2.3. Creating scaler banks and scaler modules

The readout framework supports a hierachical organization of scalers using two classes CScaler which is intended to represent a single scaler module (but need not), and CScalerBank a CScaler into which CScaler objects including CScalerBank objects can be put.

Thus a CScalerBank is to CScaler as a CCompoundEventSegment is to CEventSegment objects.

The interface of a CScaler is similar to that of a CScaler:


All other methods are completely analagous to their counterparts in CEventSegment. read is as well, however it is supposed to return a vector of uint32_t values that are the scalers it reads.

The framework will append this set of values to the final set of scalers it will report to the RingDaq.

So lets look at a simple CScaler. In this case we will be building a CScaler class that manages a single SIS 3820 scaler module.

First the header for the class:

Example 2-10. CScaler header

#include <CScaler.h>

class CSIS3820;

class CSIS3820Scaler : public CScaler   (1)
  CSIS3820*   m_pScaler;                (2)

  CSIS3820Scaler(unsigned long base, int crate = 0); (3)

  // The interface required by the CScaler class:

public:                          (4)
  virtual void initialize();
  virtual void clear();
  virtual std::vector<uint32_t> read();


Much of this code should look familiar from the' CEventSegment discussion. The CSIS3820Scaler class must be derived from the CScaler class in order to be registered to read scalers with the readout framework.
This member will be a pointer to a CSIS3820 object that will be used to talk to the scaler module we are reading.
The constructor declaration provides the ability for us to specify the base address an the VME crate in which the scaler is installed. Note that as for the CEventSegment since we are going to dynamically create the scaler module class, we need to declare a destructor to allow us to destroy it when our object is destroyed.
We must declare the functions from the CScaler base class that will be implemented by CSIS3820Scaler. This must be at least the read method as that is abstract in CScaler.

As before, let's look at the implementation in logical pieces. The front matterr is a few #include directives to pull in the headers we need:

Example 2-11. CSIS3820Scaler implementation includes section

#include <config.h>
#include "CSIS3820Scaler.h"
#include <CSIS3820.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

The constructor and destructor are pretty simple as well:

Example 2-12. CSIS3820Scaler constructor/destructor

CSIS3820Scaler::CSIS3820Scaler(unsigned long base, int crate) :
     m_pScaler(new CSIS3820(base, crate))   (1)


  delete m_pScaler;     (2)

Initializes the m_pScaler attribute with a pointer to a dynamically created CSIS3820 object.
Since the constructor created an object dynamically, the destructor is responsible for deleteing it.

Next lets look at the initialize and clear methods as they are relatively short.

Example 2-13. CSIS3820Scaler initialize/clear methods

void CSIS3820Scaler::initialize()
  m_pScaler->setOperatingMode(CSIS3820::LatchingScaler);  (1)
  m_pScaler->EnableClearOnLatch();                        (2)
  m_pScaler->Enable();                                    (3)


void CSIS3820Scaler::clear()
  m_pScaler->ClearChannels();                           (4)

Sets the scaler to latch mode with the VME being the only source of the latch signal. For latching scalers this is normally the appropriate way to read them. Latch mode allows all scaler values to be "simultaneously" recorded for readout at a single snapshot in time.
This function sets the scaler to clear its external counters when they are latched to the internal module memory. See, however the discussion about clearing below.
Enabling and arming the scalers is what starts them counting input pulses.
This clears all of the external counters of the module.


The way in which this module is being cleared is not techincally correct. The module supports a clear on latch. As coded, the scalers will be cleared a read time and then a bit later when clear is called. This can cause a few counts to be lost over the duration of the run.

The correct way to handl this module is to clear it at initialization time and then not to provide a clear function. The code was written this way in order to illustrate the use of a clear method rather than to be strictly speaking correct.

The std::vector class makes it pretty easy to write the read method as well.

Example 2-14. CSIS3820Scaler read

  std::vector<uint32_t> result;   (1)
  uint32_t              channels[32];   (2)

  m_pScaler->LatchAndRead(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(channels)); (3)

  result.insert(result.begin(), channels, channels + 32); (4)

  return result;

The read method must return an std::vector. This declares storage for that vector.
The LatchAndRead function we use below will read the 32 channels of the module into an ordinary storage array. Therefore wwe need to declare one here to hold that output.
Reads the data in to channels
The std::vector::insert method is then used to put the scaler channel values into the result vector which is returned.

Before leaving this discussion of scalers lets take a short tour of the CScalerBank class. This class allows us to group several CScaler objects into a single scaler-like object.

Suppose we have several SIS 3820 scaler modules. In a detector system. The example below organizes them into a single scaler bank which we can hand out as our detector system's scaler.

Example 2-15. Creating a scaler bank

    CSIS3820Scaler sc1(0x80000000);
    CSIS3820Scaler sc2(0x80010000);
    CSIS3820Scaler sc3(0x80020000);
    CScalerBank myDetectorScalers;

Naturally since, CScalerBank objects are themselves derived from CScaler they can be added, in turn, to other scaler banks.