72.2. Getting Data

Data is read from modules using a tailored SBS readout program that makes use of classes that have been written to support the new CAEN VXxxxx digitizers and DPP-PHA firmware. These modules have a huge number of settable parameters.

To manage the settable parameters, each module is associated with a configuration. The module's configuration captures the desired settings for that module. A module is assigned a name by your software and a matching named configuration is read and used to configure that module at the start of each run. The configuration is re-read each begin run so that changes can be made between runs.

Obtaining and modifying the skeleton describe how to tailor an SBS readout skeleton to produce a readout program. Configuring modules describes how to create module configurations and the parameters that can be set for a module.

A few notes:

72.2.1. Obtaining and modifying the skeleton

The Readout is based on the SBS readout skeleton. This software allows for an experiment specific trigger which causes experiment specific code to be run. SBS readout skeletons, therefore require tailoring to fit specific applications.

Here are the steps required to tailor that system for the CAEN modules:

  1. Select the version of NSCLDAQ you will use, and source in its setup file to define environment variables that will make your life easier.

  2. Obtain a copy of the sbs skeleton in an emtpy directory.

  3. Make appropriate modifications to the Skeleton.cpp's Skeleton::SetupReadout method to define the modules you will be using.

  4. Modify the Makefile provided with the skeleton to pull in the libraries and headers that make up support.

  5. Build the Readout program.

  6. Write a configuration file that appropriately configures each module you defined (covered in Configuring modules).

The remainder of this section assumes you have selected NSCLDAQ-12.0-pre5. To obtain that skeleton:

Example 72-1. Selecting DAQ version and obtaining the skeleton:

source /usr/opt/daq/12.0-pre5/daqsetup.bash
mkdir myreadout
cd myreadout
cp $DAQROOT/skeletons/sbs/* .

         Modifying the Skeleton

In this example, the key class is: TclConfiguredReadout is a container class that is an CEventSegement that holds a set of modules to readout and constructs and appropriate trigger to drive the readout. It will also construct and maintain objects for each module.

Construction specifies a configuration file that is processed at the beginning of each run and used to program the configuration of each module.

The class's addModule method creates a module driver for a module, providing the connection parameters for that module and associating it with a module configuration within the configuration file. Each module, so defined must be assigned a source id that is unique across the system. This source Id is used in event building.

Here are the parameter signatures for the methods you need to use:

TclConfiguredReadout(const char* configfile, CExperiment* pExperiment);

Constructor. configfile is the path to a file that describes configurations for each module that will be added to this event segment (see addModule).

void addModule(const char* name, const char* connectionString, std::uint32_t sid, bool isusb = false);

Adds a module to the readout. name is the name of a module in the configuration file specified in the construtor.

connectionString is a string that describes how the module is connected to the system. This string is either a dotted IP address (e.g "") if ETHERNET is used or the PID of the module if USB is used. Note that DNS lookups are not done for host names but there is nothing to stop you from doing host lookups yourself prior to calling addModule

sid is a unique integer source id that identifies this module to the event builder.

isUsb is an optional parameter that defaults to false. If true, it specifies that the connectionString is a module PID and that the connection is via USB.

CTrigger* getTrigger();

Returns a pointer to the trigger that the object has computed for the modules that have been added to it. This should be used to supply a trigger object to the Readout program framework.

Let's look at a simple example. The full example is in the tclreadout subdirectory of the source tree. If you want to use that as a starting point, simply modify the INSTDIR definition at the top of the file to point to the version of NSCLDAQ you decided to use.

Example 72-2. Sample Skeleton.cpp modifications

#include <config.h>
#include <Skeleton.h>
#include <CExperiment.h>
#include <TCLInterpreter.h>
#include <CTimedTrigger.h>
#include <TclConfiguredReadout.h>   (1)
#include <Dig2Device.h>             (2)

using namespace caen_nscldaq;

Skeleton::SetupReadout(CExperiment* pExperiment)
  // turns on felib tracing if compiled with it enabled

