

pman -- V5.1+ Manipulate the SpecTcl Analysis Pipeline


pman mk pipeline-name

pman ls ?pattern?

pman current

pman ls-all ?pattern?

pman ls-evp ?pattern?

pman use pipeline-name

pman add pipeline-name processor-name

pman rm pipeline-name processor-name

pman clear pipeline-name

pman clone existing-pipe new-pipe


The pman command ensemble is fully functional and available starting with SpecTcl 5.1. Along with the CPipelineManager class, it supports fully dynamic event processing pipelines within SpecTcl.

Once you have registered a set of event processors, you can use the pman command to create pipelines of these processors and dynamically select which of theses is actively operating.

The pman command is a command ensemble. This means it has a mandatory first command parameter which is a subcommand that describes which pipeline management function you wish it to perform.

Note that only the pipeline manager can be used to register event processors, however SpecTcl plugins can be created that define, instantiate and register event processors when loaded.


pman mk pipeline-name

Creates a new event processing pipeline named pipeline-name. It is an error to try to create a pipeline with the name of an existing pipeline.

pman ls ?pattern?

Lists the names of the pipeline that match the optional glob pattern. If pattern is omitted, it defaults to * which matches all names.

The return value of the command is a proper Tcl list whose elements are the names of the pipelines.

pman current

Describes the current event procsssing pipeline. The result of this command is a two element Tcl list. The first element of the list is the name of the current pipeline. The second element is a list whose elements are the names of the event processors in the pipeline. Note that the names of the event processors are given in the order in which they are in the pipeline.

pman ls-all ?pattern?

Lists all the information about event processing pipelines that have been defined that match the optional pattern. If pattern is not provided, it defaults to * which matches all pipeline names.

The result of this command is a list with one element per pipeline. Each element is a two element sublist. The first element of that sublist is the name of a pipeline. The second element is, itself, a list that contains the names of the event processors in that pipeline in the order in which they occur.

pman ls-evp ?pattern?

Lists the names of the registered event processors that match the optional glob pattern. If pattern is omitted, it defaults to * which matches all names.

pman use pipeline-name

Tells SpecTcl to use the pipeline named pipeline-name as the current event processing pipeline. Beginning with the next event processed, the event processors in pipeline-name will be used to process events into parameters.

It is an error for pipeline-name not to exist.

pman add pipeline-name processor-name

Adds an the event processor processor-name to the end of the event processing pipeline pipeline-name. An error is thrown if the pipeline-name is not an event processing pipeline or processor-name is not a registered event processing pipeline.

pman rm pipeline-name processor-name

Removes the event processor processor-name from the pipelnie pipeline-name. If pipeline-name is not the name of a pipeline the command will throw an error. If processor-name is not the name of an event processor in pipeline-name, the command will also throw an error.

pman clear pipeline-name

Removes all event processors from the event processing pipeline named pipeline-name. If pipeline-name does not exist, the command throws an error.

pman clone existing-pipe new-pipe

Creates an exact duplicate of the event processing pipeline existing-pipe and names it new-pipe. new-pipe will be a pipeline with exactly the same list of event processors.

If existing-pipe is not an event pipeline an error is thrown. If new-pipe is already defined, an error is thrown.