

LogBookNote -- Encapsulate logbook notes.


#include <LogBookNote.h>

class LogBookNote
    typedef struct _NoteText {
        int        s_id;
        int        s_runId;     // Associated run.
        int        s_authorId;
        time_t     s_noteTime;
        std::string s_contents;
    } NoteText, *pNoteText;
    typedef struct _ImageInfo {
        std::string s_filename;
        size_t      s_offset;
    } ImageInfo, *pImageInfo;
    typedef struct _NoteImage {
        int         s_id;
        int         s_noteId;
        int         s_noteOffset;
        std::string s_originalFilename;
        size_t      s_imageLength;
        void*       s_pImageData;
    } NoteImage, *pNoteImage;
    LogBookNote(CSqlite& db, int noteId);
    LogBookRun* getAssociatedRun(CSqlite& db) const;
    const NoteText& getNoteText() const;
    size_t          imageCount() const;
    const NoteImage& operator[](int n) const;
    std::string substituteImages();
    static LogBookNote* create(
        CSqlite& db, LogBookRun* run, const char* string,
        LogBookPerson* pPerson,
        const std::vector<ImageInfo>& images
    static std::vector<int> listRunNoteIds(CSqlite& db, int runId);
    static std::vector<int> listNonRunNotes(CSqlite& db);
    static std::vector<LogBookNote*> getAllNotes(CSqlite& db);
    static std::vector<LogBookNote*> getRunNotes(CSqlite& db, int runId);
    static std::vector<LogBookNote*> getNonRunNotes(CSqlite& db);
    std::string exportImage(const NoteImage& image);


... -I$DAQINC -L$DAQLIB -lLogbook -Wl,-rpath=$DAQLIB


Instances of LogBookNote encapsulate data in the database stored for a single note. Notes are considered to be a soup of rich text in Markdown format (see https://https://www.markdownguide.org/). A note has metadata that consists of an author, a timestamp that indicates when it was submitted to the database and optionally a run with which it's associated.

As the Markdown syntax supports image file references, and we want our logbook databases to be self-contained, when a note is submitted, it is the authoring software's responsibility to submit the markdown along with a set of image filenames and the byte offset into the note text at which the image file reference begins. (the byte offset of the ! in e.g. ![some text](/image/file/path.jpg)).

Methods are provided to obtain the note text, re-exporting the images into the logbook temporary directory and fixing up image references so that they work properly. Image formats are not restricted by this software but only by the software used to view renderings of the markdown code (e.g. the web-browser for HTML renderings or acceptable LaTeX image formats for PDF).

It is important to note that this class's rendering is limited to provding fixed-up markdown text. The problem of rendering this markdown into PDF or HTML and viewing it is pushed out onto user level software (e.g. lg_print or lg_browse). Reasonable well developed Tcl support software has been developed and will be described in pages in the 3tcl reference section.


Some of the methods described here are provide to hide implementation details from the LogBook class and not intended for general use. These will be pointed out but documented for programmers of the logbook support software and to allow for use cases not-foreseen.

LogBookNote(CSqlite& db, int noteId);

Not intended for general use. Locates the note with the primary key noteId from the database indicated by db and loads the data associated with that note, wrapping it in a newly constructed LogBookNote instance.

This constructor is intended to hide note implementation details from the LogBook API class.

const LogBookRun* getAssociatedRun(CSqlite& db);

If this note in the database db, the data associated with that run is wrapped into a new LogBookRun object and a pointer to that object returned. As the LogBookRun object is a dynamically created object, when it is no longer needed your program must destroy it with delete.

const const NoteText& getNoteText();

Returns a NoteText reference to the data that describe the note. See DATA TYPES for a description of the NoteText data structure.

const size_t imageCount();

Returns the number of image referenes that are claimed to be embedded in to the note Markdown text.

const const NoteImage& operator(int n);

Returns information about the n'th image reference in the note text. The NoteImage data structure is described in DATA TYPES. If n is out of range of the number of images actually associated with the note text, a std::out_of_range exception is thrown.

std::string substituteImages();

Iterates over the images associated with the note. For each image reference, the image data in the database is exported into a file in the logbook temporary directory, the image reference in the logbook text is then fixed up to properly reference the exported image.

