Support for XIA DDAS at the NSCL
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fits Directory Reference


file  DDASFitHit.h [code]
 : Extends DDASHit to include fit data that's been tacked on to the end of a hit with traces.
file  FitExtender.h [code]
 : Public exports of data structures from FitExtender.
file  FitHitUnpacker.cpp
 : Implements FitHitUnpacker.
file  FitHitUnpacker.h [code]
 : Unpack DDAS data where the traces may have a HitExtension that contains one and two pulse fits.
file  functions.cpp
file  functions.h [code]
 : Implement functions used to fit DDAS pulses.
file  lmfit.cpp
 : Contains the functions needed to drive GSL's Levenberg Marquart fitter.
file  lmfit.h [code]
 : Define the fitting functions and data structures for L-M fits.