  // caen_nscldaq::set_tracing(true);    (3)
  // First we create a TclConfiguredReadout object and describe the
  // connections to the modules in the system -- assigning each
  // module a distinct source id for event building.
  // Note that the event builder allows fragments from the same source to get
  // grouped into the same event and each fragment is tagged with its channel..
  // so per-module sids rather than per-channel work just fine:
  auto pSegment = new TclConfiguredReadout(   (4)
    "configuration.tcl",            // Detailed module settings file path.
    pExperiment                     // Pointer to experiment object.
  pSegment->addModule(                    (5)
    "adc1",                   // Name of module in configuration.tcl
    "15236",                   // PID for USB connection, IP If ethernet.
    1,                        // System unique source id.
    true                      // Indicates it's USB not Ethernet defaults to false.
  pExperiment->AddEventSegment(pSegment);   (6)
  // The event segment creates a dynamic multi trigger object which we need
  // to fetch out and register as the trigger for the system:
  pExperiment->EstablishTrigger(pSegment->getTrigger()); (7)

This #include is needed to define the TclConfiguredReadout class.
Wrappers for the CAEN libraries support tracing the operations and responses performed on the module. This header provides definitions needed to enable this tracing. Note that tracing must be enabled both programmatically and via a compilation option in the library Makefile.
If the library has been built with tracing enabled, uncommenting this line will turn that on. Note that this will create a large trace file, as well as adversely impact performance.
Creates the TclConfiguredReadout object that will manage the modules we will use. At the start of each run, configuration.tcl will be processed to load the configuration for each module and each module will then be asked to configure itself in accordance with its configuration. The pExperiment pointer passed in to SetupReadout points to an object that provides services needed.

Note that SetupReadout is only called once at system startup and the lifetime of the TclConfiguredReadout will be the lifetime of the Readout program. Therefore, the fact that the pSegment never is deleted is not a memory leak.

Adds a module to the system. The module is named adc1 and will, therefore expect a configuration for adc1. It is a USB connected module with PID 15236 and is assigned source id 1.

The TclConfiguredReadout will manage this module from now on. It will also produce a part of the readout trigger based on data being available in this module.

The TclConfiguredReadout event segment is registered with the experiment framework so that its methods will be invoked by that framework when appropriate.
The trigger computed by the TclConfiguredReadout event segment is fetched and established as the trigger for readout. When a run is active this trigger is polled and, when it indicates that it has been triggered, readout will ensue. Modifying the Makefile and Building Readout

The CAEN digitizer support software (NSCLDAQ and base). The SBS skeleton readout Makefile must be edited to ensure that appropriate include directories are searched when compiling and libraries pulled in when linked. The example below shows the bits of the Makefile that are needed to arrive at proper definitions of USERCCFLAGS and USERLDFLAGS, the additional options given at compile and link time.

Example 72-3. Front part of Makefile for Readout


include $(INSTDIR)/etc/SBSRdoMakeIncludes


JSON_CPPFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config jsoncpp --cflags)
JSON_LDFLAGS  = $(shell pkg-config jsoncpp  --libs)

#Where the support softare was installed.
# starting with NSCLDAQ-12.1, support software is installed 

#  The following allow you to add flags to all the default C and C++ compilation
#  rules.  In most cases C and C++ share the same set of compilation flags so:


#  If you have additional load flags (e.g. library dirs and libs):

        -lboost_log -lboost_log_setup  -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lcrypto


Note that the INSTDIR definition should point to the version of NSCLDAQ being used and NSCL_SUPPORT should point to where the CAEN nextgen digitizer support librariers are installed. The boost libraries are used to support logging digitizer requests if enabled for debugging while the crypto library pulls in code to compute MD5 digests

An important note about MD5 digests. The digitizer is only fully initialized on the first begin run after Readout starts or when the MD5 digest of the configuration files changes (implying the configuration file itself changed). This is done because a complete initialization of a module takes a significant amount of time.

The use of MD5 digests, improves run start time as the configuration of the digitizers becomes stable and the configuration file is no longer being routinely edited. However, if the digitizers are powered off between runs, this is not detectable by the system and initialization will not be performed unless either the configuration file is edited (e.g. adding a comment), or the Readout program restarted.

