

LogBook -- Python bindings to LogBook Api.


PYTHONPATH=$DAQROOT/pythonLibs/nscldaq python3

import LogBook.LogBook as LogBook         

except LogBook.error:

LogBook.create(filename, expid, spokesperson, purpose)
book = LogBook.LogBook(filename)


# People interface      

person = book.add_person(lastname, firstname[, salutation])
people = book.find_people([whereclause])
people = book.list_people()
person = book.get_person(id)

# Shift interface

shift = book.get_shift(id)
shift = book.create_shift(name[, people])
shift = book.find_shift(name)
shift = book.current_shift()


# Run interface

run  = book.current_run()
runs = book.list_runs()
run  = book.find_run(number)
run  = book.begin_run(number, title[, comment])


# Note interface:

note = get_note(id)
notes = list_all_notes();
notes = list_all_notes_for_run_number(number)
notes = list_all_notes_for_run_id(id)
notes = list_all_notes_for_run(run)
notes = list_nonrun_notes()
run   = get_note_run(note)

note = create_note(author, text [,images=filenames, offsets=offsets][, run])


# Key Value store interface

if (kv_exists(key)):
    # It exists
value = kv_get(key)
kv_set(key, value)
kv_create(newkey, value)



This is the top level reference page for the python bindings to the logbook API. In addition to a static method to create new logbooks, and an exception type (LogBook.error), the API allows construction of a LogBook.Logbook object on an existing logbook filename. Once constructed, that object provides several API subsections, each of these will be given its own section.

Each of the API subsections may produce objects of other types that can be manipulated to gain further detailed information about the logbook or provide additional information to the logbook. These will have their own reference pages (they are called out in the text as well as appearing in SEE ALSO)

PEOPLE API section

This section allows you to create and retrieve people from the logbook. A persin is encapsulated in a LogBook.Person object. This object is described in the reference page: LogBook.Person.

Here are the methods that make up the People API section:

LogBook.Person add_person(string lastname, string firstname, (optional) string salutation);

Creates a new logbook person and returns an object that encapsulates it. The parameters can be ordered or specified via keywords whose keys are the parameter names above. The lastname and firstname parameters are mandatory and specify the person's last name and first name respectively. The salutation parameter is optional. If supplied a non-empty salutation will be provided for the person (e.g. 'Mr.') If not, on retrieval, this person will have an empty salutation.

tuple of LogBook.Person find_people(optional string whereclause);

Finds people that match the optional whereclause. The result is a tuple containing LogBook.Person objects that encapsulate people that satisfy the whereclause. whereclause is optional. If omitted, this method is functionally equivalent to list_people below. If provided, whereclause must be a valid SQLite3 WHERE clause (without the WHERE) clause that will be used to filter out the matching people.

For more informationa bout the strings that can be used for whereclause, refer to the Sqlite3 reference page for expressions ( https://sqlite.org/syntax/expr.html ). And the logbook schema for the person table at Logbook Schema

tuple of LogBook.Person list_people();

Returns a tuple that contains all people in the logbook. This is functionally equivalent to not supplying a whereclause to find_people.

LogBook.Person get_person()(number id);

Returns the person with the primary key id. This parameter must be treatable as an integer.


The Shift part of the API manipulates collections of people that can be on-duty while data taking is in progress. Shifts, returned by this part of the API are encapsulated in LogBook.Shift objects. These are described in the LogBook.Shift reference page.

These methods make up the Shift API section:

LogBook.Shift get_shift(number id);

Returns a LogBook.Shift object that encapsulates the person with the primary key id. This parameter must be convertible to an integer.

LogBook.Shift create_shift(string name, (optional) iterable of LogBook.Person people);

Creates a shift and optionally stocks it with people. The name parameter is mandatory and is the new name to give to the shift. Shift names must be unique. The optional people parameter can be specified either positionally or by keyword (people). If provided it must be an iterable Python object whose members are all LogBook.Person people who will initially be members of the shift. Note that the LogBook.Shift object that's returned also provides methods that allow you to manipulate membership.

A caution here that shift membership should not change once data taking starts. This is because run state translations get associated with a shift. Therefore changing the membership of a shift will change the logbook database's understanding of who was on-duty at the time of the shift change.

