

CSqliteTransaction/CSqliteSavePoint -- Encapsulate Sqlite transactions/savepoints


#include <CSqliteTransaction.h>

class CSqliteTransaction {
    typedef enum _transactionState {
        active, rollbackpending, completed
    } TransactionState;
    CSqliteTransaction(CSqlite& db);
        CSqlite& db, const char* start, const char* rollback, const char* commit
    void start();
    void rollback();                        // Rollback now.
    void scheduleRollback();                // Rollback on destruction
    void commit();                          // early commit.
    TransactionState state() const;
    class CException : public std::exception
            CException(std::string message) noexcept;
            CException(const CException& rhs) noexcept;
            CException& operator=(const CException& rhs) noexcept;
            virtual const char* what() const noexcept;

class CSqliteSavePoint : public CSqliteTransaction
    CSqliteSavePoint(CSqlite& db, const char* name);

    static std::string startCommand(const char* name);
    static std::string rollbackCommand(const char* name);
    static std::string commitCommand(const char* name);



SQLite3 provides two tools that can group several operations into an atomic group; Transactions and SavePoints. Operations done within one of these bracketing operations either all complete or all fail. These tools allow applications that must do multi-table updates to do them in a way that ensures the database is always consistent.

Transactions and Savepoints only differ in the way they can or cannot nest. Both start and then, at some point either commit the operations that have been performed since the start, or rollback, or abort those transactions. The database ensures that it is not possible for partial success to occur.

Where transactions and savepoints differ is in allowable nesting:

In another differnce, save points have names while transactions do not. Active save point names must be unique.

In brief, it's really only safe to use transactions when you have full control over the database access code (e.g. when your code is a complete application). Otherwise, it is safer to use save points to avoid inadvertent violation of the nesting rules above.

Transaction and savepoint failures are reported by throwing a CSqliteTransction::CException object. This object is derived from std::exception. The use of this distinct exception class (as opposed to CSqliteException), is intended to allow code to differentiate between failure in SQL statements and failures in any enclosing transaction.

Both transactions and savepoints, start on construction and terminate on destruction. In between code can mark the transaction for eventual rollback (do this if there are code paths that will still perform SQL operations that are intended to be within the transaction), or roll the transaction back immediately. You may also prematurely commit the transaction or savepoint prior to its destruction.

The simplest typical use of a transaction is modeled in the fragment of code below

Example A-1. How transactions are usually used

CSqlite db(....);      // A database.
void someDbFunction(CSqlite& db)
   CSqliteSavePoint savpt(db, "MySavePoint");
   try {
       if  (weNeedToRollback()) {
   catch (...) {

In this example, the save point begins as it is declared at the beginnning of savpt. If an exception is thrown, the save point is immediately rolled back and the function returns. If the weNeedToRollBack returns true, rollback is scheduled and the operations performed by DoSqliteStuffThatMightGetRolledBack will get rolled back. When the function falls through to its end, the save point is destroyed. If DoSqliteStuffThatMightGetRolledBack returned false all databae transactions are committed, otherwise, the whole save point is rolled back.


In actual fact, the CSqliteTransaction class performs all the dirty work. CSqliteSavePoint simply is a convenience class that constructs the transaction class to perform save point operations. Savepoints and Transaction differ at the SQL level only in the SQL commands needed to initiate, rollback, or commit them. CSqliteSavePoint simply passes save point versions of those commands to a constructor in CSqliteTransaction appropriate to its named save point.

CSqliteSavePoint(CSqlite& db = , const char* name = );

Constructs (starts) a save point. The save point is named by name and is relevant to the database connected to db. Note that savepoints and transactions span all database connections to the same underlying file, even (well especially) database connections held by other processes.

CSqliteTransaction(CSqlite& db = );

Constructs a transaction and starts it. db is the database that will be impacted by this transaction.

CSqliteTransaction(CSqlite& db = , const char* start = , const char* rollback = , const char* commit = );

Constructor intended to be used by CSqliteSavePoint. In addition to db, the database, the SQL statements needed to start, rollback, and commit the operations are supplied. The CSqliteSavePoint class will compute these given the save point name and pass them to its base class constructor (CSqliteTransaction).

void start();

Starts the transaction. This is automomatically called by the constructor. The only reason you have to call it is to start a new instance of this transaction or save point after explicitly committing or rolling it back.

void rollback();

Explicitly rolls back the transaction or savepoint. When the transaction or savepoint is destroyed, it will take no further action.

void scheduleRollback();

Indicates that when the transaction or savepoint object is destroyed, it should be rolled back. No immediate action is taken.

By default, on destruction, active transactions and savepoints are committed. Think of this method as overriding that behavior.

void commit();

Immediately commits the transaction or save point. Unless start is subsquently called to restart the transaction/save point, no action will be take when the transaction/save point is destroyed.

const TransactionState state();

Transaction and save point objects are stateful. The state determines the operations that are allowed as well as what action the object will take when it is destroyed.

This method returns the current state of the object. The actual return type, CSqliteTransaction::TransactionState is an enumerated value that can be one of:


The object is active. If destroyed it will be committed.


The object is active, however scheduleRollback was called and therefore on destruction a rollback will be performed.


The object is not active. On destruction, no action will be taken.