FRIBParallelanalysis  1.0

The Parameter to Parmaeter Worker.

The analysis library defines an abstract base class named: frib::analysis::CMPIParametersToParametersWorker It operates as follows:

As with the raw event to parameters stage of the pipeline, the farmer re-sorts events by the order in which they originally occurred before passing them on to the outputter which creates and output parameter file.

Sample Worker.

Let's carry on with the example in Using parameter files.. Recall that this example was applying a linear calibration function to input parameters producing energy parameters as output. In order to make our worker we need to

Here's a sample:

#include <MPIParametersToParametersWorker.h>
#include <TreeParameter.h> // 1
#include <TreeParameterArray.h>
#include <TreeVariableArray.h>
namespace frib {
namespace analysis {
class AbstractApplication; // 2
using namespace frib::analysis;
class MyWorker : public CMPIParametersToParametersWorker {
CTreeParameterArray raw;
CTreeParameterArray calibrated;
CTreeVariableArray slopes; // 3
CTreeVariableArray offsets;
MyWorker(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) :
CMPIParametersToParametersWorker(argc, argv, pApp), // 4
raw("raw, 16),
calibrated("energy", 16), // 5
slopes("slopes", 16),
offsets("offsets", 16)
virtual void process() {
for (int i =0; i < 16; i++) {
if (raw[i].isValid()) { // 6
calibrated[i] = raw[i]*slopes[i] + offsets[i];
  1. This set of headers bring in definitions of neede classes:
    • MPIParametersToParameters.h contains the defintion of the base class for workers.
    • TreePaarameter.h TreeParameterArray.h and TreeVariableArray.h bring in definitions for the tree parameter and tree variable subsystems we will use.
  2. This is a forward definition of the abstract base class for applications: frib::analysis::AbstractApplication it is needed because a pointer to it is passed as a parameter to methods of our worker class. Where possible, to avoid circular includes it is stylistically preferable to use forward defintions rather than including the definitions themselves.
  3. These tree parameter and tree variable definitions will be constructed to allow access to the definitions made in the definition file. Furthermore, the worker base class will map parameter data in events into the tree paramters we've declared giving us access to the input data.
  4. The contructor constructs the base class object.
  5. Construction also constructs the tree parameters and tree variables needed for the computations. The input file is assumed to have the raw parameters while we will copute the energy parameters into the calibrated parameters. The values of the slopes and offset tree variables will be read from the definition file and, for this example, are linear energy calibration parameters to apply to the raw parameters.
  6. The process method is called after parameters have been loaded from an input event into the worker's tree parameters. Processing is simply a loop over all raw parameters, and if a parameter is valid, producing calibrated parameters using the appropriate calibration coefficients read from the definition file.