62.2. Building the use shared library

This section walks through coding and building the libTestExtender.so that's included with NSCLDAQ as a demonstration. This code works with Transformer to provide a 16 bit checksum bracketed by flag words for each fragment in the event. You can see the sample user code in its entirety at sf.net/projects/nscldaq in the project's source tree in the file main/utilities/swtrigger/CTestExtender.cpp.

Let's start with the class definition:

Example 62-1. CTestExtender class definition

class CTestExtender : public CBuiltRingItemExtender::CRingItemExtender
   struct Extension {
      uint16_t  s_header;
      uint16_t  s_checksum;     (1)
      uint16_t s_trailer;
      Extension() {
         s_header = 0xa5a5;
        s_checksum = 0;       (2)
        s_trailer = 0x5a5a;

   iovec operator()(pRingItem item);  (3)
   void free(iovec& e);           (4)
This struct represents the data we'll be tacking on the end of each fragment of the event. It's once more important to note that:

  • The program only works on event built data.

  • Our caller will iterate over the fragments in each event and call us once for each fragment in the event. Of course there's nothing to prevent us from not extending all the fragments. We'll get into how to do that later in the section.

In C++ structs like classes can have constructors. This constructor just initializes the header and trailer items to alternating bit set/clear patterns and the checkusm to zero.

Doing that here avoids cluttering the actual code that uses this extension with initialization code. It also means that in the event we use this struct in more than one location we won't be repeating initialization code.

The function call operator must be implemented by all concrete subclasses of CBuiltRingItemExtender::CRingItemExtender. this method is what will be called to provide an extension.

The function call operator must return an iovec struct. This structure is defined in the writev(2) manpage. Fill in the iov_len field to be the size of the extension and the iov_base pointer to point to your extension. If you are not providing an extension for a fragment, set iov_len to 0.

The program will collect all extensions and weave them into the output event once the event has been fully processed. Therefore, the data passed back must have a lifetime that runs over the processing of the entire event, rather than just a single fragment. This means specifically, you cannot have a single instance of the extension struct which you fill in over and over again for each fragment.

More usually, you'll dynamically allocate the extensions (e.g. with new). Once the event is processed, the framework iterates over all extensions it was given for that event, calling free passing a reference to an iov that is a copy of the one returned from a call to operator() for that fragment. You should not make any assumptions about the order in which the iovec structs are passed to free.

The expectation is that you will release any dynamic storage allocated for the extension provided to you.

The implementation section of the code consists of two segments. The first segment implements the class methods of CTestExtender. Having the class defined and implemented is not sufficient, however. You must also provide a mechanism for the framework to create instances of that class. To do this you must provide a factory function the framework can locate after it has loaded your shared library into the program.

Let's look at the implementation of the CTestExtender first:

Example 62-2. CTestExtender implementation

CTestExtender::operator()(pRingItem item)   (1)
    iovec result;
    result.iov_len = sizeof(Extension);
    Extension* p   = new Extension;        (2)
    result.iov_base= p;

    uint16_t* pItem = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(item);
    for (int i =0; i < item->s_header.s_size/sizeof(uint16_t); i++) { (3)
        p->s_checksum+= *pItem++;

    return result;                                            (4)

CTestExtender::free(iovec& extension)                 (5)
    Extension* pExt = static_cast<Extension*>(extension.iov_base); (6)
    delete pExt;                                         (7)


622The operator() method implementation.

This begins the implementation of the operator() method. Recall that this method recevies a pointer to a ring item that is an event fragment and is expected to return a description of the extension it creates for that fragment.

The extension is described by an iovec structure. This struct has two fields:


Should be filled in with a pointer to the extension.


Should be filled in with the size of the extension. If you don't want to add an extension to this fragment, set iov_len to zero. In that case, iov_base is ignored.

