the EVBREST package, which starts the server and EVBStatistics package which maintains statistics for the server in an easy to manage set of dicts.

The server advertises the service ORDERER_REST by default. The service name can be modified by defining the SERVICE_NAME environment variable or the Tcl global variable ServiceName prior to starting including the EVBREST package.

All REST requests have URLs of the form http://hostname:port/statistics/request where hostname is the name of the host in which the event builder is running, port is the port number of the server as translated from its advertised service name and request identifies the request.

Successful returns produce a JSON encoded object (mimetype application/json). The remainder of this manpage describes the requests and the JSON object returned by each of them.

All of these objects have two common attributes; status which has the string value OK on success or ERROR on failure and message which is an empty string if status was OK or a human readable error string if not.


Returns input statistics. The additional attributes returned are:


Oldest queued fragment timestamp.


Newest queued fragment timestamp.


Number of in-flight fragments in the orderer.


Returns information about all of the queues. Each data source id has an associated queue into which its fragments go until they can be emitted. The JSON attribute queues contains information about each queue. The value of this attribute is a JSON array of objects. Each of the objects in the array has the following attributes:


The source id of the queue described by this object.


The number of fragments currently in that queue.


The timestamp of the oldest fragment in this queue (the queue head).


The number of bytes of data in this queue.


The total number of bytes of data that have been dequeued from this queue since the event builder started.


The total number of bytes of data that have ever been sent to this queue.


This request provides output statistics. The resulting object has two attributes: fragments and perqueue

The fragments value is just the total number of fragments that have been output from the orderer.

The perqueue value is a bit more complex. It is a JSON array of JSON objects that provide output statistics from the event queues. Each object in the array contains the following attributes:


The source id associated with the output statistics in this object.


The number of fragments outupt from this queue.


Provides an overview of the barrier statistics from the event bulder orderer stage. The data are returned in two attributes: complete which provides statistics for complete (successful) barriers and incomplete which provides statistics for incomplete (failed) barriers. The values of these attributes are JSON encoded objects as well. Both objects have the same attributes:


Number of barriers of this type (complete or incomplete).


Number of barriers that were complete or not but whose fragments all had the same barrier type.


Number of barriers that were complete or not but whose fragments had more than one barrier type.


Returns more detailed statistics about the complete (successful) barriers. The returned object has the two attributes: bytype which provides statistics by barrier type and bySource which provides statistics by data source. The values of both of these are arrays of objects.

bytype array element object attributes


Contains a barrier type.


Contains a count of the number of times a fragment with that barrier type has been seen.

bySource array element object attributes


Source id this object provides statistics for.


Total number of barrier fragments from that source.


Array of objects that have attributes: type - a barrier type and count - the number of times that barrier type has been see in in that source id's queue.

/statistics/incompletebarrierdetails Detailed Incomplete Barrier Statistics

Provides detailed statistics for incomplete barriers. An incomplete barrier is a failure of barrier synchronization. The statistics for these events are captured in data in the following two attributes: histogram which captures a histogram of number of missing fragments and bysource whichcaptures per source statistics. Both of these attributes contain list of JSON objects:

histogram Array Element Attributes


Number of missing fragments.


Number of times that number of fragments was missing.

bysource Array Element Attributes


Source id


Number of times that source id was among the missing sources in a barrier synchronization.

/statistics/datalatestatistics Data Late Statistics

Provides statistics that describe the data late conditions detected by the orderer. This provides the following attributes:


Total number of data late conditions.


Worst case time stamp difference.


An array of objects that provide per source data late statistics. Each object has the attributes: id the data source id, count the number of times the source has had a data late condition. and worst the worst case timestamp deviation for that source.

/statistics/oostatistics Out of Order Statistics

Provide information about out of order statistics. This object has two attributes: summary providing summary statistics and bysource providing per source statistics.

The summary attribute contains an objec with the attribues count - the number of out of order fragments, prior the timestamp of the fragment prior to the most recent out of order fragment and offending the timestamp of the most recent out of order fragments.

bysource contains an array that provides per source statistics. Each element has the id attribute which is the source id and the attributs in summary which, in this case are confined to the specific data source.

/statistics/connections Connection List

Data are fed to the event orderer via TCP/IP block transfer connections. This request provides an object with the connections attribute. The value of connections is an array of objects. The attributes of each object describe one connection:


Name or IP of host from which the connection was made.


A textual description of the connection supplied by the client.


Textual connection state.


Boolean idle flag. If nonzero, the connection has been idel.

/status/flowcontrol Flow Control State

The object returned has the atribute state which is non-zero if the even builder is asserting flow control to its clients.

/status/shutdown Shutdown Event Builder (POST)

This request will shutdown the event builder. The request must be issued using a POST request. At present a fixed delay is used to shut down the event builder. In the future, the POST parameter delay will be the delay in seconds.