FRIBParallelanalysis  1.0

Raw events to parameters

This section describes, in detail, how to write an application in the FRIB analysis framework that unpackes raw event data and outputs the unpacked parameters.

While the program you will write depends heavily on MPI, those dependencies have been abstracted out into the libraries that make up the framwork. Therefore you do not need to use the MPI compiler drivers to build your program.

In order to write an application you'll need to accomplish the tasks in this checklist:

Writing the Raw to parameter worker.

The worker process must request work items from the dealer process. Work items are blocks of input data to the worker. Once the worker has received its next block of data, it must break it up into raw events and operate on each of those events to fill in the tree parameters that make up its output.

When an input event has been operated on, the resulting set of tree parameters must be forwarded to the farmer, the next stage of the process.

All of this requires intimate knowledge of the messaging protocols and data formats for the application when, in reality, you'd really just like to write the event decode code. Fortunately there are a pair of worker program templates you can use. The first: frib::analysis::CMPIRawToParametersWorker requires only that you fill in a method that operates on a single ring item to fill in the tree parameters that you want to output. This will be describe in this section.

The second worker; frib::analysis::CSpecTclWorker is designed to make it simple to port SpecTcl analysis pipelines into this parallel framework. This will be described elsehwere ( SpecTcl compatibility software ).

frib::analysis::CMPIRawToParametersWorker is an abstract base class with a single pure virtual method: unpackData, called for each raw event, and an optional virtual method initializeUserCode which is called once before the first event is received.

The example below shows how to derive a class from CMPIRawToParametersWorker that unpacks event ring items that contain fixed length events with 16 words that should be unpacked sequentially into a tree parameter array named parameters.

#include <MPIRawToParametersWorker.h>
#include <AnalysisRingItems.h> // 1
#include <CTreeParamteerArray.h>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace frib::analysis; // 2
ckass AbstractApplication;
class MyWorker : public CMPIRawToParametersWorker {
CTreeParameterArray* m_pParams;
MyWorker(AbstractApplication& app) :
m_pParams(new CTreeParameterArray("parameters", 16, 0)) {} // 3
~MyWorker() {
delete m_pParams;
void unpackData(const void* pData);
// unpacker:
void MyWorker::unpackData(const void* pData) { // 4
union {
const RingItemHeader* pH;
const std::uint8_t* p8; // 5
const std::uint32_t* p32;
} p;
p.p8 = reinterpret_cast<const std::Uint8_t*>(pData);
size_t hdrsize = sizeof(RingItemHeader); // 6
if (p.pH->s_unused > sizeof(std::uint32_t)) {
hdrsize += p.pH->s_unused - sizeof(std::uint32_t);
p.p8 += hdrsize;
CTreeParameterArray& params(*m_pParams); // 7
for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) {
params[i] = p.p32[i]; // 8

The numbers in the list below refer to the comment nubers in the sample code above.

  1. Includes the minmum set of headers to get this compilation unit built.
  2. Brings the entire frib::analysis namespace intothe current namespace. While not necessary it makes the specification of the frib analysis classes less verose.
  3. Constructs m_pParams as a 16 element array of parameters.
  4. The unpack method receives a const void pointer to storage that, in this case is actually an event (PHYSICS_EVENT) ring item.
  5. This union of pointers is used to eliminate the need to keep casting the pData parameter to different pointer types. The union members are a pointer to a ring item header (AnalysisRingItems.h defines a limited set of ring item definitions).
  6. This block of code computes the pointer to the event body. The s_unused field of RingItemHeader is the same location as the body header size field. If it is larger than sizeof(std::uint32_t) it is the size of the body header and includes itself. Otherwise there is no body header (NSCLDAQ-v11) and the event data begins immediately after the RingItemHeader. Note that this code will only supprt NSCLDAQ-11 and later data as NSCLDAQ-10 data will have event data immediately after the s_type field of RingItemHeader. NSCLDAQ-8 and earlier are not compatible with the framework as the data are in fixed sized buffers rather than in ringitems.
  7. In order to not have to use pointer notation, we initialize a reference to the m_params.
  8. This loop unpacks the data from the event into the tree parameter array.

Naturally most worker's will be computationally more complicated than this.

Writing the application

In order to produce a raw to parameter unpacker in the framework you need to provide an application that

Fortunately the framework library provides code for all but the worker which we wrote.

The framework dealer: frib::analysis::CMPIRawReader reads and deals out data from an event file. The outputter: frib::analysis::CMPIParameterOutput similarly writes a parameter output file.

One concern both of these classes face is how to get the input and output files. Both provide a virtual method; getInputFile in the case of CMPIRawReader and getOutputFile in the case of CMPIParameterOutput that take as arguments the argc and argv parameters defining the command line parameters passed to the application and return a string filename path.

Note that the mpirun command will strip its parameters from the commandline parameter arguments prior to these files seeing them. So, for example:

mpirun -np 10 myapp run-0000-00.evt

Will set:

Argument value
argc 3
argv[0] "myapp"
argv[1] "run-0000-00.evt"
argv[2] ""

The default implementation of CMPIRawReader::getInputFile will return argv[1] while the default implementation of CMPIParameterOutput will return argv[2] If this is not suitable then you'll need to derive subclasses that replace these default implementations.