The return value is the text of the note after all images have been exported and their references fixed up. Note that the original text in the database is not modified.

LogBook::Exception is thrown if the byte offset of an image reference does not point to a valid markdown image reference. Note that image export does not imply that the data are necessarily a valid image format. The code just exports the bytes it has.

static LogBookNote* create(CSqlite& db, LogBookRun* run, const char* string, LogBookPerson* pPerson, const std::vector<ImageInfo>& images);

This method is not intended for general use. It creates a new note in the database indicated by db. run is a pointer to a run encapsulation for a run that will be associated with the note. If there is no associated run, this should be a nullptr. string are the contents of the note. pPerson is a pointer to an encapsulation of the person who is authoring the note. images are a vector of image files paths and where their references appear in the string. The ImageInfo struct is documented in DATA TYPES

On success a new note has been created and a new LogBookNote wrapped around its data. A pointer to that note is then returned. The LogBookNote object is dynamically created and, therefore, when no longer needed must be destroyed with delete/

static std::vector<int> listRunNoteIds(CSqlite& db, int runId);

Not intended for general use. Given a logbook database; db and the primary key of a run in that database, returns a vector of all of the note ids associated with that run.

static std::vector<int> listNonRunNotes(CSqlite& db);

Not for general use. Given a logbook database; db returns the ids of all notes that are not associated with any run.

static std::vector<LogBookNote*> getAllNotes(CSqlite& db);

Not intended for general use. Given a logbook database; db, returns a vector of pointers to LogBookNote encapsulations of all notes. The LogBookNote objects are all dynamically created so when no longer needed, the program must destroy them with delete to avoid resourcde leaks.

static std::vector<LogBookNote*> getRunNotes(CSqlite& db, int runId);

Not intended for general use. Given a database db connection object and the primary key of a run; runId, for each note associated with that run, encapsulates it in a LogBookRun object. A vector containing pointer to all those objects is then returned. the objects are dynamically created and must be destroyed using delete when no longer needed.

static std::vector<LogBookNote*> getNonRunNotes(CSqlite& db);

Given a logbook database; db, encapsulates all notes that are not associated with a run in LogBookNote objects and return a vector of pointers to those objects. Since the objects are dynamically created and must be destroyed using delete when no longer needed.

std::string exportImage(const NoteImage& image);

Given image information, exports the image into a file in the logbook image diretory and returs a full path to the image. This is not intended for general use. Normally it's used internally as part of substituteImages, however it turned out to be useful by they Python bindings API.


LogBookNote exports several data types.


This data type encapsulates the raw note text and metadata.

int s_id

The primary key of the note.

int s_runId

If there is an associated run, this is it's primary key. If not, this value is 0 which is an invalid primary key value.

int s_authoriId

The primary key of the person who authored the note.

time_t s_noteTime

The time(2) at which the note was entered in the database.

std::string s_contents

The text of the note itself.


This struct provides information about images referenced in the note text. This struct is used to specify files to capture into the database.

std::string s_filename

The original file path specifying an image that is to be loaded into the database.

size_t s_offset

The byte offset of the ! that is the first character of the reference to this image in the note text.


This struct captures the data stored in the database for images that are captured in the database.

int s_id

The primary key of the image in its table.

int s_noteId

The primary key of the note that needs this image.

int s_noteOffset

The offset in the note text at which the link referencing this note begins.


The original filename of the note. This is normally used to help construct the name of the exportefile.

size_t s_imageLength

Number of bytes of image data.

void* s_pImageData

Pointer to image data; that is the original contents of the file.



Directory into which the image files are exported from the data base by e.g. substituteImages.