LogBook.Shift find_shift(string name);

Returns a LogBook.Shift object that encapsulates the shift that is named name

LogBook.Shift current_shift();

The logbook has the concept of a current shift. This has meaning during data taking. When run transitions are logged, the current shift is associated with that transition. This logs who was on duty and responsible for that transition. If no current shift has been established; None is returned.

RUN API Section

Runs are segments of data taking. They are encapsulated with LogBook.Run objects. For more on those, see LogBook.Run. This part of the API provides the ability to create new runs, by beginning data taking, and retreive existing runs. One of the most important bits of metadata associated with a run is its run number. Among recorded runs, this is a unique integer.

One other key concept in the run API is that, natrually, data taking can only be active in one run at a time. The logbook API enforces this by refusing to allow a run be created while another run is active. The active run, if there is one is called the current run.

Here are the methods that make up the run api:

LogBook.Run current_run();

Returns the current run if there is one or None if no data taking is in progress (according to the logbook).

tuple of LogBook.Run list_runs();

Returs a tuple of LogBook.Run that contains all of the runs in the logbook. Note that the current run, if there is one, is included in the tuple.

LogBook.Run find_run(Number number);

Returns the LogBook.Run that has the run number number. If there is no match, None is returned.

LogBook.Run begin_run (Number number, String title, optional String comment);

Creates a new run logging a BEGIN transition for it. The number and title specify the run number and title respectively and are mandatory. The optional parameter comment provides a comment that's associated with the begin state transition. All parameters can be either positional or be keyworded with the name of the parameter as the keyword (e.g. number=1).

NOTE API section

Notes are documentation about the experiment that can be entered at any time. Notes can be associated with runs or free standing. A note has, minimally an author and a time at which it was created. Notes can be rich text using the Markdown formatting language. See https://https://www.markdownguide.org/ for information about Markdown.

Markdown supports the inclusion of images via image links. The logbook database, however is all inclusive. Therefore, the images that are referred to in notes are pulled into the database where they can be recovered when the note is later rendered.

Notes are incapsulated in LogBook.Note objects. These objects are described in LogBook.Note.

Here are the methods in the note API

LogBook.Note get_note(Number id);

Returns a LogBook.Note that encapsulates the note that has the primary key id

Tuple of LogBook.Note list_all_notes();

Returns a tuple that contains all of the notes known to the logbook.

Tuple of LogBook.Note list_all_notes_for_run_number(Number number);

Returns a tuple of LogBook.Note objects that represent all of the notes that have been associated with the run numbered number.

Tuple of LogBook.Note list_all_notes_for_run_id(Number id);

Returns a tuple of LogBook.Note objects that represent all of the notes that have been associated with the run whose primary key is id

Tuple of LogBook.Note list_all_notes_for_run(LogBook.Run run);

Returns a tuple of LogBook.Note objects that represent all of the notes that have been associated with the LogBook.Run object run.

Tuple of LogBook.Note list_nonrun_notes();

Returns a tuple of LogBook.Note that represent the notes that are not associated with any run.

LogBook.Run get_note_run(LogBook.Note note);

If the note is associated with a run, this method returns a LogBook.Run encapsulating that run. If not, None is returned.

LogBook.Note create_note(LogBook.Person author, String text, optional Iterable of Strings images, optional Iterable of Numbers offsets, (optional) LogBook.Run run);

Creates a new note in the logbook and returns a LogBook.Note that encapsulates it. Two mandatory parameters; author and text provide the LogBook.Person that is the note author and note text respectively. If the markdown in text contains image references, the images and offsets must provide the filenames of those images and byte offsets into the text at which the link to each image occurs. If the note is associated with a run, run is the LogBook.Run that represents the associated run.

The parameters can be positional as shown or keywords where the parameter names above are the keywords you can use e.g.

author = book.find_people('lastname = "Fox"')[0]
run = book.current_run()
note = book.create_note(author, "This a note for the current run", run=run)



The key value store provides the ability to store keyword value pairs that can be retrieved by keyword. Here are the methods that make up this section of the API.

Boolean kv_exists(String key);

Returns True if there is an entry in the key value store with the key key. If not, returns False.

String kv_get(String key);

Returns the value of the key key from the key value store. If there is no matching key, raises LogBook.error

None kv_set(String key, String value);

If key exists, its value is overridden and set to value. If key does not exist, it is created with a value of value.

None kv_create(String newkey, String value);

If newkey does not exist it is created with value as its value. If it does exist, LogBook.error is raised.