Once the Makefile has been appropriately edited, the Readout program can be built via make

72.2.2. Configuring modules

Each module must be configured to be useful. This is done by writing a configuration script. Configuration scripts are written in a domain specific language layered on top of the Tcl scripting language. Tcl is extended by adding a single command ensemble: v27xxpha to Tcl.

A command ensemble in Tcl parlance is a single command that has subcommands specified by the next word on the command line. The v27xxpha command has the following forms:

vx27xxpha create module-name

Creates a new configuration for a module module-name. When the Readout initializes modules it looks for configurations that match the names of modules that have been added to the TclConfiguredReadout module.

thus in our example Sample Skeleton.cpp modifications vx27xxpha create adc1 would create a configuration for the module we added.

vx27xxpha config module-name name value ...

Configures one or more parameter values for the module-name. Any number of parameter name/value pairs can be specified on the command. For example: v27xxpha config adc1 dcoffsets [lrepeat 64 0] Configures the DC offsets for all 64 channels to be 0% of full scale.

vx27xxpha cget module-name name

This command returns the value of the parameter name from the configuration for the module module-name. For example: puts [vx27xxpha cget adc1 dcoffsets] will print 64 zeroes to stdout.

vx27xxpha delete module-name

Really not necessary - this deletes the configuration for module-name. Since the configuration file is processed and all configuration rebuilt from scratch at each begin run, there's really no need to delete modules.

vx25x0 list

Returns a list of the module names that have configurations. the following little script will list the modules configured, one per line to stdout:

foreach module [vx27xxpha list] {
    puts $module

A sample configuration file that goes along with the sample readout program in the tclreadout subdirectory of the source tree is /configuration.tcl. Configuration parameter reference

This section consists of several subsections. Each subsection provides a reference for a set of configuration parameters that are related in some way. Parameters are describes as follows:

Name: Name of the parameter

Data type: Data type the item must be

Default: Defeault value for the item

Description: Description of the item.

A note on the boolean data type. Any of the following are valid true values: true, yes, 1, on, enabled, while any of the following are valid false value false, no, 0, off, disabled.

A note on integer data types. These can be expressed in base 10, 16 or 8. Base 16 values should be prefixed by 0x, e.g. 0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a. Base 8 values are prefixed by a leading zero e.g. 0777.


Do not use leading zeros to align decimal values, they will be treated as octal and, in general, not have the intended effect. This is a curse that has afflicted many a user of the Tcl language.

When in doubt about the meaning of a parameter see CAEN document UM7788 --FELib PHA Parameters User Manual. Readout Options

The parameters in this section are not actually digitizer parameters, the determine what is read from the digitizer at each event. All events will read the event channel number, timestamp in nanosecods and energy from the DPP-PHA. These options allow additional available parameters/features to be read from the digitizer.

The configuration parameters are:

Name: readrawtimes

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If enabled, the raw time stamp counter is included in each event. Note that the nanosecond timestamp is always used for even building as the raw timestamp may vary in frequency depending on the digitizer.

Name: readfinetimestamps

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If enabled, and if the module supports the generation of fine timing information (e.g. interpolated timing from a CFD), turning this on enables the inclusion of that fine timing information in the event.

Name: readflags

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If enabled reads various bits that report on the digitizer's state

Name: readtimedownsampling

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If enabled, reads a code that corresponds to the digitizer sampling scaledown

Name: readanalogprobes

Data type: list of two booleans

Default: {false false}

Description: The module supports two analog probes these can be used to acquire the input waveforms as well as various diagnostic information. The first element of the list enables/disables the inclusion of analog probe1 and the second the inclusion of analog probe 2

Name: readdigitalprobes

Data type: list of four booleans

Default: {false false false false}

Description: The digitizer supports the inclusion of four digital probes. A digital probe has a byte per sample with a value of 0 or 1. The list can selectively enable the inclusion of data from each probe.

Name: readsamplecount

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If enabled, the number of samples read for this channel are included.

Name: readeventsize

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If enabled, the raw event size is read. General options

These parameters control general module wide functionality.

Name: clocksource

Data type: Enumerated

Default: Internal

Description: Selects the source of the digitizer's clock. Valid values are Internal to use the module's internal clock or FPClkIn to use the front panel clock input.

