72.3. Configuring SpecTcl

Some classes have been written to make the unpacking of raw parameters from hits within an event built event simple. With SpecTcl's event processing pipeline architecture, once raw events have been unpacked into parameters and accessible data structures, it is simple to add additional event processors to the pipeline to perform arbitrary computations.

This chapter will describe:

SpecTcl documentation is available in http://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq. I recommend using a release of SpecTcl version 5.12. This version has the infrastructure to unpack event built data needed by the classes we'll use, as well as the new QtPi displayer as an option if you want capabilities beyond those offered by Xamine.

Note that a complete example is provided in the tclreadout/SpecTcl subdirectory of the source tree.

72.3.1. Unpacking classes

The libCaenVxUnpackers.a library provides classes that understand how to unpack data from the event built data for the CAEN Digitizers. This section describes those classes.

The two main classes you will need are VX2750ModuleUnpacker and VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor.

VX2750ModuleUnpacker is responsible for unpacking hits from a module into a set of parameters and internal data. Energies, and timestamps, for example are unpacked into SpecTcl parameters and can be directly histogrammed. Analog and digital probe data, however cannot and are loaded into internal data where event processors later in the pipeline can fetch them, if needed, to produce parameters or, in the case of traces, load them on demend into spectra, so they can be visualized.

A class that you normally won't need to directly instantiate, VX2750EventProcessor is responsible for ensure that module unpackers are called with a pointer to data for a hit. The event processor is also responsible for informing the unpacker when event processing begins and, therefore, internal data can be cleared.

Separate sections will describe the methods you will need to interact with both the unpacker and the event built event processor. The VX2750ModuleUnpacker class

Given a pointer to the data from a module, VX2750ModuleUnpacker instances unpackHit method cumulatively unpacks hits into SpecTcl parameters and internal data until the reset is invoked. Normally reset if invoked by framing code as processing of a new event begins.

Methods provide access to internal data for subsequent stages of SpecTcl's event processing pipeline. Here are the important methods of VX2750ModuleUnpacker.

VX2750ModuleUnpacker(const char* moduleName, const char* paramBaseName);

Constructs a new instance. moduleName is the name of the module that will be unpacked. Attempting to pass data for another module to unpackHit will result in an exception. The paramBaseName parameter provides the base parameter name of the SpecTcl parameters this object will produce.

The unpacker, when called for each hit in an event, will produce parameter arrays for the timestamp in nanoseconds, the raw timestamp and the fine timestamp as well as the energy. Suppose, that A hit is constructed with a parameter base value of someModule; construction will build Tree Parameter arrays, containing 64 elements (one for each channel), that are named someModule.ns, someModule.rawTime, someModule.fineTime and someModule.energy.

Note that only elements for which hits have been seen will have valid values and that SpecTcl will not histogram parameters that don't have valid values. Furthermore, with the exception of the nanosecond time and energy, the readout must have enabled readout of the other parameters for those to have meaningful values.

void reset();

Called to reset all of the internal data. Note that SpecTcl's begin event processing invalidates the tree parameter arrays in O(1) time so these are not touched by reset

const void* unpackHit(const void* pData);

Processes data from a hit cumulatively into the Tree parameter arrays and internal data. Returns a pointer to the byte just after the hit. If the data does not point to a hit from the correct module a std::logic_error is thrown.

const std::uint64_t getChannelMask();

Returns a bitmask of the channels that have been passed to unpackHit since the last call to reset.

const std::set<unsigned> getChannelSet();

Same as ?getChannelMask but the returned value is a set containing the numbers of all channesl that have been processed.

std::uint16_t getLowPriorityFlags(unsigned channel const );

Gets the low priority flag value for channel channel. If the channel has had a hit since the last reset, or if the channel value is out of range, std::invalid_argument is thrown.

Note that if the low priority flags were not selected to be read out, this value is meaningless.

std::uint16_t getHighPriorityFlags(unsigned channel const );

Gets the high priority flag value for channel channel. If the channel has had a hit since the last reset, or if the channel value is out of range, std::invalid_argument is thrown.

Note that if the low priority flags were not selected to be read out, this value is meaningless.

std::uint16_t getDownSampleSelection(unsigned channel const );

Gets down sampling code for channel. If the channel has had a hit since the last reset, or if the channel value is out of range, std::invalid_argument is thrown.

Note that if the down sampling code was not selected to be read out, this value is meaningless.

std::uint16_t getFailFlags(unsigned channel);

Returns the fail flag bit mask for channel. If the event does not have a hit from channel, or channel is out of range, std::invalid_argument is thrown. Note that if you have not enabled error flags in the event readout, this value will be meaningless.

std::uint16_t getAnalogProbe1Type(unsigned channel);

Returns the type code for analog probe 1. Note that if analog probe 1 is not enabled for the event readout, this will be a meaningless value. If channel is not present in the event or out of range; std::invalid_argument will be thrown.

const std::vector<std::uint32_t>& getAnalogProbe1Samples(unsigned channel);

Returns the samples from analog probe 1. If analog probe 1 is not enabled for readout, this will reference a zero length vector. If the channel is out of range or has not provided a hit to this event, std::invalid_argument will be thrown.

