Genx Declaration language


Genx declaration language -- Event definition language.


structure declarations

instance declarations


The Genx data declaration language provides a means for defining the data structures and instances into which raw event data can be unpacked in an analysis framework neutral manner. What this means is that the genx translator can take a genx data declaration language file as input and create C++ headers and implementations that are suitable for use with both SpecTcl and CERN/Root.

A Genx data declaration file consists of two, optionally three parts. An optional first part specifies the namespace into which the generator will build its code. If omitted, this is derived from the base name of the outpout file. The first part of the file contains structure definitions. The second part defines instances of both simple parameters and structures that were defined in the first part. The genx translator ignores additional whitespace, and accepts the C++ comment until end of line comment syntax (// means the remainder of the line is ignored).

The remainder of this manpage provides

  1. A description of the namespace directive.

  2. Reference information that describes how to define structured data.

  3. Reference information that describes how to define instances of both simple parameters and structured parameters.

  4. A full example of a Genx data declaration file.

See the remainder of the user manual for documentation describing how to put Genx data declaration files to use in your analysis software.

Specifying the namespace

Generators generate their definition into a namespace. The namespace, by default is derived from the basename specified in the genx command after leading path element have been stripped. For example, a basename of /users/fox/test/spectcl/mydefs will, by default generate definitions in the mydefs namespace.

The namespace directive can override the default and specify a namespace explicitly. The namespace directive must be the first statement in a declaration and has the form:

namespace namespace-name

Where namespace-name is a valid C++ namespace name and will override the default namespace name. For example:

namespace Event

Causes the generators to generate code in the Event namespace regardless of the basename of the output files.

Defining structures

A structure definition looks like this:

struct 	structname {
  field-def1 ...

The way to read this is that a structure definition consist of the word struct followed by a structure name that you choose followed by a {. The { is followed by one or more field definitions. A } follows the last field definition.

A field definition looks like:

scaler-field | array-field | struct-field | struct-array-field

That is there are four types of fields, scaler fields, array fields, structure fields and structure array fields.

A scalar-field looks like this:

value fieldname [meta1 ...]

That is a scaler field consists of the keyword value followed by a field name. The field name is followed by zero or more optional bits of metadata. Metadata is not used by all translation targets. Meta data consists of:

low =  floating-pt-constant  |
high =  floating-pt-constant |
bins =  counting-number      |
units =  string-value

The low metadata provides a floating point value that represents the lower range of the parameter. The high metadata represents the high end of the parameter range. bins provides the recommended binning for axes of histograms on this parameter. units provides units of measure for the parameter. Note that string-value does not have quotes wrapping it.

An array-field looks like this:

array fieldname[counting-number] [meta...]

Thus the array-field looks just like the value-field except that it uses the keyword array and there's an array size that's a counting number inside of [] after the field name and before any optional metadata.

struct-field members allow structures to contain other structures. The other structure must have been fully defined previously. This implies that structures cannot recurse directly or indirectly. A struct-field declaration looks like this:

struct struct-name fieldname

struct-name is the name of a structure that was defined previously. field-name is the name of the field.

Similarly, structure-array-field members allow you to specify a field that consists of an array of previously defined structs. A struct array field looks like:

structarray struct-name fieldname[counting-number]

That is exactly like a struct-field except that the structarray keyword is used and the field name is followed by a dimension specification which consists of the number of array elements inside square brackets.

You can define as many structs as you want and structs can be indefinitely nested.

Instance definitions

Instance definitions can be thought of as defining variables. These variables can be simple variables, array variables, structures or arrays of structures. After you have defined all of your structs your Genx data definition file can have instance definitions:

(scalar-instance | array-instance | struct-instance | struct-array-instance ) ...

This means that instances are one or more scaler, array, struct and structure array instances. One or more because instances are where the actual unpacked parameters go so I'm assuming you'll have at least one of those.

Scaler and array instances look exactly like scalar members. The only difference is that an instance will actually generate data in the program rather than just contributing to the defintion of a data structure. Syntactically they are the same, just not inside a struct definition.

struct instances are of the form:

struictinstance structname instancename

That is the keyword structinstance followed by the name of a structure that was defined previously followed by the name of the instance. This will, in general, create a variable that is a struct with the fields described by the struct name. Your code can treat that instance as a variable with that structure's field. See the user guide for more information.

A struct array instance generates a variable that is an array of structs. The syntax for this is:

structarrayinstance structname instancename[counting-number]

That is the keyword structarrayinstance followed by the name of a previously defined struct followed by the name of the instance with the number of elements inside []. This will generate an array of with the name provided by the instance name and each array elemen will be a struct with the fields described by the definition of the struct named.

In general, your programs can reference a struct array instance as if it were an array (usually an array is generated) and reference each of the fields of each element of that array as if it were a the named structure.


// Structure definitions 
struct Ta  {
    value a 
    value b low=-1.5 high=1.5 units=cm
struct Tb {
    array a[10]
    array b[20]

struct Tc {
    struct Tb a
    structarray Tb b[10]
    value c units=megawidgets
    array d[100]
        low = 0 high = 4095 bins=4096.65 units=channels;

// instances start here

value b low=-100.5 high=100 bins=200 units=cm
value a

array c[20]
array d[5] units=furlongs

structinstance Ta stuff
structinstance Tc mystuff
structarrayinstance Tb morestuff[20]


Advanced usage

The genx compiler now incorporates the C preprocessor allowing you to use directives like #include and #define to make your code modular and more readable.

genx:  somefile.decl
      cpp -E <somefile.decl >somefile1.decl
						genx --target=spectcl somefile1.decl /SpecTcl/Event
						genx --target=root    somefile1.decl /Root/Event

This first runs the preprocessor on somefile.decl producing somefile1.decl which is then processed by genx to create SpecTcl and Root code.