Chapter 6. SpecTcl API to the database.

The SpecTcl API to the database knows about the SpecTcl commands that can list objects get their properties and uses them to simplify interactions with the database. It is a pure Tcl package that is written to live on top of the SpecTclDB package that serves as a Tcl binding to the database C++ API.

The package, named dbconfig is available in the TclLibs directory tree of the SpecTcl installation. Therefore, adding that directory to the package search path, as described in the previous chapter is sufficient to be able to do a package require dbconfig to bring the package code into the script.

For the most part, the dbconfig package is intended to be used as a basis for implementing SpecTcl GUI's that manipulate the database. Note that one has already been written, give it a try first to see if it's sufficient. Naturally if you have suggestions for improvement, send them off to us and we'll consider them for future releases.

The reference material in the appendix will describe each proc of the package fully. Here we'll just take a quick tour of the package. Note that all procs in the package are in the dbconfig database.

Two procs, dbconfig::makeSchema and dbconifg::connect support the creation of and connection to databases. Here's a script fragment that shows how to create and connect to a new database:

Example 6-1. dbconfig - creating and connecting to a database

proc newdb {fname} {
dbconfig::makeSchema $fname
return [dbconfig::connect $fname]

The return value from newdb is a handle that must be used for other call to database related operations. In fact this is a database instance command from the Tcl bindings to the C++ API. When you are done using it you should distroy by invoking it's destroy subcommand.

The dbconfig package things in terms of configurations. A configuration is the set of parameters, spectra, gates, gate applications and tree variables currently defined in SpecTcl. It provides several procs that deal with configurations:

proc dbconfig::openSaveSet {dbcmd name}

This proc opens an existing save set and returns its save set instance command.

proc dbconfig::saveConfig {db name {spectra 0}}

Saves the analysis configuration into the database whoese handle is db. The saveset used will be name and must not yet exist. If spectra is provided and is non-zero, spectrum contents for all spectra will get saved into the database.

The proc returns a handle to the saveset (actually the saveset instance command). This value must be passed to save set related operations. When you are done with that handle, invoke it's destroy subcommand to destroy the command and relase resources associated with it.

proc dbconfig:listConfigs cmd

Returns a Tcl list describing all of the savesets in the database. THe list contains dicts that have the keys id primary key of the saveset, name saveset name, timestamp the time the saveset was created. This can be turned into a readable value via clock format.

proc dbconfig::restoreConfig {cmd savename {restoreSpectra 0}}

Restores the parameter, spectrum, gate, gate applications and tree variable s associated with a saveset. cmd is the database instance command gotten from dbconfig::connect. The savename parameter is the name of an existing save set in to which the processing parameters of SpecTcl are stored. Finally, retstoreSpectra, if supplied and nonzero restores any saved specrum contents.

proc dbconfig::saveSpectrum {sname specname}

Saves a single spectrum to the save set designated by the saveset handle (instance command) sname The spectrum specname is saved. The save set must already exist and the spectrum definition must be saved in that save set.

Normally this is used when a configuration has been saved and only then are data analyzed. After data analysis is complete an appropriate set of spectra can then be saved into the same saveset to document the results of the analysis.

proc dbconfig::restoreSpectrum {sname specname}

Restores a single spectrum; specname from the saveset associated with the handle/instance command sname.

proc dbconfig::saveAllSpectrumContents {sname}

Saves the contents of all spectra into the saveset given by the handle/instance command sname. The saveset must already have the spectra definitions stored. This is normally used at some point after a call to dbconfig::saveConfig.

proc dbconfig::restoreAllSpectrumContents {sname}

Restores all spectra with saved contents stored in the savest designated by the handle/saveset instance command sname.

proc dbconfig::listSavedSpectra {sname}

Returns a list of the names of spectra that have channels stored in the save set designated by the handle/save set instance command sname.

The pkgconfig does not provide the ability to store or playback event data directly, several procs do provide the ability to get information about the runs stored in a save set and the ability to get scaler data is provided.

Let's take a quick tour through those procs.

proc dbconfig::listRuns {cmd}

Returns a list of dicts that describe all of the runs in the database whose connection is indicated by cmd. Note: Database, not saveset, handle/instance command, not name.

Each dict in the, possibly empty, result list is a dict with the following key/value pairs:


Contains the name of the configuration (save set) that contains this run.


The run number of the run.


The title string associated with the run.


The time at which the run started. This is a timestamp that can be can be turned into a human readable string via clock format


The time at which the run stopped as a timestamp suitable to be used with clock format

proc dbconfig::hasRun {saveset}

Returns a boolean that is true if the saveset indicated by the saveset handle/instance command has associated event data. If not, returns false.

proc dbconfig::getRunInfo {saveset}

If the saveset indicated by the handle/instance command saveset has saved event data, this will return a list of dicts, just like dbconfig::hasRun does, but confined only for the runs in the save set.

proc dbconfig::getScalers {saveset run}

Returns the scaler data associated with the run number run in the saveset indicated by the handle/instance command saveset. The result is a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to a scaler readout.

The dicts have the following key/values:


Time into the run at which the scalers started counting for this readout.


Time into the run at which the scaler counting for this readout ended.


The value to divide start and stop by to get seconds into the run. This allows for subsecond accuracy in those values.


The timestamp associated with the scaler readout. This is suitable for input to clock format.


The id of the data source that contributed these data.


A list of the channel values that have been readout.

In addition to the dbconfig package, a command ensemble in the SpecTclDB package is used by the SpecTcl to manage event recording to the database and event playback from a database.

The base command for this command ensemble is daqdb. This command ensemble is not separable from SpecTcl. It is intended to support the needs of graphical user interfaces that control the recording of and playback of data within SpecTcl. Again, have a look at the SpecTcl user interface that is available before you start writing your own.

The remainder of this chapter is a brief guided tour of the the subcommands of this command ensemble.


Access the database file-name. If the event processor and event sink needed to record data are not yet set up, they are set up. Note that they are setup in the disabled state. It is necessary to enable event recording before that can take place.


Enables event recording beginning with the next run. The next run is defined as SpecTcl receiving a begin run item on its data source, that is the event recording event processor's OnBegin method is called.

Note that when event recording starts:

  • A new saveset is created with a name derived from the run number.

  • The analysis state is saved to the new saveset.

  • Events and scaler readouts will be stored in this new save set.

When OnEnd is called, the run description is given its end time. At that time, the contents of any spectra in the auto save are written to the saveset. See below. This does not disable event recording. Each run will repeat this sequence.

This implies that SpecTcl, using this package will not let you save more than one run per saveset, and that an single run can only be saved once per database.


Disbables evfent recording instantly. If data are actively being recorded, any active run will not have an end time. This does not prevent the data from being played back.


Closes the database and tears down the recording event processor and event sink.

autosave spectrum-list

The event recording subsystem allows you to provide a list of spectrum names whose contents will be saved when an end run is encountered while writing event data. This list is called the autosave list.

The spectrum-list parameter to this command is a list of the names of spectra. The autossave list is set to this list. Any spectra on this autosave list prior to to this command are no longer on the autosave list.


Returns a list of dicts. Each dict describes a run that is recorded in the event file. The dicts have the following key/value pairs:


The number of the run.


The name of the save set containing that run.


The title string associated with the run.


The time at which the run started. This value can be formatted for humans via clock format


The time at wich the run ended. This value can be formatted with clock format

play run-number

Begins playback of the run run-number. While playback is in progress, the event loop is periodically flushed, which keeps the user interface alive. Note that playback and recording cannot be done simultaneously due to the way in which recording data locks the database.


Stops any ongoing playback.