std::uint16_t getAnalogProbe2Type(unsigned channel);

Returns the type code for analog probe 2. Note that if analog probe 2 is not enabled for the event readout, this will be a meaningless value. If channel is not present in the event or out of range; std::invalid_argument will be thrown.

const std::vector<std::uint32_t>& getAnalogProbe2Samples(unsigned channel);

Returns the samples from analog probe 2. If analog probe 2 is not enabled for readout, this will reference a zero length vector. If the channel is out of range or has not provided a hit to this event, std::invalid_argument will be thrown.

std::uint16_t getDigitalProbe1Type(unsigned channel);

Get the probe type code for digital probe 1. If channel is not present or out of range std::invalid_argument is thrown. Note that if digital probe 1 is not enabled for readout, this value will be meaningless.

const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& getDigitalProbe1Samples(unsigned channel);

Returns the samples for digital probe 1. If digital probe 1 is not enabled for readout, this will be a reference to a zero length vector. If channel is out of range or not present in the event std::invalid_argument is thrown.

std::uint16_t getDigitalProbe2Type(unsigned channel);

Get the probe type code for digital probe 2. If channel is not present or out of range std::invalid_argument is thrown. Note that if digital probe 2 is not enabled for readout, this value will be meaningless.

const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& getDigitalProbe2Samples(unsigned channel);

Returns the samples for digital probe 2. If digital probe 2 is not enabled for readout, this will be a reference to a zero length vector. If channel is out of range or not present in the event std::invalid_argument is thrown.

std::uint16_t getDigitalProbe3Type(unsigned channel);

Get the probe type code for digitial probe 3. If channel is not present or out of range std::invalid_argument is thrown. Note that if digital probe 3 is not enabled for readout, this value will be meaningless.

const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& getDigitalProbe4Samples(unsigned channel);

Returns the samples for digital probe 4. If digital probe 4 is not enabled for readout, this will be a reference to a zero length vector. If channel is out of range or not present in the event std::invalid_argument is thrown.

std::uint16_t getDigitalProbe1Type(unsigned channel);

Get the probe type code for digitial probe 1. If channel is not present or out of range std::invalid_argument is thrown. Note that if digital probe 1 is not enabled for readout, this value will be meaningless.

const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& getDigitalProbe1Samples(unsigned channel);

Returns the samples for digital probe 1. If digital probe 1 is not enabled for readout, this will be a reference to a zero length vector. If channel is out of range or not present in the event std::invalid_argument is thrown. The VX2750EvenBuiltEventProcessor class

Normally, you will not need to call VX2750ModuleUnpacker::unpackHit directly. Since you will normally attach SpecTcl to the output of the event builder, you will instantiate VX2750ModuleUnpacker objects and register them with an instance of the VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor.

The VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor understands the fragment wrapping of the event builder output. It processes event built events and dispatches to event processors that are registered to handle specific source ids (in this case modules).

Usually you will:

  1. Construct a VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor.

  2. For each module, associated a module name with a source id and provide a base parameter name from which all of the parameters it provides will be constructed.

  3. Register your VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor with SpecTcl's event processing pipeline so that it will gain control for each event.

Here are the signatures of the method in VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor you'll need to use:

VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor(std::string baseName);

Constructor. The baseName provides the base name for parameters that can be used for clock/synchronization diagnostics. The class is derived from the CEventBuilderEventProcessor. The diagnoistic parameters produced are described in https://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq/newsite/spectcl-5.0/pgmref/r8783.html in the SpecTcl programming reference manual.

void addEventProcessor(unsigned sourceId, const std::string& moduleName, const std::string paramBasename);

This method constructs a VX2750ModuleUnpacker for the module moduleName. The resulting object is then wrapped in a VX2750EventProcessor which will poduce parameters with a base name paramBasename

The event processor will be registered to handle fragments from sourceId.

void addEventProcessor(unsigned sourceId, VX2750ModuleUnpacker& unpacker);

The prior overload is the simplest way to register a module with the SpecTcl unpacking framwork. Using it, however, loses access to the additional data that is unpacked for each event that is not put in a SpecTcl parameter (e.g. the analog probes).

This method, takes a constructed module unpacker, wraps it in an event processor that will produce parameters using the module name as the parameter base name. The resulting event processor is then registered to handle data from sourceID.

Using this allows you to retain the event unpacker object for use in a later event processor.

72.3.2. Obtaining and modifying the skeleton

In this and subsequent sections we assume that your SpecTcl installation top level directory is pointed to by an environment variable SPECTCLHOME. This is simply a convenience to make it simpler to describe the actions you need to take.

To obtain a copy of the SpecTcl skeleton for your viersion:

Example 72-4. Obtaining a copy of the SpecTcl skeleton

mkdir myspectcl
cp -R $SPECTCLHOME/Skel/* .


This should provide a number of files, many of which are used to extend the QtPy display program, if desired (see e.g. https://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq/newsite/qtpy/index.html). The files we'll need to play with to tailor SpecTcl to handle our data are:

This section will show how to modify the MySpecTclApp.cpp file and the next will show modifications needed to the Makefile to pull in headers and libraries needed to support the modifications we've made.