Name: outputfpclock

Data type: boolean

Default: false

Description: If true, the digitizer clock is output on the front panel. This allows modules to use a single shared clock source without needed an external clock. Clock delays can then compensate for clock propagation delays as one progresses down the clock in/clock out daisy chain. Triggerring and I/O

The parameters control digitizer and channel level triggers as well as the LEMO connectors on the front panel.

Name: startsource

Data type: List of enumerated values

Default: SWcmd

Description: The list of ways the digitizer can start a run. The digitzer is started on the or of the conditions in the list. Usually, in a synchronized set, the 'master' digitizer is stated on SWcmd and the others on e.g. SINedge. Valid values for list elements are: EncodedClkIn, SINlevel, SINedge, SWcmd, LVDS, P0

Name: gbltriggrsrc

Data type: List of Enums

Default: TrgIn

Description: The sources of the module global trigger. The or of the values listed makes a global trigger. Valid values are TrgIn, P0, SwTrg, LVDS, ITLA, ITLB, ITLA_AND_ITLB, ITLA_OR_ITLB, EncodedClkIn, GPIO, TestPulse

Name: wavetriggersrc

Data type: List of 64 lists of enums

Default: [lrepeat TRGIN 64]

Description: This parameter is a list of 64 trigger sources for wave acquisition. Each element of that list is itself a list of triggers sources for that channel. Valid values for the trigger sources are: ITLB, ITLA, GlobalTriggerSource, TRGIN, ExternalInhibit, ADCUnderSaturation, ADCOverSaturation, SWTrg, ChSelfTrigger, Ch64Trigger, Disabled

Name: eventtriggersrc

Data type: List of 64 lists of enums

Default: [lrepeat TRGIN 64]

Description: Similar to the wavetriggersrc but provides, for each channel a list of event trigger sources. Valid values are: ITLB, ITLA, GlobalTriggerSource, TRGIN, SWTrg, ChSelfTrigger, Ch64Trigger, Disabled

Name: channeltriggermasks

Data type: List of 64 uint64_t

Default: [lrepeat 0 64]

Description: In Ch64Trigger mode, or coincidence triggering mode, used to define the set of channels that particpate in triggering each channel.

Name: savetraces

Data type: List of 64 enums

Default: [lrepeat OnRequest 64]

Description: Determines when wave traces are saved for each channel. Valid values are Always, OnRequest

Name: triggeroutmode

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: TRGIN

Description: Determines what is output on the TRGOUT LEMO output. Valid values are: TRGIN, P0, SwTrg, LVDS, ITLA, ITLB, ITLA_AND_ITLB, ITLA_OR_ITLB, EncodedClkIn, Run, RefClk, TestPulse, Busy, Fixed0, Fixed1, SyncIn, SIN, GPIO, AcceptTrg, TrgClk

Name: gpiomode

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: Disabled

Description: Selects the signal to output on the GIO LEMO connector. This can be one of Disabled, TrgIn, P0, SIN, LVDS, ITLA, ITLB, ITLA_AND_ITLB, ITLA_OR_ITLB, EncodedClkIn, SwTrg, Run, RefClk, TestPulse, Busy, Fixed0, Fixed1

Name: busyinsrc

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: Disabled

Description: Determines the source of the external module busy input. This is one of: SIN, GPIO, LVDS, Disabled

Name: syncoutmode

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: Disabled

Description: Determines the source of the SOUT LEMO connector. Valid values are Disabled, SyncIn, TestPulse, IntClk, Run

Name: boardvetosrc

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: Source of the board level trigger veto. Valid values are SIN, LVDS, GPIO, P0, EncodedClkIn, Disabled

Name: boardvetowidth

Data type: Integer nano-seconds 0 - 34359738360

Default: 200

Description: Ns stretch applied to the board veto source

Name: boardvetopolarity

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: ActiveLow

Description: Polarity of the veto input. One of ActiveHigh, ActiveLow

Name: chanvetosrc

Data type: list of 64 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat Disabled 64]

Description: Veto sources for each of the channels. Each list element can have one of the value: BoardVeto, ADCOverSaturation, ADCUnderSaturation, Disabled

Name: chanvetowidth

Data type: List of 64 integer in units of ns 0-524280

Default: [list 200 64]

Description: The stretch applied to each channel's veto source.

