

LogBookRun -- Encapsulates runs from logbooks.


class LogBookRun {
    typedef struct _RunInfo {
        int         s_id;
        int         s_number;
        std::string s_title;
    } RunInfo, *pRunInfo;
    typedef struct _Transition {
        int         s_id;
        int         s_transition;
        std::string s_transitionName;
        int         s_transitionTime;
        std::string s_transitionComment;
        LogBookShift* s_onDuty;
    } Transition, *pTransition;
    typedef struct _Run {
        RunInfo                 s_Info;
        std::vector<Transition> s_transitions;
    } Run, *pRun;
    LogBookRun(CSqlite& db, int id);

    const RunInfo& getRunInfo() const;
    bool  isCurrent(CSqlite& db) const;
    const Transition& operator[](int n) const;
    size_t numTransitions() const;
    int    lastTransitionType() const;
    const char* lastTransition() const;
    bool isActive() const;
    void transition(CSqlite& db, const char* type, const char* note);
    static LogBookRun* currentRun(CSqlite& db);
    static int runId(CSqlite& db, int runNumber);
    static int begin(
        CSqlite& db,  int number,
        const char* title, const char* remark=nullptr
    static void  end (
        CSqlite& db,  int runid,
        const char* remark=nullptr
    static void  pause (
        CSqlite& db,  int runid,
        const char* remark=nullptr
    static void  resume (
        CSqlite& db,  int runid,
        const char* remark=nullptr
    static void  emergency_end (
        CSqlite& db,  int runid,
        const char* remark
    static std::vector<LogBookRun*> list(CSqlite& db);
    static LogBookRun* find(CSqlite& db, int runNumber);
    static bool isLegal(CSqlite& db, int runId, int proposedTransition);

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Data taking is divided into time segments. Each segment of data taking is called a run. Runs and their state transitions (e.g. from active to ended) are logged in the logbook database. This logging can be automated by using the logbookbundle package with the Readout GUI.

In LogBookShift we learned that shifts are collections of people and that a shift can be set to be the current shift. When run state transitions are logged, the current shift is associated with that transition. This allows us to know who was on duty during that segment of data taking.

The LogBookShift encapsulates one run and its transition history in the logbook database. We can think of a run as consisting of information about the run; the run number, run title, and a sequence of state transitions that each contain a transition type (e.g. begining the run), the time the transition was logged, the shift that was on-duty and, in the logbook, a short remark associated with the transition


Some of the methods described in this section are not intended for general use but serve to hide implementation details from the LogBook top level API class. Nevertheless, they are documented here in case some unanticipated use case arises that necessitates an application making use of them in a time-scale too urgent to allow the needed capabilities to be put in the top level API. These methods will be noted as not intended for general use in the documentation below.

LogBookRun(CSqlite& db, int id);

This constructor is not intended for general use. It is used by the LogBook class to wrap an existing run in the database referenced by the Sqlite++ database connection object db that has the primary key id.

All information about the run are fetched from the database and loaded into the object under construction.

const const RunInfo& getRunInfo();

Returns a const reference to a struct within the object that provides all information about the run. The RunInfo structure is documented in DATA Types below.

const bool isCurrent(CSqlite& db);

Not intended for general use but used to hide implementation details from the LogBook class Returns true if the object represents the current run in the logbook database referenced by the Sqlite++ database connection object db, otherwise returns false.

const const Transition& operator[](int n);

Returns a const reference to a Transition struct that describes the n'th transition (the Begin run transition is number 0). If n is out of range, a std::out_of_range error is thrown. See numTransitions below.

const size_t numTransitions();

Returns the number of transitions the run has undergone. operator[] can be used to retrieve references to each transition.n

const int lastTransitionType();

Returns the integer code associated with the most recent transition the run underwent. See DATA TYPES for a definition of the transition code values. It may be simpler, instead to use lastTransition which returns a string version of the transition. Again see DATA TYPES.

It is the most recent transition that determines the current state of the run as understood by the logbook.

const const char* lastTransition();

Returns a text string that describes the most recent transition the run had. The most recent run state transition determines the current state of the run. See DATA TYPES for information about the possible values this can take.

const bool isActive();

Examines the last state transition the run has undergone and returns true if that transition implies the run has not ended (note that PAUSED runs are considered active too). If not false is returned

void transition(CSqlite& db, const char* type, const char* note);

This is not intended for general use. It hides the implementation details of runs and transitions from the LogBook class. Attemtps to perform an arbitrary state transition. on the run stored in the database connected to the db Sqlite++ connection object.

The type parameter is a string that identifies the type of transition to attempt. See DATA TYPES for a list of legal strings. note is a pointer to a character string that is a remark to associate with the transition.

Several error conditions are possible which all throw LogBook::Exception exceptions:

  • The transition name string does not designate a legal transition name.

  • The transition requested is not legal because the current state of the run forbids it. For example, a run whose prior transition was BEGIN cannot undertake a RESUME transition.

  • There is no current shift. The current shift is associated with the transition. If there's no current shift, no runs can undertake transitions.

