FRIBParallelanalysis  1.0

SpecTcl compatibility software

Many experimental groups have a great deal of effort invested in SpecTcl event processing piplines that, essentially, do the same thing as the raw event to parameter stage of the analysis pipeline. One disadavantage of using these pipelines within SpecTcl is the computational time each analysis run requires to repeat the decoding of raw events into parameters. Furthermore, SpecTcl event processors don't provide support for parallel execution.

It therefore makes sense to provide software which supports porting SpecTcl event processing pipelines into the first stage of the analysis pipeline. You can imagine (and we plan to implement) SpecTcl support to read parameter data files as the first stage of its own analysis pipeline, making SpecTcl the spectrum producing stage of the analysis pipeline.

This section describes the support available to import SpecTcl event processors and pipelines of event processors into the analysis pipelines.

There are some retrictions, however:

If you want to maintain a common source code base between the event processors you use in SpecTcl and those you use with the SpecTcl compatability code, you'll probably need to use #ifdefs to select the appropriate code for the appropriate environment. Thee examples in this section assume that you define the compilation preprocessor symbol FRIB_ANALYSIS if you are using the analysis framework and that otherwise the code is intended to be compiled for and run in SpecTcl.

Makefiles you use will need to be very careful to specify analysis framework header and library directories earlier in the search paths than SpecTcl ones if you need both.

A SpecTcl Event Processor ported.

In this section, we'll extract the CFixedEventUnpacker example from the SpecTcl skeleton file and port it into the analysis framework. We'll do this in a way that allows us to use it in SpecTcl later on if we choose. First we'll need a header e.g. FixedUnpacker.h which will look like this:

#ifndef FIXEDUNPACKER_H // 1
#include <SpecTclTypes.h>
#else // 2
#include <daqdatatypes.h>
#include <EventProcessor.h>
namespace frib {
namespace analysis {
class CEvent;
class CAnalyzer; // 3
class CBufferDecoder;
class CTreeParameterArray;
using namespace frib::analysis; // 4
class CFixedEventUnpacker : public CEventProcessor
CTreeParameterArray& m_raw;
virtual ~CFixedUnpacker();
virtual Bool_t operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
CEvent& rEvent,
CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);


  1. If you are not familiar with this construct, it is called an include guard This #ifdef, which encloses the entire header ensures that multiple includes of the same header will not cause compilation errors because only the first inclusion will actually provide any code since that will define the FRIXEDUNPACKER_H symbol.
  2. SpecTcl uses type aliases such as Int_t, or Address_t extensively to allow the underlying actual typse to be centrally changed if needed. In SpecTcl, these types are defined in the header daqdatatypes.h while the framework defines a subset of these types in SpecTclTypes.h This block includes the appropriate header, depending on the compilation envionment.
  3. The event processor requires at least a forward definition of several types. In the SpecTcl environment, these actual types are defined in the global namespace while, in the analysis framework in keeping with its naming conventions, they are defined in the frib::analysis namespace. This block of code forward defines either CEvent, CAnalyzer and CBufferDeder in the SpecTcl compilation environment or, in the analysis framework compilation environment: frib::analysis::CEvent, frib::analysis::CAnalyzer and frib::analysis::CBufferDeder
  4. Finally the frib::analysis namespace is usd to resolve names in the analysis framework environment so we don't need to use fully qualified names.

Now let's look at the implementation of the CFixedEventUnpacker class which we might put in FixedUnpacker.cpp

#include "FixedUnpacker.h"
#include <Event.h>
#include <Analyzer.h> // 1
#include <BufferDecoder.h>
using namespace frib::analysis; // 2
CFixedEventUnpacker::CFixedEventUnpacker() :
m_raw(*(new CTreeParameterArray("even.raw", 10))) {} // 3
CFixedEventUnpacker::~CFixedEventUnpacker() {
delete &m_raw;
CFixedEventUnpacker::operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
CEvent& rEvent,
CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
CBufferDecoder& rDecoder)
const UShort_t* p(reinterpret_cast<const UShort_t>(pEvent)); // 4
UShort_t nWords = *p++;
Int_t i = 1;
CTclAnalyzer& rAna((CTclAnalyzer&)rAnalyzer); // 5
rAna.SetEventSize(nWords*sizeof(UShort_t)); // Set event size.
nWords--; // The word count is self inclusive.
int param = 0; // No more than 10 parameters.
while(nWords && (param < 10)) { // Put parameters in the event
m_raw[param] = *p++; // 6
return kfTRUE; // kfFALSE would abort pipeline.


