CRingFragmentItem (version 10)


CRingFragmentItem (version 10) -- Event builder fragment


#include <v10/CRingFragmentItem.h>

namespace v10 {

    class CRingFragmentItem : public ::CRingFragmentItem
      // Implemented canonical items:
      CRingFragmentItem(uint64_t timestamp, 
                uint32_t source, 
                uint32_t payloadSize, 
                const void* pBody,
                uint32_t barrier=0);
      virtual uint64_t     timestamp() const;
      virtual uint32_t     source() const;
      virtual size_t       payloadSize()   const;
      virtual void*  payloadPointer();
      virtual uint32_t     barrierType() const;
      virtual bool hasBodyHeader() const;
      virtual void* getBodyHeader() const;
      virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId,
                             uint32_t barrierType = 0) ;
      virtual std::string typeName() const;
      virtual std::string toString() const;



Ring fragment items are event builder fragments wrapped in a ring item. Event builder fragments have a header that contains the timestamp, source id and barrier type from the fragment and the fragment data itself. The fragment data is referred to in the class documentation as the payload.

The payload is assumed to be a ring item for items with this item type by default. If one edits the item type to be v10::EVB_UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD, no such assumption can be made.


CRingFragmentItem(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t payloadSize, const void* pBody, uint32_t barrier = 0);

timestamp is the fragment timestamp that will be put in the header. source is the source id of the fragment that also will be put in the header.

payloadSize and pBody specify the number of bytes of payload and the source of the data that will be put in the payload part of the ring item.

If the optional barrier parameter is specified it provides a barrier type to be put in the header. Otherwise a barrier type of zero is used which is no barrier.

const virtual uint64_t timestamp();

Returns the timestamp from the item's body header. Note that by definition, fragment items have a body header.

const virtual uint32_t source();

Returns the source id from the item's body header.

const virtual size_t payloadSize();

Returns the size of the payload. Note that it is acceptable, and normal for this to be computed by the implementation from the ring item size and the body header size

virtual void* payloadPointer();

Returns a pointer to the payload data. The pointer allows the data to be edited as well as simply inspected.

virtual uint32_t barrierType();

Returns the item's body header barrier type field.

const virtual std::string typeName();

Returns a string that describes the type of the ring item: Event fragment

const virtual std::string toString();

Returns a string representation of the contents of the ring item. This is used e.g. by dumper

virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrierType = 0);

Does nothing. V10 ring items never have a body header.

const virtual void* getBodyHeader();

Returns a nullptr. V10 ring items never have a body header.

const virtual bool hasBodyHeader();

Returns false. v10 Ring items never have a body header.