This chunk of code defines and initializes the function return value result to point to a newly created extension (recall the constructor we wrote will initialize that storage), and sets the lengt to be the size of that extension.
This code computes the checksum into the extension. Recall that our constructor initialized that checksum to zero so we can directly sum the checksum into that cell. Note the checksum does not include the extension.
The iovec result is returned. Note that since the extension itself was dynamically created we've satisfied the lifetime requirement of the extension. It will remain in scope until explicitly deleted (see free below).

623The free method implementation.

This is the implementation of the free method. Recall that this method is obligated to destroy any dynamic storage allocated for a single extension. The extension to destroy is described by the parameter extension wich is a reference to an iovec.

The iov_base pointer points to an extension returned by operator(). The iov_len holds the length of the extension.

This casts the pointer in iov_base to point to one of our Extension structs. If different fragments can get different extensions there are several strategies you can use to allocate free:

  • You can always use malloc/free to allocate storage. In that case, however, you'll have to manually initialize the storage as calling a constructor is value that's added by new/delete.

  • You can use iov_len to differentiate between the types of extension and do a cast as we've done, depending on the length of the object you need to delete.

  • You can make put all the extension definitions in a class/struct hierarchy with an abstract base and virtual destructors. If you then cast the iov_base to point at a base class/struct item, delete will use the virtual destructor and class hierarchy information to do the right thing.

Let's look at the factory function. It's actually dirt simple but there is one subtlety we need to demonstrate.

Example 62-3. The factory function

extern "C" {                       (1)
    CTestExtender* createExtender() { (2)
        return new CTestExtender;     (3)

An important point is that this function is one that the framework must be able to locate in the shared object. We ensure that in two ways:

  • Using a specific name (createExtender). In other extension architectures (e.g. Tcl), the external entry point is derived from the name of the shared object. In our case, we only have one shared object to load, so a fixed, required name is good enough.

  • Using C external bindings. In C++, function/method overloading is handled by mangling the actual function name. Name mangling decorates the base function name with other information.

    For example with g++, CTestExtender::free, becomes _ZN13CTestExtender4freeER5iovec. If you squint at this long enough you can see that the decorations include the class in which this function is defined and the type of parameter passed to it.

    This name mangling is compiler dependent and can even by compiler version dependent. There's no standard for it. Therefore the safest thing to do is to turn it off. The extern "C" declaration indicates to the compiler it should use C external bindings for names in the block it covers. Thus our factory function is not mangled.

As describe previously, the name of our factory function must be createExtender. The framework will call it when it needs an instance of our extender class. In practice this is once per worker.

In fact when the parallelization strategy is mpi only worker processes will need extension objects and only one per process is needed. However if the parallelization strategy is threaded each worker thread will need its own extension object.

The actual implementation is simple. new is used to create a new instance of the object and a pointer to that object is returned to the caller. Note that in general, the lifetime of the object will be the lifetime of the application. It will not be destroyed.

In the rare cases your extenders do need to be cleanly destroyed, there is a mechanism to do that. You can have a class that contains a vector or list of objects created and whose destructor deletes the created objects. An instance of that class can be created statically. The factory function then registers each object it creates prior to returning it. At program termination time, the static object's destructor is called by the C++ run time and it can run through the registry of objects deleteing each of them. In most (all?) cases this is not necessary.

Ok, we have code for our extender. How do we build it into a shared library. There's no single recipe as the actual compilation and link commands will depend on the needs of the library. There are only two requirements:

  1. At compile time, the compiler must generate position independent code. This is because the actual address at which the library will be loaded is determined at run time. To do this use the -fPIC option on on the compilation command line.

  2. At link time, the linker must be told to create a shared object. This requires that you supply the -shared on the linker command line. You must also use the -o flag to specify the name of the shared object. If you do not do so, the linker will produce a file named a.out by default.

Note that the compiler and linker are both generally g++ or, if MPI has been enabled mpicc for OpenMPI and you'll need to have set environment variables needed for OpenMPI appropriately.