

logbookadmin -- High level logbook interface


package require logbookadmin

createLogBook path experiment spokesperson purpose ?select?


setCurrentLogBook path


addPerson lastName firstName ?salutation?


createShift name members

addMembersToShift shiftName members

removeMemberFromShift shiftName member

setCurrentShift shiftName

listShiftMembers shiftName



beginRun number title ?remark?

endRun ?remark?

pauseRun ?remark?

resumeRun ?remark?

emergencyEndRun ?remark?



findRun number

getNote id

getNoteText note

getNoteTitle ?note?


listNotesForRun number


kvExists key

kvGet key

kvSet key value

kvCreate key value


Using the low level logbook Tcl bindings can be painful because of the need to track the creation of instance commands and to ensure they get destroyed when on longer needed. At the cost of making many more transient objects than otherwise required, the logbookadmin package provides a much easier to use interface to the logbook API.

One of the features of logbookadmin, is that it adds the concept of a current logbook to the API. The current logbook is the one that all commands will operate on, other than commands that can modify the current logbook.

A feature of the logbookadmin API is that rather than returning command ensemble objects for complex objects, instead it returns dicts for them. See DICTIONARIES for a description of these dicts and their keys.


The logbookadmin interface is procedural. The interface, therefore appears as simple commands.

createLogBook path experiment spokesperson purpose ?select?

Creates a new logbook with the experiment identifier, spokesperson and purpose requested in the new database file named path. If select is provided and evaluates to a boolean true, the logbook is made current and all other operations that don't specify a logbook will operate on this logbook. If not suppled, select defaults to a boolean false value.


If a current logbook has been established, the path to it is returned. If there is no current logbook, an empty string is returned. See, however currentLogBookOrError below.

setCurrentLogBook path

Sets the current logbook to be path. Note that this does not validate the file as a logbook. That's done on the first access.


Returns the path to the current logbook. If no logbook has been established as current, the command throws an error. This is most commonly used internally as well to obtain the logbook to operate on.

addPerson lastName firstName ?salutation?

Adds a new person to the current logbook whose last name and first name are lastName and firstName respectively. If the optional salutation is provided it is the salutation associated with the person. If not, then the person is associated with a saluation that is an empty string.


Returns a list containing person dictionaries. Each entry describes one person in the logbook and altogether all people registered in the logbook are returned. The dicts returned are descriged in DICTIONARIES

createShift name members

Creates a new shift. The shift will be named name and initially have members as its members. The members list is a list of person primary keys (ids). These can be gotten from person dicts. To create an empty shift simply supply [list] as the members parameter to provide an emptylist.

Once created, addMembersToShift and removeMemberFromShift can be used to edit the shift membership. Remember that shifts, not their members are associated with run state changes so the shift members should remain constant once data taking has begun.

addMembersToShift shiftName members

Adds new members to the shift named shiftName. The members parameter is a list of person ids (primary keys). The id of a person can be gotten from its dict. representation.

removeMemberFromShift shiftName member

Removes the person whose primary key ismember from the shift named shiftName.

setCurrentShift shiftName

The logbook has the concept of a current shift. This shift is associated with all run state transitions and is intended to describe who is on-duty during a segment of data taking. This command sets the current shift to the shift named shiftName.

listShiftMembers shiftName

Returns person dicts for all of the members of the shift named shiftName


Returns a list whose members are the names of all of the shifts defined to the logbook.


If a current shift has been established, returns the name of that shift. If there is no current shift, an empty string is returned.

beginRun number title ?remark?

Creates a new run with run number and title given by number and title respectively and logs a BEGIN state transition immediately. If remark is provided it is a remark that is associated with the transition. Note that for this to work a current shift must also have been established and there cannot be another run with the same number.

This command also establishes a current run. All future state transitions operate on that run until the run has ended at which point there is no longer a current run and state transitions other than those initiated by beginRun fail.

endRun ?remark?

Ends the current run by logging an END state transition for it and indicating there is no current run. If provided remark is a textual remark that is associated with the transition.

pauseRun ?remark?

Pauses the current run by logging a PAUSE transition for it. The current run remains the current run. If provided remark is a textual comment associated with the transition.

resumeRun ?remark?

Resumes a paused current run by logging a RESUME transition. remark if provided is a text comment string that is associated with the transition

emergencyEndRun ?remark?

Ends a run with an EMERGENCY_END transition. This differs from an END transition only in that it implies the end of the run was not handled normally. The remark, if supplied is a text string associated with the transition.


Returns a list. Each list element is a run dict that describes one run. All runs known to the logbook (including the current run if any) are represented by elements in the list.

For information about the contents of each dict see: DICTIONARIES.


If there is a current run (sometimes referred to as the active run), returns a run dict that describes that run. If there is no current run an empty dict is returned. The command dict size applied to that dictionary value will be zero if the dictionary is not empty. For example:

set current [currentRun]
if {[dict size $current] != 0} {
   puts "There is a current run; number [dict get $current number]" 
} else {
   puts "There is not a currently active run."

findRun number

If there is a run in the logbook with run number number the run dict that describes it is returned. If not an empty dict is returned. As with currentRun, dict size can be used to determine if the returned value is empty.

getNote id

Returns a note dict that describes the note with primary key id. The contents of note dicts is described in DICTIONARIES.

getNoteText note

Given a note dict, returns the markdown text associated with the note whose note dict is note. This proc exports images associated with the note text and fixe up image references so that they will be handled correctly by markdown renderers.

getNoteTitle ?note?

Returns up to the first 20 characters of the first line of the note text given a note dict note. This is assumed to be a title string that can give a user some idea of what the note is about. If the first line of the note is over 20 characters long, the first 20 characters followed by the text ... is returned.


Returns list containing the note dicts for all notes in the logbook.

listNotesForRun number

Returns a list containing the note dicts for all notes associated with the run numbered number. It is perfectly acceptable for this list to be empty, if there are no notes associated with the run.


Returns a list of dicts for all notes that are not associated with any run.

kvExists key

Returns a boolean true if the key value store of the current logbook database contains a key with the string value key

kvGet key

If the key key exists in the key value store, the value associated with the key is returned. Otherwise, the command raises an error.

kvSet key value

If there is a key key in the key value store, the value associated with it is changed to value. If not, a new key is created and has a value value.

kvCreate key value

Creates a new key, value pair in the logbook's key value store. If key is already defined in the logbook database, an error is raised.


Several object types in the logbook database have dict representations. This section describes the key/value pairs in each dict.

Person Dict. This dict contains key/value pairs that define a person in the logbook:\


Contains the primary key of the person.


Contains the person's last name.


Contains the person's first name.


Contains the person's salutation. This string is empty if there is no saulation associated with the person.

Run dict. This dict describes the run metadata and its transitiongs. By nature each run has at least one transition. The key value pairs are:


The run's run number.


The run's title string.


Evaluates to a boolean that is true if the run is active.


list of transition dicts. Transition dicts contain the following key/value pairs:


The transition type name string e.g. BEGIN is always the first transition in a run.


The clock seconds when the transition was logged.


The remark string associated with this state transition.

Note Dict. Contains data associated with a note. Note that in order to make these dicts relatively light-weight, the text and images associated with a note cannot be directly accessed via this dict. Its key value pairs are:


The primary key assigned to the note.

run (optional)

If present the contents of this key are the run dict that describes the run associated with this note.


The clock seconds at which the note was loaded into the database.


Contains the person dict that describes the note's author.



Contains the name of the current logbook.


Directory into which the image files are exported.