  • Any error condition detected interacting with the database.

Note that if the state transition terminates the run (END or EMERGENCY_END), and the run is the current run, the database is told there is no current run.

static LogBookRun* currentRun(CSqlite& db);

Not intended for general use. If the logbook database referenced by db has a current run, it is wrapped in a dynamically created LogBookRun and a pointer to that object is returned. If not nullptr is returned. It is the responsibility of the client to dispose of the returned object via delete when it is no longer needed.

static int runId (CSqlite& db, int runNumber);

Not intended for general use. This method returns the primary key of the run numbered runNumber from the logbook database referenced by db. If there is no run with that number a LogBook::Exception is returned.

static int begin(CSqlite& db, int number, const char* title, const char* remark = nullptr);

Not intended for general use. This method creates a new run with the provided number and title in the database referenced by db and remark. It then uses transition to initiate a BEGIN state transition to log the beginning of that run. It then makes that run the current run. The following errors can be thrown as LogBook::Exception objects:

  • A run with this run number cannot already exist.

  • There cannot already be a current run.

The return value from this method is the primary key assigned to the new run by the database when it was created.

static void end(CSqlite& db, int runid, const char* remark = nullptr);

This is not intended for general use. Attempts an end run transition on the run identified by the primary key runid db is the Sqlite++ database connection object connnected to the datasbase to be modified. remark is the comment to be associated with the transition.

In addition to any error the transition method may throw, an exception is, of course, thrown if there is no run with the primary key runid.

static void pause (CSqlite& db, int runid, const char* remark = nullptr);

Same as end but attempts a PAUSE transition to log that the on-going data taking run has been paused.

static void resume(CSqlite& db, int runid, const char* remark = nullptr);

same as end however attempts a RESUME transition. That is a run, whose data taking is in the paused state due to the most recent transition being PAUSE is marked as actively taking data again.

static void emergency_end(CSqlite& db, int runid, const char* remark);

Attemts an EMERGENCY_END transition. This marks a run ended in a way that flags the end was not normal. The most common use of EMERGENCY_END is data acquisition system failure while a run was active. When the system starts up, it then detects that there is a currently active run in the logbook and forces an EMERGENCY_END to ensure there's no active/current run when the next BEGIN is attempted.

static std::vector<LogBookRun*> list(CSqlite& db);

Not for general use. This method returns a vector of pointer to LogBookRun objects that encapsulate all runs in the logbook. The objects pointed to are dynamically instantiated. Once they are no longer needed, you must delete them all in order to prevent memory/resource leaks.

db is the Sqlite++ database object that is connected to the logbook database.

static LogBookRun* find(CSqlite& db, int runNumber);

Not intended for general use. Locates the run with in the database referenced by db with the run number runNumber and wraps the data associated with it in a LogBookRun object returning a pointer to it. If there is no match, a nullptr is returned instead.

Note that the pointer returned points to a dynamically allocated object. To prevent memory/resource leaks, when the program no longer needs that object it should use delete to destroy it.

static bool isLegal(CSqlite& db, int runId, int proposedTransition);

Not intended for general use. Locates the run in the database referenced by db with the primary key runId and checks to see if the current state of that run allows the proposedTransition to occur. If so true is returned otherwise false.

This method can throw an LogBook::Exception if, for example, there is no matching run.


The LogBookRun class defines three public data types. These data types, and their members are described in this section.


This struct provides the run metadata. It consists of the following fields:

int s_id

Contains the primary key of the run that is described by this run metadata.

int s_number

Contains the run number of the run that's described by this run metadata.

std::string s_title

Contains the title of the run described by this struct instance.


The Transition structure provide information about a single transition the run has undergone. LogBookRun instances contain a sequence of at least one transitions (a BEGIN transition is what brings a run into being).

Transition structs have the following fields:

int s_id

Primary key of the transition in the transition table. See the Logbook Schema reference page for the full logbook schema.

int s_transition

An integer that describes the transition see State transition values for the values this can take.

std::string s_transitionName

Contains a text string that identifies the transition represented by this struct. See State transition values for information about the values this string can take.

int s_transitionTime

The time(2) at which this transition was logged.

std::string s_transitionComment

A remark that can be logged with the transition. This is interpreted as plain text, however, if markdown is included, it will be properly rendered by the logbook renderers.

LogBookShift* s_onDuty

Pointer to a LogBookShift object that encapsulates the shift that was on duty when this transition was logged. For more on this object type, see LogBookShift

Table 1. State transition values

s_transition values_transitionName valueTransition type
1BEGINBegin run. This is always the first transition
2END End of run. This or EMERGENCY_END are always the last transition.
3PAUSE Pause run. Data taking is temporarly paused.
4RESUME Resume run. Indicates a paused run has resumed taking data.
5EMERGENCY_ENDAbnormal end of run.


This struct contains all of the information about a run fetched from the database:

RunInfo s_Info

Contains the run metadata

std::vector<Transition> s_transitions

Contains all of the information about all of the transitions the run has undergone. The elements of this arrary are in chronological order.