Here is a MySpecTclApp.cpp modified to analyze data from a single module. The discussion following this example will describe how to extend this to a system with additional modules. The full example is in the tclreadout/SpecTcl subdirectory of the source tree.

Example 72-5. MySpecTclApp.cpp modified for a single module

#include <VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor.h>   (1)
#include <VX2750ModuleUnpacker.h>


CMySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer)  (2)

    auto pTopLevel = new                                        (3)
    auto pAdc1 =                                                 (4)
        new caen_spectcl::VX2750ModuleUnpacker("adc1", "adc1-params");      
    pTopLevel->addEventProcessor(1, *pAdc1);                   (5)
    RegisterEventProcessor(*pTopLevel, "Raw");                    (6)

MySpecTclApp.cpp must incorporate the class definitions for the VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor and the VX2750ModuleUnpacker. These headers will also spur some of our Makefile modifications.
In most cases, MySpecTclApp.cpp only needs to be modified to describe the Event analysis pipeline used for an application. The event analysis pipeline is described in detail in the SpecTcl programming guide: https://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq/newsite/spectcl-5.0/pgmguide/index.html.

To summarize, however, the event processing pipeline is a logical sequence, pipeline, that takes as input, raw event data and produces as output parameters that SpecTcl's histogramming engine uses to increment spectra defined by the user. Each stage of the pipeline has available, not only the raw event, but the parameters and data produced by prior elements of the pipeline.

Elements of the event processing pipeline are called, unoriginally enough, Event Processors and are all derived, ultimately, from the CEventProcessor class. In CreateAnalysisPipeline, MySpecTclApp.cpp is modified to define event processors and the order in which they execute for each event.

SpecTcl-5.0 supports dynamic event processing pipelines (composing pipelines from either compiled in event processors or event processors dynamically loaded from whared libraries at run time.) This is beyond the scope of this document and is described in chapter 12 of the programming guide.

This line creates a VX2750EventBuiltEventProcessor. As previously descdribed, this event processor knows how to dig event fragments from a built event and pass them on to processors registered for each source id. It also maintains diagnostic parameters that allow you to monitor the synchronization of the clocks in each event source.

Recall that in this application, each module is an event source with its own unique source id.

A module unpacker knows how to unpack the data from a single module. It is normally wrapped in a VX2750EventProcessor object which, given a pointer to the data for a fragment, computes the pointer to the raw data for the module and passes that to the module unpacker it wraps.

In this line we create a VX2750ModuleUnpacker for the adc1 module (the name must match the module name used in the readout program), and specify that parameters produced by this unpacker will be given names that start with adc1-params..

If you wanted to perform processing on data this module unpacks but does not put in parameters, you could take the pointer to the unpacker and pass it to another event processor put in the pipeline after the raw parameter unpacking.

Registers the unpacker we created to handle data from source id 1. This too must match the source id specified for this module in the Readout program.

In a system with more than one digitizer simply instantiate a module unpacker for each digitizer and register each one to process data from the source id associated with its data.

Appends the event built event processor to the event processing pipeline. If you have additional processing stages you would create event processors for each stage and register them in the order in which they will be called.

72.3.3. Building the tailored SpecTcl

The Makefile in the skeleton is a starting point from which a tailored Makefile can be made. In the case of the MySpecTclApp.cpp we tailored in the previous section, we must:

The next example shows these modifications. We assume that the support software has been installed in /usr/opt/lbnl

Example 72-6. Makefile for SpecTcl


CAEN_ROOT=/usr/opt/lbnl                      (1)

# Skeleton makefile for 3.1

include $(INSTDIR)/etc/SpecTcl_Makefile.include

#  If you have any switches that need to be added to the default c++ compilation
# rules, add them to the definition below:

USERCXXFLAGS=-I$(CAEN_ROOT)/include      (2)

#  If you have any switches you need to add to the default c compilation rules,
#  add them to the defintion below:


#  If you have any switches you need to add to the link add them below:

USERLDFLAGS=-L$(CAEN_ROOT)/lib -lCaenVxUnpackers  (3)
#   Append your objects to the definitions below:


#  Finally the makefile targets.

SpecTcl: $(OBJECTS)
        $(CXXLD)  -o SpecTcl $(OBJECTS) $(USERLDFLAGS) \

        rm -f $(OBJECTS) SpecTcl


The SpecTcl skeleton Makefile provides three variables that, in many cases, are all that need to be modified to tailor the Makefile:

In our example, we don't introduce any additional compiled object. So:

In order to make our definitions easy to change, we first define the Makefile varaible CAEN_ROOT to be the top level of the directory in which we installed the CAEN support software.
Defines USERCXXFLAGS, the additional compilation flags we need to include the include directory of the header search path for the compilers.
Defines USERLDFLAGS, the additional link flags we need to add the CAEN unpacker library directory to the library search path and explicity requests that libCaenVxUnpackers.a be searched to satisfy external references.

If the library ever becomes a shared object we'd need to add -Wl,-rpath=$(CAEN_ROOT)/lib to the USERLDFLAGS.