Name: rundelay

Data type: Integer nanoseconds 0-54280

Default: 0

Description: This value is used to fine tune the synchronized start of multi-board data taking. When the start source is true, the actual start will be delayed by the ns set in this parameter. If, for example, the start is propagated via a SIN/SOUT daisy chain on the front panel, the final board will be delayed by 0 ns, the next to last board by the single board propagation delay and so on.

Name: chanvetowidth

Data type: boolean

Default: true

Description: When true, the module is disarmed when data taking is stopped.

Name: volclkoutdelay

Data type: Floating point ps -18888.8888 - 18888.8888

Default: 0.0

Description: Sets the value that is programmed into the clock PLL delay. This is used to synchronize clocks passed between boards via the CLKOUT/CLKIN daisy chain.

Name: permclkoutdelay

Data type: volclkoutdelay

Default: Floating point ps -18888.8888 - 18888.8888

Description: 0.0

: Sets the value that is programmed into the clock PLL delay on power up. This is used to synchronize clocks passed between boards via the CLKOUT/CLKIN daisy chain. Note that this value is first programmed and then the volclkoutdelay which actually controls the clock delay. In a future bit of development a parameter migth be added to select which of these two values controls the actual clock delay. Wave form inspection and digital probes.

Note that whlie the waveform and digital probe values are programmed here, in order to actually include those probes in the data read from the digitizer, readanalogprobes and/or readdigitalprobes must be set accordingly.

Data type: wavesource

Default: List of enumerated values

Description: [lrepeat ADC_DATA 64]

: This is a list of one entry per channel that describes what the FADC for that channel sees on its input. Valid values are: ADC_DATA, ADC_TEST_TOGGLE, ADC_TEST_RAMP, ADC_TEST_SIN, IPE, Ramp, SquareWave, ADC_TEST_PRBS

Data type: recordsamples

Default: List of 64 integers 4-8100

Description: [lrepeat 4 64]

: Each element determines the number of samples that channel of the ADC will process/record. The actual time represented depends on the value of the saveresolutions parameter for that channel.

Data type: waveresolutions

Default: list of 64 enumerated values

Description: [lrepeat Res8 64]

: For each channel, selects the sampling resolution in nanoseconds.

Data type: analogprobe1, analogprobe2

Default: List of 64 enumerated values

Description: [lrepeat ADCInput 64], [lrepeat TimeFilter 64]

: For each channel, the analog probes available for acquisition from that channel. Allowed values are: ADCInput, TimeFilter, EnergyFilter, EnergyFilterBaseline, EnergyFilterMinusBaseline

Data type: digitalprobe1, digitalprobe2, digitalprobe3, digitalprobe4

Default: list of 64 enumerated values

Description: [lrepeat Trigger 64], [lrepeat TimeFilterArmed 64], [lrepeat RetriggerGuard 64], [lrepeat EneryFilterBaselineFreeze 64]

: For each channel, the digital probes available for acquisition from that channel. Valid values are: Trigger, TimeFilterArmed, ReTriggerGuard, EnergyFilterBaselineFreeze, EnergyFilterPeaking, EnergyFilterPeakReady, EnergyFilterPileUpGuard, EventPileup, ADCSaturation, ADCSaturationProtection, PostSaturationEvent, EnergyFilterSaturation, AcquisitionInhibit

Data type: pretriggersamples

Default: List of 64 integers 4-4000

Description: [lrepeat 100 64]

: For each channel, the number of samples prior to the trigger that will be acquired and analyzed by the DPP-PHA firmware. Service options

These, for the most part, have to do with the test pulser. There are also miscellaneous parameters to control error handling and the LEMO I/O levels.

Name: testpulserperiod

Data type: Integer ns 0-34359738360

Default: 100000

Description: The period of the test puler in ns.

Name: testpulsewidth

Data type: Integer ns 0-34359738360

Default: 1000

Description: Width of the high part of the test pulser period.