  1. The Makefile for this application must ensure that these come from the FRIB analysis framework headers not the SpecTcl headers.
  2. Pulls the definitions of the FRIB Analysiys code from the frib::analysis namespace into the default name resolution space. Thus e.g. frib::analysis::CEvent can be referred to as CEvent.
  3. In the version of this unpacker in MySpecTclApp.cpp, This tree paramter array was defined at file global scope. For both SpecTcl and the FRIB analysis framework this unecessary so we create the tree parameter array here. and delete it in the destructor.
  4. In SpecTcl, we used a translating buffer pointer but, since all NSCLDAQ systems are little endian, and since big endian systems are increasingly hard to come by, we just use a plain old pointer to UShort_t.
  5. The FRIB Framework does not need to be given the size of the event so this code is only compiled if we're not compiling it for the FRIB analysis framework.
  6. As before the loop unpacks data into the parameters. In this case the parameters are a tree parameter array referenced by m_raw.

Setting up the Application for SpecTcl.

Much of the work described here is the same as for Writing the Raw to parameter worker. The only difference is that we need to use a SpecTclWorker, instantiate one or more eventprocessors, and add them to that worker to set up the analysis pipeline. That's done as follows:

#include <AbstractApplication.h>
#include <SpecTclWorker.h>
#include "FixedUnpacker.h"
... // code above here as in \ref rawtoparamworker
MyApp::worker(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) {
SpecTclWorker worker(*app); // 1
CFixedEventUnpacker unpacker;
worker.addProcessor(unpacker, "Raw"); // 2
worker(argc, argv); // 3


  1. The frib::analysis::SpecTclWorker provides support for a SpecTcl analysis pipeline.
  2. In this line of code, we set up the analysis pipeline to only contain the fixed event unpacker. If we have more than one event processor, we can instantiate them here and add them in the order we want them processed.
  3. The worker process invokes each element of the event processing pipeline and transmits the unpacked tree parameters to the farmer.

This modified event processor should be usable both in SpecTcl and in the FRIB analysis framework.

Tailoring the SpecTclWorker

The frib::analysiys::SpecTclWorker can be tailored in a couple of ways. Both require creating, instantiating and using a derived class from SpecTclWorker:

The SpecTclWorker object invokes the event processing pipeline elements' OnInitialize and OnEventSourceOpen virtual methods. The latter requires knowing the name of the input file. This is gotten by querying the virtual method getInputFilename which, by default just uses argv[1] you may override this in order to use a different command line parameter e.g. as the name of the input event file.

The event processing pipeline OnInitialize and OnEventSourceOpen in turn are invoked from the virtual method initializeUserCode overriding this can also be used to provide initialization of e.g. global tree parameter structs. For example, If we wanted the event.raw tree parameter array to be global data:

#include <TreeParameterArray.h>
#include <SpecTclWorker.h>
#include <AbstractApplication.h>
using namespace frib::analysis; // 1
CTreeParameterArray raw; // 2
class MyWorker : public SpecTclWorker { // 3
MyWorker(AbstractApplication& app) : SpecTclWorker(app) {} // 4
virtual void initializeUserCode( // 5
int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication& app
int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication& app
) {
raw.Initialize("event.raw", 10); // 6
SpecTclWorker::initializeUserCode(argc, argv, app); // 7


  1. As usual the names in the frib::analysis namespace are imported into the default symbol resolution space so we don't need to use the fully qualified names.
  2. Tree parameters and tree parameter array support both full construction and two phase construction. Full construction of global data is risky due to the C++'s rules about the order in which such construction occurs. In two phase construction an object is constructed minimally, as it is here and later, when safe fully initialized with a method call (in the case of the tree parameter subsystem, with a call to one of the Initialize methods).
  3. We declare MyWorker as a class derived from SpecTclWorker.
  4. We don't have any construction needs of our own so we just defer construction to the SpecTclWorker class constructor.
  5. This line declares our desire to override the SpecTclWorker::initializeUserCode method with one of our own.
  6. Our MyWorker::initializeUserCode method will complete the initialization of the global tree parameter array.
  7. This line then invokes the base class's initializeUserCode which invokes the appropriate analysis pipeline methods.

Using MyWorker in place of SpecTclWorker in our application provides support for global tree parameter data. Clearly this can be extended to the more complicated global tree parameter based data structures seen in code developed and supported by some groups.