72.4. Software structure

This documentation of the software internals separates into two mostly independent chunks. Support for Readout and support for SpecTcl.

In all cases a layered approach was taken. This provides a realtively easy to use system which may not perform at the fastest possible speed, but can later be optimized either by using the lower layers of software directly or by transparently optimizing some of the lower layers for the upper layers.

72.4.1. Readout Software

The software described in this section is in libCaenVx2750.a

The CAEN support for the VXxxxx digitizers with DPP-PHA firmware is supplied as ilbraries that are installed either on the host system or in the container image. This support consists of two libraries. The first communicates with the digitizer and the second provides a filesystem like image of the digitizer parameter space.

On problem with the CAEN library support is that since parameters are file system path-like names and values are strings, errors can only be detected at run-time. Two classes have been layered on top of the bas CAEN support, in the caen_nscldaq namespace:


Provides basic communication support. This class establishes communication with boards and provides separated access to the chunks of the digitizer filesystem that provide parameters for different levels of acces.

For example, there are methods that write/read digitizer level parameters, and methods that write/read channel level parameters. Similarly some methods control the LVDS I/Os on the front panel, while others provide support to configure the module for readout and to read individual events from the module.


This provides enumerated contants and methods which provide access to teach of the parameters in the digitizer. Note that since this is derived from Dig2Device, should CAEN introduce additional parameters, they can be directly accessed via the methds of that class until appropriate methods are added to VX2750Pha.

There are a large number of parameters that can/must be configured to get the digitizer to do what you want it to do. The configuration for a single module is captured in a VX2750PHAConfiguration object. This object is agnostic about how it is configured. Support for creating and manipulating configurations using the Tcl scripting language is provided by VX2750TclConfig.

Initially I wanted to be able to configure the modules using the same XML file produced by the COMPASS program and there is initial, untested code in VX2750XMLConfig to do that. However the XML definition is not described anywhere and there are specific, important parameters I don't understand how to extract from that file. The specification for the XML file is internal to the COMPASS group and, at least for the prior generation of digitizers, has changed from version to version leaving a full implementation of VX27850XMLConfig vulnerable to COMPASS updates.

The Readout framework chosen requires a custom trigger and readout code. The trigge tells the framework when it is appropriate to invoke the readout code. The framework takes care of packaging the data read into ringitems an putting them into ringbufers where they can serve as input to the event builder.

The classes at this level of the code are:


Knows how to read data when it is available in a single module. This uses a configuration object to initialize the modules.


Knows how to determine if a single module has data.

Since, in general, a system consists of several modules, The following classes are containers which support multi-module setups.


Contains several indivdual module trigger objects. In a single poll, makes available thet set of readable modules.


Contains several individual module event segments and creates a multi trigger from them. When called, it will invoke the read methods of all of the event segments in each module that has data.

This latter is done in a way the the event in each module is treated as a single ring item. The Readout framework has a mechanism for a reader to specify that, upon providing data it can read more data without the need to poll the trigger. This mechanism is used by VX2750MultiModuleEventSegment.

72.4.2. SpecTcl Support

SpecTcl support requires, at a minimum, some user code that can unpack raw data (in this case from the event builder) into a set of parameters. These parameters are then fed to SpecTcl's histograming engine which, using spectrum definitions gates and gates applied to spectra maintains histograms. The classes described in this section are in libCaenVxUnpackers.

Histograms can be dynamically created as can gates snd the application of those gates to conditionalize spectrum increments.

SpecTcl accomplishes this mapping of raw event data to parameters via a programmatic scheme called the Data Analysis Pipeline. As the name implies the pipeline is made up of stages. Each stage of the pipeline has access, not only to the raw event data, but the parameters that have been been produced by prior stages of the pipeline.

While the DPP-PHA firmware has relatively few parameters that can be unpacked directly from its data (time and pulse height), depending on the items selected for readout, it can produce data that may be useful to other stage of the pipeline. F

For example, you can select to read the waveforms that were inputs to the DPP-PHA algorithm as well as some of the intermediate data. Computations could be done on these traces or a spectrum could be set-aside to be used to display waveforms on demand.

The SpecTcl support provides software that knows how to unpack an event fragment or hit from a digitizer. It also provides framing software that is cognizant of event boundaries and calls appropriate unpacking software for each module throughout the hits the event builder has determined constitute an event.

The relavent classes are:


Given a pointer to raw hit data unpacks the data from the hit. This class produces four parameters for each channel that's hit: The nanosecond time, the raw time the fine timestamp and the energy.

In addition to these parameters, internal data is maintained for all other information the digitizer can produce. Getter methods allow access to these data. You can imagine that in creating one or more module unpackers, you might store pointers or references to them in downstream elements of the analysis pipeline where additional information could be extracted.


An event processor which, given a pointer to the body of an event fragment invokes an unpacker to unpack data from that hit.


This event processor holds a collection of VX2750EventProcessor objects. It accepts the body of an event from the event builder and iterates over the fragments. For each fragment, the fragment's source id is used to select a VX2750EventProcessor to use to unpack the data in that fragment.

THe source id, in the readout scheme represents a module. It is possible for an event to have more thano n e hit from a module...in which case the module's unpacker is called more than once per event. Presumably this fill in data from several channels in the module.

72.4.3. To Do:

If possible, with a bit of close cooperation from the CAEN Compass team, I'd like to revisit the possibility of configuring the system from a COMPASS XML file.

Initializing a module takes too much time (my opinion). This is done at the beginning of each run. I can see two improvements in this process:

  1. Do a full initialization only on start up and scoreboard changes to the configuration, only programming those at the beginning of a run.

  2. Support multichannel settings. The CAEN parameter 'filesystem' provides a method to set several channel level parameters to same value in a single transaction. Supporting this could reduce the number of device transactions needed for a full initialization.