

CCommunicatorFactoryMaker -- Create communication factories.


#include <CCommunicatorFactoryMaker.h>

typedef CCreator<CCommunicatorFactory> CommunicatorFactoryCreator;
typedef CExtensibleFactory<CCommunicatorFactory> CommunicatorFactoryFactory;

class CCommunicatorFactoryMaker : public CommunicatorFactoryFactory

    static CCommunicatorFactoryMaker* getInstance();



Provides a factory that produces a communicator factory given a textual description of the communication mechanism. This factory is a singleton object. Construction is not possible. You must invoke getInstance to obtain a pointer to the singleton factory object.

See the CExtensibleFactory(3daq) manual page for information about how to construct a factory and how to register additional factories you might have.

The following factories are registered by the singleton automatically:

ZeroMQ Communcation system

Creates a CZMQCommunicatorFactory object. See CZMQCommunicatorFactory(3daq) for more information.