Let's get started. We need to derive a sublcass from frib::analysis::AbstractApplication that implements the dealer farmer outputter and worker classes. For this application, we'll assume that the default file getters are just fine:

#include <AbstractApplication.h>
#include <MPIRawReader.h>
#include <MPIParameterOutputter.h>
#include <MPIParameterFarmer.h>
#include "MyWorker.h" // 1
using namespace frib::analysis; // 2
class MyApp : public AbstractApplication { // 3
MyApp(int argc, char** argv);
virtual void dealer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp);
virtual void farmer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp); // 4
virtual void outputter(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp);
virtual void worker(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp);
MyApp::dealer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) {
CMPIRawReader dealer(argc, argv, pApp); // 5
dealer(); // 6
MyApp::farmer(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) {
CMPIParameterFarmer farmer(argc, argv, *pApp); // 7
farmer(); // 8
MyApp::outputter(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) {
CMPIParameterOutput outputter(argc, argv, pApp); // 9
outputter(); // 10
MyApp::worker(int argc, char** argv, AbstractApplication* pApp) {
MyWorker worker(*pApp); // 11
worker(argc, argv); // 12

The numbers below refer to the commented numbers in the example code.

  1. We're assuming that the worker class we wrote in the previous section is implemented in a separate compilation unit with a header named MyWorker.h.
  2. Brings the symbols in the frib::analysis namespace into the default namespace. This allows a more concise naming of library elements (e.g. AbstractApplication rather than frib::analysis::AbstractApplication).
  3. We need to derive our own application class, in this case MyApp from the AbstractApplication base class. This class declaration does that.
  4. In our application class definition, we will need to implement the pure virtual methods of the base class. These lines declare our intent to do so.
  5. Declares a raw reader object which will be our dealer.
  6. Runs the code in the raw dealer. Note that this method, the dealer method, will only be run by the framework int he correct MPI process (world rank #0).
  7. Declares a CMPIParameterFarmer as the farmer. This class knows how to resort the parmaeter data in to its original order.
  8. Runs the farmer. Note tha the framework will only call this method in the correct (world rank #1) MPI process.
  9. Declares a CMPIParameterOutput object as our outputter.
  10. Runs the outputter object. Note that the outputter methdod will only be called by the framework in the correct (world rank #2) MPI process.
  11. Creates an instance of our worker
  12. Runs our worker. Note that this method will be called in all MPI Processes with world rank > 2. Thus when mpirun is used to start the program, -np must be at least 4 to ensure there's at least one worker. The actual number of workers will be three less than the value of the mpirun's -np option.

Writing the main program.

The main program must create the application and run it. The frib::analysis::AbstractApplication::operator() method expects an object derive from an frib::analysis::CParameterReader. The read method of this object is invoked in all processes to define a common set of paramter and variable definitions. This is especially important in the worker and output processes so that the output process writes the correct parameter and variable definition records and the worker threads bind their parameters to the same parameter ids that are written by the output thread.

Therefore the main program must:

  1. Ensure the correct number of command line parameters are present after mpirun has stripped the ones it recognizes from the command line.
  2. Instantiate the application.
  3. Instantiate a concrete parameter reader.
  4. Invoke the operator() method of the concrete application.
  1. Exit with a success indication.

Here's a main program that runs our the application that was written above:

#include <MyApp.h> // 1
#include <TCLParameterReader.h> // 2
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace frib::analysis
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 4) { // 3
std::cerr <<
"Usage: mpirun <mpirun-parameters> program-name infile outfile paramdef-file\n";
MyApp app(argc, argv); // 4
CTCLParameterReader reader(argv[3]); // 5
app(reader); // 6
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // 7

The numbered comments in the code above are described below:

  1. Include the header file for our application. Normally the definition of the class and the implementation will be separated into a header (.h) and implmenetation (.cpp) file.
  2. We chose to use the Tcl parameter reader. This is described in Distributing tree definitions. and accepts an external parameter defintion file in a format described in Tcl Definition file. This line includes the header that defines the frib::analysis::CTCLParameterReader parameter reader class.
  3. Since we've let the parameter positions default in our dealer and outputter, and since we'll need a parameter file, we must ensure there are at least 4 command line words and output an error message and exit with a failure status if this is not the case. Note that since MPI has not yet been initialized (that's done in the application), we cannot restrict this output to only the rank 0 process (e.g.). The command line words are in order:
    • The program name.
    • The input raw event file.
    • The output parameter file.
    • The Tcl parameter definition file.
  4. Creates an instance of our application.
  5. Creates an parameter reader (a Tcl parameter file reader to be precise).
  6. Starts the application. From this point on, the dealer will deal event data to the workers which will funnel them back into the farmer. The farmer will re-sort the data in event number order and pass it to the outputter which will write the parameter output file.

Note that all of the processes will use their instance of a CTCLParameterReader object to read the Tcl parameter definition file and, therefore, have a common idea of the parameters defined by the program.