

CSqliteStatement -- Executes SQLite3 statements


#include <CSqlite.h>
#include <CSqliteStatement.h>

class CSqliteStatement {
    static const int integer;
    static const int floating;
    static const int text;
    static const int blob;
    static const int null;
    typedef void (*ObjectDestructor)(void*);

    static void execute(CSqlite& connection, const char* statement);

    CSqliteStatement(CSqlite& connection, const char* statement);

    CSqlite&  database(); 
    sqlite3_stmt* statement();
    int bindIndex(const char* name);
    void bind(
        int paramNo, const void* pBlob, int nBytes, ObjectDestructor destructor
    void bind(int paramNo, double value);
    void bind(int paramNo, int value);
    void bind(int paramNo, int64_t value);
    void bind(int paramNo);
    void bind(
        int paramNo, const char* pValue, int nBytes,
        ObjectDestructor destructor

    void bind(int Paramno, uint64_t nBytes);          // Blob filled with nulls.
    void clearBindings();
    CSqliteStatement& operator++();             // Only prefix auto inc.    
    void reset();
    bool atEnd();
    int bytes(int col);
    int bytes16(int col);
    const void* getBlob(int col);                // Blob
    double      getDouble(int col);
    int         getInt(int col);
    int64_t     getInt64(int col);
    const unsigned char* getText(int col);
    int         columnType(int col);

    const char* sql();                        // SQL of the statement.
    int   lastInsertId();                     // Row Id of last insert.
    void  enableRetry();
    void  disableRetry();




Supports performing SQL queires on a database.

If the query has no free parameters and returns no results, the static method execute can be used to execute a simple query.

Constructing an object, however, is the same as creating a prepared statement. Methods are provided to bind actual parameters to formal parameters in the prepared statement. The operator++, steps the query through any result set positioning the retrieval cursor at consecutive rows.

After each row, the fields in the row can be queried for their datatype and fetched.

Prepared statement objects can be re-used with different actual parameters after call to reset is performed and new parameters bound to the formal parameters in the statement.

Note that when user input is involved in creating the query or query parameters, it is wise to use prepared statements to avoid either deliberate or accidental SQL query injection exploits. (Google Little Bobby tables if you're not sure what this means).


static void execute(CSqlite& connection = , const char* statement = );

Performs an immediate statement. Note that since this method provides no mechanism to obtain the result set, the statement performed should be one that has no result set (e.g. INSERT, DELETE etc.).

The method does not sanitize any data. Therefore, if the user is involved in building up a query (e.g. providing the value to insert into a table), it is safer to construct a statement object and execute it, binding the user's input to formal parameters in the statement. This will avoid the infamous "Bobby Tables" style of SQL injection vulnerabilities this method is vulnerable to.

connection is the database on which the statement will be performed and statement is the statement that will be executed.

CSqliteStatement(CSqlite& connection = , const char* statement = );

Constructs a prepared statement. Prepared statements are re-cyclable SQL statements. Prepared statements can have formal parameters (see the SQLite3 documentation on prepared statement objects and their parameters for information about how to specify a formal parameter in prepared statement text). Prepared statements in this library do have a mechanism with which to retrieve result set rows.

connection specifies the database on which the prepared statement is actually executed. statement is the text of the SQL that specifies the statement.

The typical object lifetime is to construct a prepared statement. Once successfully constructed, calls to bind provide actual parameters for the slots labeled in the statement for formal parameters. Once actual parameters are provided operator++ is used to iterate over the save set until atEnd returns true. After each iteration, getter methods are used to retrieve data from the result set rows.

After iteration is done, the statement can be re-used with different actual parameters after calling reset and binding new parameters.

CSqlite& database();

Returns the database object on which the object was constructed. That is a reference to the connection parameter passed to the constructor.

sqlite3_stmt* statement();

Returns the statement handle for the prepared statement created by constructing the object. Note that this becomes invalid once the CSqliteStatement is destroyed. Having this allows for unanticipated operations to be performed on the statement.

If you have an intersting use case that forces you to use this, please contact us so that we can consider supporting that use case in a future release.

int bindIndex(const char* name = );

When specified in an SQL statement, formal parameters can be either named or numbered. The binding methods, however only accept numbered parameters. This method returns the value to pass to bind for the paramNo argument that corresponds to the named parameter name.

void bind(int paramNo = , const void* pBlob = , int nBytes = , ObjectDestructor destructor = );

Binds a Binary Large OBject (BLOB) to a the formal parameter numbered paramNo in the statement. pBlob is a pointer to the nBytes of data that make up the BLOB.

destructor is a function that is passed pBlob and is expected to dispose of the storage associated with pBlob when the statement no longer needs it.