Name: testpulselowlevel

Data type: Integer 0-65535

Default: 0

Description: The low level output of the pulser

Name: testpulsehighlevel

Data type: Integer 0-65535

Default: 65535

Description: The high level output of the pulser

Name: iolevel

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: NIM

Description: The signalling level to be used by the LEMO I/O connectors. This can be one of NIM or TTL

Name: errorflagmask

Data type: Integer 0-0xffff

Default: 0

Description: Error flag bitmask that determines what lights the front panel error LED given specific error conditions

Name: errorflagdatamask

Data type: Integer 0-0xffff

Default: 0

Description: Error flag bitmask that determines which which error conditions result in an error condition in the event. Internal Logic block parameters

Triggers can be the result of sophisiticated conditions in two internal logic blocks called ITLA and ITLB. This set of parameters determine how those logic blocks function. Because there are two logic blocks, These parameters are mostly in pairs, on parameter for ITLA and a second for ITLB

Name: itlalogic, itlblogic

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: OR, OR

Description: Determines how the channel inputs to the ITLA/ITLB logic blocks are interpreted to create a trigger output from that block. Options are: OR, AND, Majority Note that if Majority is selected, itlxmarjoritylevel determines the actual majoriy level required.

Name: itlamajoritylevel, itlbmajoritylevel

Data type: Integeer 1-63

Default: 1

Description: The majority level for the specified trigger gropu. Note this is only relevant if the corresponding trigger block is functioning in Majority mode.

Name: itlapairlogic, itlbparilogic

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: None, None

Description: Adjacent channel pairs (0,1 2,3 etc.) can be combined as inputs to the ITLA or ITLB logic blocks. These parameters determine if and how those pairs are combined. When combined, both outputs of the pair will be the ouptput of the logic function applied (e.g. if in AND mode and only channel 0 triggers, then both inputs 0 and 1 will be in the untriggered state as inputs to the logic block). Possible values are: AND, OR, NONE Where AND as well as OR combine the inputs into a paired while NONE passes the inputs to their corresonding outputs without any pair logic.

Name: itlapolarity, itlbpolarity

Data type: Enumerated value

Default: Direct, Direct

Description: Determines the output polarity of the specified trigger logic block. This can be either Direct or Inverted

Name: itlamask, itlbmask

Data type: Integer 0 - 0xffffffffffffffff

Default: 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff

Description: This mask has a bit for each channel, if set that channel participates in the associated internal trigger logic block.

Name: itlagatewidth, itlbgatewidth

Data type: Integer nanoseconds 0-524280

Default: 100, 100

Description: The ITLA and ITLB outputs are inputs to gate generators. These parameters determine the width of the output of that gate generator in ns. LVDS Options

The 16 LVDS I/Os can be programmed in a sets of four (quartets). The parameters in this section describe how to configure them.

Name: lvdsmode

Data type: List of 4 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat IORegister 4]

Description: Determines the functionality of each of the four quartets of LVDS I/Os: SelfTriggers, Sync, IORegister.

Name: lvdsdirection

Data type: List of four enumerate valus

Default: [lrepeat Output 4]

Description: Determines the direction of each of the four quartests of LVDS I/Os: Input, Output

Name: lvdstrgmask

Data type: List of 16 integer values 0 - 0xffffffffffffffff

Default: [lrepeate 0 16]

Description: If a quartet is in SelfTriggers mode as an Output, these masks determine which self triggers are associated with each pin of the LVDS output in that quartet. There are 16 elements corresponding to each of the 16 LVDS I/O pins. If a pin is not in a quartet that is configured as a SelfTriggers Output it's mask is ignored.

Name: lvdsoutput

Data type: Integer 0-0xffff

Default: 0

Description: If a pin is part of a quartet that's configured for IORegister, Output, The corresponding bit of this mask determines the value of that pin. DAC options

Each module has a dedicated Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). The DAC LEMO output on the module front panel reflects the output of this device. These parameters control what that is.

Name: dacoutmode

Data type: Enumerated Value

Default: ChSum

Description: Determines what the input to the DAC is. Legal values are Static, IPE, ChInput, MemOccupancy, ChSum, OverThrSum, Ramp, Sin5MHz, Square

Name: dacoutputlevel

Data type: Integer 0-16383

Default: 0

Description: If the output mode is Static, the output is the DAC conversion of this value as its input.

