Chapter 2. Writing data structure declaration files.

genx requires that you describe your data structures. This chapter describes the elements of these files. The main value added by genx is to translate your data structure files into C++ headers and executable code that supports creating the structure you describe in your unpacker.

Maybe the simplest way to introduce the data structure language is to look at a simple, toy example.

Example 2-1. Data structure description file

// Structure definitions                  (1)
struct Ta  {                              (2)
    value a                               (3)
    value b low=-1.5 high=1.5 units=cm    (4)
struct Tb {
    array a[10]                           (5)
    array b[20]

struct Tc {
    struct Tb a                         (6)
    structarray Tb b[10]                (7)
    value c units=megawidgets
    array d[100]                        (8)
        low = 0 high = 4095 bins=4096.65 units=channels

// instances start here                (9)

value b low=-100.5 high=100 bins=200 units=cm (10)
value a

array c[20]
array d[5] units=furlongs             (11)

structinstance Ta stuff               (12)
structinstance Tc mystuff
structarrayinstance Tb morestuff[20]  (13)


In the discussion that follows, match the numbers below with corresponsding numbers in the example.

Data definition files support comments. Comments begin with a double slash (//) and end at the end of the line. If you want to have a multi-line comment just put a // before each line like this:

// This is line one of a comment.
// This is line 2.

Just like you would with C++'s //. Comments can be anywhere you want.

Data description files consist of structure definitions and instance declarations. Structure definitions define shapes of data while instances define containers that take a specific shape.

All structure definitions must first. You also cannot reference structure definitions that have not yet been defined.

Structure definitions begin with the keyword struct followed by the name of the structure (in this case Ta). The stuff inside the matched { and } define the members of the structure.

The simplest kind of members are values. These represent individual parameters. What they wind up looking like in real life depends on the target genx is asked to generate code for. For example, in SpecTcl a value generates a CTreeParameter element of a struct.

Value members are declared using the keyword value followed by the structure member name to use followed by optional value meta-data. The optional metadata is given as keyword=value and is, currently, used only by the SpecTcl target to specify the suggested axis range, binning and units for the parameter. See the value reference page for a complete description of all the metadata items allowed. Note that, unlike C/C++, no semicolons are needed at the end of statements. If you put one it it's not an error. It will just be ignored.

Ta is therefore a struct that contains two members named a, which is a value that has no metadata and b, which has a range from 0-4095 with a suggested binning of 4096 and units of channels.

Member names must begin with an alphabetical character followed by as many alphabetical, numerical or _ characters as you want. This makes names compliant with C/C++ structure members and variables. There is no limit to the length of a name, however compilers may limit the number of characters that are significant. Choose concise and meaningful names. Names are case sensitive, as with C/C++.

Structure members can also be arrays of simple values (in SpecTcl these are generated as CTreeParamterArray members). An array member is declared with the reserved word array followed by the name of the member which must then be followed by the size of the array in [].

Note that array's can also have metadata associated with them. The purpose of the metadata is the same as for value members.

As with C/C++ structs, a member of a struct can be another struct. This is done by using the keyword struct followed by the name of a structure type followed by the member name you want to use. In this case, Tc contains a member named a that is itself a structure of type Tb.
Finally the structarray keyword can be used to declare that a member consists of an array of structures. The syntax for this is a bit like a cross between the struct and array declarations. structarray is followed by the name of a struct you've already declared, that's followed by the name of the member and the number of elements between [].

This line says that Tc contains an element named b that is a 10 element array of Tb structs.

Everything below this line is an instance. You can think of instances as variables (that's normally what they generate), of specific types. Your unpacker's job will be to fill in these instances with data from the raw event.

As with elements of a struct, instances can be simple values, arrays, structures or arrays of structures. Let's look at how each of these types of instances is declared.

As with structure members, simple value instances are defined using the value keyword followed by the name of the instance followed by optional metadata for that instance. This line and the next in the code declare two simple instance named b and a. b defines metadata.
Similarly, the arrayt keywords is used to declare an array. As with members, arrays can have metadata associated with them. These two lines declare a 20 element array named c and a 5 element array named d with some metadata (the units of these array elements are furlongs).
structinstance is used to declare instances of structs. This and the next line declare stuff as a struct of type Ta and mystuff as a struct of type Tc.

In your unpacker code, as we will see, you can treat struct instances as variables that are C/C++ structs (well in fact that's what will be generated, only the member types differ from generator to generator). Thus your unpacker code can reference the b member of stuff as stuff.b

Similarly, mystuff.a.b[10] references element 10 of the b member of the struct a (a Tb) of the instance named mystuff.

structarrayinstance declares an instance that is an array of structs. In this case, morestuff is an array of 20 elements, each of which is a Tb. So morestuff[2].a[5] is the sort of thing you might see to reference bits of morestuff in unpacking code.