Chapter 3. DDAS Data unpackers.

DDAS data are broken up into hits. A hit is the data from a single channel of DDAS. You can think of the DDAS readout software as delivering a stream of these hits. The SpecTcl DDAS software provides two event processors that can be used with SpecTcl. These are:

Both of these unpackers rely on you to provide a mapping between hits and SpecTcl parameters. This mapping is performed by supplying an object from a class derived from DAQ::DDAS::CParameterMapper.

The derived class must implement the method:

virtual void mapToParameters(std::vector<DAQ::DDAS::DDASHit>& hits, CEvent& rEvent);

This method is expected to unpack the elements of the hits vector into parameters in rEvent. Naturally CTreeParameter objects can be used instead to manage this unpacking.

The constructors for the two unpackers are shown below along with a simple example that sets up the event built unpacker within MySpecTclApp.cpp

CDDASUnpacker(CParameterMapper& rParameterMapper);

Constructs the unpacker for non-event built data. rParamterMapper is a reference to a parameter mapper object as described above.

CDDASBuiltUnpacker(const std::set<uint32_t>& validSourceIds, CParameterMapper& rParameterMapper);

This is the constructor for the event built data unpacker. This unpacker is more usual. validSourceIds are a set containint the source ids that are expected from fragments in the event built data. rParameterMapper again is a reference to a parameter packer.

Note that the CDDASBuiltUnpacker class will only process event fragments whose source ids are in the set validSourceIds, ignoring all fragments from other sources. This allows for mixed mode data, where some source ids are not acquired using DDAS.

Assume that MyParameterMapper is a class that's implemented to unpack its from DDAS for our experiment. The MySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline method body might look like this:

MyParameterMapper mapper;
std::set<uint32_t>  ddasIds = {1, 2, 3};   // Allowed DDAS source ids (crates).
MySpecTclApp::CreateAnalysisPipeline(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer)
    RegisterEventProcessor(*(new DAQ::DDAS::CDDASBuiltUnpacker(ddasIds, mapper)));