Name: dacoutchannel

Data type: integer 0-63

Default: 0

Description: If the DAC output mode is ChInput this value selects the channel input that is echoed on the DAC output. Input conditioning

Describes the parameters that control the relationship between the raw ADC inputs and what the digitizers see.

Name: vgagain

Data type: List of four integers 0-40

Default: 0

Description: If the module is equipped with variable gain amplifiers on its input, each amplifier gain is common between 16 inputs. This list of parameters sets the VGA Gain for groups of 16 channels.

Name: offsetcalibrationenable

Data type: Boolean value

Default: true

Description: Enable/disable the offset calibraion for each channel.

Name: channelenables

Data type: List of 64 booleans

Default: [lrepeat true 64]

Description: For each channel when its corresponding list element is true, the channel is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

Name: dcoffsets

Data type: List of 64 floats 0-100.0

Default: [lrepeat 50.0 64]

Description: For each channel, this is the DC Offset applied to the channels.

Name: triggerthresholds

Data type: 64 element list of integers 0-8191

Default: 1023

Description: Channel trigger thresholds.

Name: inputpolarities

Data type: list of 64 enums

Default: [lrepeat Negative 64]

Description: Sets the polarity of the input pulse for each channel. Valid values are Positive and Negative Event Selection Options

The module has several post trigger event filtering options that can be set. These options are exposed as:

Name: energyskimlow

Data type: 64 element integer list 0-65534

Default: [lrepeat 0 64]

Description: Events in a channel with computed energies less than this value (for that channel) are not passed to the host.

Name: energyskimhigh

Data type: 64 element integer list 0-65534

Default: [lrepeat 65534 64]

Description: Events in a channel with computed energies higher than this value (for that channel) are not passed to the host. Thus the energyskimlow and energyfilterhigh values for each channel provide an energy cut between which events are accepted and outside of which they are rejected. See, however eventselector

Name: eventselector

Data type: List of 64 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat All 64

Description: Selects which events (energy values) are saved for each channel. Valid values for each element of the list are All, Pileup, EnergySkim.

Name: waveselector

Data type: List of 64 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat All 64

Description: Selects which waveforms are saved for each channel. Valid values for each element of the list are All, Pileup, EnergySkim.

Name: coincidencemask

Data type: List of 64 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat Disabled 64]

Description: Defines a concidence source for a trigger on each channel. Valid values are: Disabled, Ch64Trigger, TRGIN, GlobalTriggerSource, ITLA, ITLB

Name: anticoincidencemask

Data type: List of 64 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeate Disabled 64

Description: Defines an anticoincidence source for a trigger on each channel. Valid values are: Disabled, Ch64Trigger, TRGIN, GlobalTriggerSource, ITLA, ITLB

Name: coincidencelength

Data type: List of 64 integer values in nanoseconds 8-524280

Default: [lrepeat 100 64

Description: Defines, for each channel, the coincidence window in nanoseconds for the coincidence and anti coincidence trigger sources defined by coincidencemask and anticoincidencemask. DPP Processing parameters

Firmware on the module processes raw, digitized wave forms into pulse heights (energies). This processing includes a time filter and an energy filter. The parameters in this section are relevant to those two filters.

Figure 3 of the FELib PHA Parameters User Manual is a useful description of these parameters and how they drive signal processing.

Name: tfrisetime

Data type: 64 element list of integers 4-250

Default: [lrepeate 80 64]

Description: The rise time parameter for the time fiter for each channel expressed in digitizer samples.

Name: tfretriggerguard

Data type: 64 element list of integers 0-1000

Default: [lrepeat 0 64]

Description: The time filter retrigger guard for each channel expressed in samples.

Name: efrisetime

Data type: 64 element list of integers 4-1625

Default: [lrepeat 80 64]

Description: The rise time parameter of the enegy filter for each channel expressed in samples.

Name: efflattoptime

Data type: 64 element list of integers 4-375

Default: [lrepeat 80 64]

Description: The energy filter flattop time parameter in units of samples for each channel.

Name: efpeakingpos

Data type: 64 element list of integers 10-90

Default: [lrepeat 50 64]

Description: The trapezoid peaking position for each channel in percentage of the flattop time. Note the manual, at the time I'm writing this erroneously expresses the limis on this parameter at 0-100.