Two special values can be used for the destructor: SQLITE_STATIC informs SQLITE that the data will be valid for the entire iteration of the statement and that there's no need to call a destructor function. SQLITE_TRANSIENT means that the storage associated with the pBlob will have shorter lifetime than the staement iteration and that SQLite should create an internal copy of the data which it will take responsibility for destroying when no longer needed.

void bind(int paramNo = , double value = );

Binds a double precision value to the statement's formal parameter numbered paramNo.

void bind(int paramNo = , int value = );

Binds an integer value to the formal parameter paramNo

void bind(int paramNo = , int64_t value = );

Binds a 64 bit integer value to formal parameter paramNo.

void bind(int paramNo = );

Binds a null value to the formal parameter numbered paramNo. Note that if a parmaeter does not have a binding it is treated as bound to a null value. If, however a parameter was bound that is not null, and the statement is reset and new parameters bound, it may be necessary to explicitly specify a null binding.

void bind(int paramNo = , const char* pValue = , int nBytes = , ObjectDestructor destructor = );

Binds a text string of nBytes bytes pointed to by pValue to the formal parmeter numbered paramNo. As with the BLOB binding, destructor is a pointer to the destructor function for the data pointed to by pValue. Note that the same special values are legal as well.

void bind(int paramNo = , uint64_t nBytes = );

Binds BLOB of nBytes of null data to the formal parameter numbered paramNo.

void clearBindings();

Clears all bindings to formal parameters. Unless rebound, the parameters are all bound to NULL.

CSqliteStatement& operator++();

Steps the statement to the next (first) row of the result set. Note that once this is done, parameter bindings can no longer be performed until reset is called.

void reset();

Resets the statment back to the preparing state. All parameters remain bound as before, however new bindings can be made to replace any that are now in effect. The next call to operator++ will return the first row of the result set of the statement.

bool atEnd();

If true there are no more rows in the statement's result set. If that's the case, operator++ will return an error.

int bytes(int col = );

Returns the number of bytes required to hold the value in field col of the current row of the result set. Note that this works correctly for blobs or UTF-8 text (where the number of bytes required may be larger than the number of characters).

int bytes16(int col = );

Returns the number of bytes required to hold the UTF-16 text in column number col.

const void* getBlob(int col = );

Returns a pointer to the BLOB data in column number col.

double getDouble(int col = );

Returns the floating point value in column col of the current row of the result set.

int getInt(int col = );

Returns the integer value at column col of the current row of the result set.

int64_t getInt64(int col);

Returns the 64 bit integer value in field number col in the current row of the result set.

const unsigned char* getText(int col = );

Returns a pointer to the text stored in field col of the current result set.

int columnType(int col = );

Returns an integer that specifies the underlying data type in field col of the current row of the result set. Note that the return values are described in PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES and DATA TYPES below.

const char* sql();

Returns the text of the SQL statement. This is a reverse compilation of the prepared statement. I believe this does not show the parameter bindings but retains the formal pareter indices instead.

int lastInsertId();

Returns the row id of the last inserted row in the database (not the statement), through this connection. If the table has an integer primary key, the key generated for that insertion is returned. If not, a ROWID generated by SQLite is returned. Note that all tables have in an implied ROWID column that stores these values.

The most common reason to use this is when doing a mult-table insert and you need a foreign key to relate some of the insertions.

void enableRetry();

Specifies that statment steps that result in SQLITE_BUSY should be retried. Note that SQLITE_BUSY generally means an operation could not be performed because to do so would violate locking done by another process operating on the same database.

void disableRetry();

Disables the retry of a busy statement. If calling operator++ returns SQLITE_BUSY, the operation fails and an exception is thrown.


The class exports several integer values and one datatype. The integers respresent values that can be returned from the columnType method. They are as follows:


Synonym for SQLITE_INTEGER, the column type is an integer. You can use


Synonym for SQLITE_FLOAT. The data type is floating point.


Synonym for SQLITE_TEXT. The field contains character data.


Synonym for SQLITE_BLOB, the field contains a binary large object (BLOB).


Synonym for SQLITE_NULL, the column contains anull value.

The data type exported is ObjectDestructor which is a typedef for void function that takes a single void parameter. It is passed to a couple of the bind methods and allows you to do storage management on dynamic data bound to query parameters. When the SQLITE statement no longer needs the data associated with a field type that requires destructors, it calls the destructor specified passing a pointer to the data as a parameter. The destructor function can then free the data as required.