

eventorderer -- Event orderer protocol


#include <fragment.h>
#include <CEventOrderClient.h>

static const unsigned EVB_MAX_DESCRIPTION=80;      // Description string size.

namespace EVB {
  typedef struct _ClientMessageHeader {
    uint32_t  s_bodySize;          // # bytes of message body.
    uint32_t  s_msgType;           // Type of message.
  } ClientMessageHeader, *pClientMessageHeader;
  // Message type codes (bit encoded for the hell of it)
  static const uint32_t CONNECT   =1;
  static const uint32_t FRAGMENTS =2;
  static const uint32_t DISCONNECT=4;

  typedef struct _ConnectBody {
    char     s_description[EVB_MAX_DESCRIPTION];  // Description string.
    uint32_t s_nSids;                             // Number of sids on this link.
    uint32_t s_sids[0];                           // actually s_nSids follow.
  } ConnectBody, *pConnectBody;



The NSCL event builder consists of a two stage pipeline. The first stage accepts a set of event fragments from an arbitrary number of event sources and produces output that is a total ordering of the event fragments with respect to the value of a timestamp associated with each fragment. The synchronization of the source of this timstamp is beyond the scope of the event builder software as that normally must be done by the experimental hardware.

The event orderer stage operates as a TCP/IP server. Data sources follow a well defined protocol to connect with the server, send data and, eventually, disconnect from the server.

The server never initiates an interaction with the clients. Only clients initiate interactions through messages.

Messages consist of a header followed by an optional body. The Beginning with NSCLDAQ-12, all headers are pure binary. Thus the event builder in NSCLDAQ-12 and later cannot accept data from fragment sources written for earlier versions of NSCLDAQ. Each messages is described fully in the next section: MESSAGES

The event orderer uses the NSCL port manager to advertise its presence. The service name used is, by default, "ORDERER"


Each subsection describes a specific message. Messages consist of a header and an optional body. The message type determines if there is a body. Each segment consist of a 32 bit little endian size followed by its contents.

Headers are described in the synopsis by the struct EVB::ClientMessageHeader.

The server replies to the client are fully textual. Each reply is a single line of text. The server replies are success and error replies:


Successful completion of the request.

ERROR {text}

The request failed. The text following the ERROR return is an English string that gives the reason for the failure.

See ERROR STRINGS below for the various failur reasons that have been anticipated.

The message headers have the following fields:

uint32_t s_bodySize

Number of bytes of the body. This can be zero if the message has no body.

uint32_t s_msgType

The message type. This is one of:


Message is sent just after the client connects to the server. The body describes the connection and the set of source ids to expect from the client.


The body contains fragment data


The client is about to disconnect. This message has no body.


Must be sent by the client immediately following a connection. The body is a EVB::ConnectBody which descsribes the connection and the source ids to expect from this connection. The fields of EVB::ConnectBody are:

char s_description[EVB_MAX_DESCRIPTION]

Contains the connection description string. Any unused bytes should be zero filled. The description must be at most EVB_MAX_DESCRIPTION-1 bytes long to allow a zero termination.

uint32_t s_nSids

Number of source ids the client will send.

uint32_t s_sids[0]

This array will actually be s_nSids long and will contain the actual source ids the client can send. These are used to pre-allocate fragment queues.

This message causes a transition from the CONNECTING to the CONNECTED state.


Indicates an orderly, alarm free, disconnect of the client from the event builder. If the client simply closes the socket, the connection loss is considered abnormal, and alarms may be raised. Therefore clients should properly disconnect rather than just letting sockets close on exit e.g.

The body of the DISCONNECT message is empty. Note that the actual sequence the API software imposes is:

  1. Send the DISCONNECT message.

  2. Receive the OK message back from the server

  3. Both close the socket. The server closes the socket as soon as the OK message has been sent. The client closes the socket as soon as the server reply message has been sent (note that in the future if the server can send an ERROR, the client will still close after recieving that reply).


A EVB::FRAGMENTS type indicates the body is an array of fragments from the data source. Each fragment can be thought of as a header followed immediately by its payload. The payload itself is the event fragment. The header describes the payload and is a EVB::FragmentHeader Note that the size of the body is still the first 32 bits in the entire body. It is followed immediately by the first header.

Fragment headers have the following fields:

uint64_t s_timestamp;

The timestamp of the event fragment.

uint32_t s_sourceId;

The unique source id of the fragment. The sourceId is used to determine into which fragment queue the fragment is put. At this time it is required that data from each source id come in monotonic time order.

uint32_t s_size;

The number of bytes in the payload that follows this struct.

uint32_t s_barrier;

The barrier type code.


Connections have well defined states. The connection state changes due to a well defined set of events. If the state machine is violated, the server will disconnect from the client immediately without reporting an error.


Expected CONNECT

Protocol required a CONNECT message but something else was received.

Empty Body

Protocol required a non-empty body but an empty body was received.

Unexpected header: xxx

A header was received of a type not expected.