Name: efpeakingavg

Data type: list of 64 enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat 1 64]

Description: Number of samples averaged to evaluate the peak for each channel. Legal values are 1, 4, 16, 64

Name: efpolezero

Data type: list of 64 integers 4-65500

Default: [lrepeat 80 64]

Description: Pole zero adjustment of the digital shaping amplifier for each channel in units of samples.

Name: effinegain

Data type: list of 64 floating point values 1.0-10.0

Default: [lrepeat 1.0 64]

Description: Sets the digital fine gain for each channel. The granularity of these values is 0.001.

Name: eflflimitation

Data type: 64 element list of bools

Default: [lrepeat false 64]

Description: When enabled for a channel, a low frequency filter is applied to that channel for the energy filter.

Name: efbaselineavg

Data type: 64 element list of enumerated values

Default: [lrepeat 16 64]

Description: The number of samples averaged to compute the signal baseline prior to the start of the trapezoidal filter. Legal values for each element are: 0, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384. Note that a value of 0 fixes the baseline at zero.

Name: efbaselineguardt

Data type: list of 64 integer values. 0-8000

Default: [lrepeat 0 64]

Description: The time, for each channel, after the trapezoidal filter before basline computation will resume. These values are in units of nanoseconds.

Name: efpileupguardt

Data type: List of 64 integers 0-8000

Default: [lrepeat 0 64

Description: For each channel, specifies, in ns, the guard time that defines energy filter pileup.


This section describes events written by the Readout program. These hits are encapsulated in NSCLDAQ ringitems. When the event builder is in use, additional event builder encapsulation will occur.

Ring items are described in the NSCLDAQ documentation. This is in the form of an annotated header for DataFormat.h. See e.g. https://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq/newsite/nscldaq-11.3/r22906.html. In order to support event building, the ring items that encapslate hits include a body header. The body header includes the hit timestamp and sourceid as well as a zero valued barrier type.

The additional event builder encapsulation is described in the NSCLDAQ section on the event builder e.g. https://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq/newsite/nscldaq-11.3/x4509.html

This leaves to us documenting the format of the body of a hit:

Table 72-1. Format of event body

Data TypeContents
uint32_tNumber of uint16_t's in the event
Variable.Null terminated string that identifies the module
uint16_tChannel within the module the hit came from
uint64_tHit timestamp in nanoseconds
uint64_traw timestamp only meaningful if selected
uint16_tfine timestamp only meaningful if selected
uint16_tPeak height (energy)
uint16_tLow priority flags. Only meaningful if selected.
uint16_t>High priority flags. Only meaningful if selected.
uint16_tDown sample selection code. Only meaningful if selected
uint16_t Fail flags. Only meaningful if selected
uint16_tAnalog probe type 1 - only meaningful if analog probe 1 is selected for readout
uint32_t Number of samples of analog probe 1 data. This is zero if analog probe 1 is not selecte.
variable number of uint32_t valuesAnalog probe 1 values.
uint16_tAnalog probe type 2 - only meaningful if analog probe 2 is selected for readout
uint32_t Number of samples of analog probe 1 data. This is zero if analog probe 2 is not selected.
variable number of uint32_t valuesAnalog probe 1 values.
uint16_tDigital probe type 1 - only meaningful if digital probe 1 is selected
uint32_tNumber of samples in digital probe 1
variable number of uint8_tsDigital probe sample.
uint16_tDigital probe type 2 - only meaningful if digital probe 2 is selected
uint32_tNumber of samples in digital probe 2
variable number of uint8_tsDigital probe sample.
uint16_tDigital probe type 3 - only meaningful if digital probe 3 is selected
uint32_tNumber of samples in digital probe 3
variable number of uint8_tsDigital probe sample.
uint16_tDigital probe type 4 - only meaningful if digital probe 4 is selected
uint32_tNumber of samples in digital probe 4
variable number of uint8_tsDigital probe sample.

Note that if needed an additional byte will pad out the end of the event to bring it to an even number of uint16_t. However, since there are an even number of digital probes, all with the same length, I don't think this padding ever happens.