

CMPITransport -- Base class for transports using MPI for communication.


#include <CMPITransport_mpi.h>

class CMPITransport : public CTransport
    CMPITransport(int currentReceiver);
    virtual  void    recv(void** ppData, size_t& size);
    virtual  void    send(iovec* parts, size_t numParts);
    virtual  void    end();
    // MPI specific stuff:
    int setReceiver(int rank);
    int getReceiver() const;
    int getLastReceivedTag() const;
    int getLastReceivedRank() const;
    MPI_Comm setCommunicator(MPI_Comm newComm);
    static const int endTag  = 0;    // Tag signifying end of data
    static const int dataTag =  1;   // Tag signifying data    


This is the base class for transports that use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for communication. Note that MPI applications normally require a helper program (e.g. mpirun) to be started.

MPI application endpoints are ranks. By default these are ranks within the communicator named MPI_COMM_WORLD. It is possible, however, for applications to build groups of processes that perform communication using sub-set communicators. Doing that is beyond the scope fo this library, however there is support for using such communicators.

Note that in addition to being able to target specific receivers with messages, each message has a tag associated with it. The framework uses those tags as follows:



Base class. Note that no receiver has been selected and the user must set a receiver prior to the first communication using setReceiver. The communicator use, unless later set using setCommunicator will be MPI_COMM_WORLD, the communicator for the entire application.

CMPITransport(int currentReceiver);

This constructor sets the receiver peer as currentReceiver. This is intended for use by derived classes implementing e.g. pipelining to communicate from one stage of the pipeline to another (not fan-in). Unless later overridden by calls to setReceiver, all sends will be directed to the process indicated by currentReceiver's rank. Note that unless modified by a call to setCommunicator that rank is evaluated in the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator.

virtual void recv(void** ppData, size_t& size);

Receives data. By default, this allows receipt of messages from any sender with any tag. getLastReceivedRank and getLastReceivedTag can be used to determine the source and tag of the last message.

virtual void send(iovec* parts, size_t numParts);

Sends a message to the current receiver. The message is gathered from parts specified by parts. See the man page for writev for the definition of iovec. numParts specifies the number of parts.

The message is sent with a tag of 1 indicating the message is data

virtual void end();

Sends an empty message with tag 0. This indicates to the peer that no more data is available to be sent.

int setReceiver(int rank);

Sets the target of the next send to be rank in the current communicator. The method returns the rank of the receiver prior to this call. If there was no prior receiver, the method returns -1 wich is not a legal process rank.

const int getLastReceivedTag();

Returns the tag of the most recently received message. If the object has not yet received a message, -1 is returned. Note that -1 is, I think, a legal MPI tag so I strongly suggest not using it in applications that rely on this framework.

const int getLastReceivedRank();

Returns the rank of the process from which the most recently received message came. If no messages have been received yet, -1 is returned, which is an illegal rank.

MPI_Comm setCommunicator(MPI_Comm newComm);

Sets the communicator that will be used to send and receive messages to newComm. This is our one concession to support multiple communicators and process groups. The return value of this method is the previous communicator and will always be legal because the communicator the object is initialized with is MPI_COMM_WORLD.